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Colton's Confessional ♡
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Post #1: 21st Sep 2015 1:24 AM 
I came to the party late tonight, but I think I at least made a few marks on some people! I also flopped on that immunity, too. But I didn't really want to win it. I don't think I'll need it. I know I just said that I came late to the party, buuuuut I really don't think I'll be the first boot, haha.

My one goal right now is to just make friends lay lower than Kelley Wentworth's dignity and fly under that radar. I'm gonna attempt to make tight bonds with people and hopefully they can help carry me to the end~ I'll just sit back, flirt a little, and hopefully be alright. I strongly rely on my social game, because I suck dick at challenges. Tribal competitions I'm decent, but give me individual and I'll get last place every time, lmao.

ANYWAYS. No one's really on right now, but I'd like to think I hit it off well with Brice. Mookie I spoke to briefly as well, but that's it. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to talk to more people and get them to love me. <3 :3

Post Edited by Colton @ 21st Sep 2015 7:38 PM
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Post #2: 22nd Sep 2015 12:21 AM 
Alright, quick update-

Ami wins immunity and says she's heard people say Brianna. SO I'M TOTALLY FINE WITH THAT. This round was kind of a fast whirlwind and I'm hoping everyone feels the same way and just landslides it on Brianna. I guess she didn't talk to anyone and I've talk to other people, Mookie, Rodney, Carolyn, all claim to voting for her as well.

I'm just going to say yes and not bring it up again. I'm trying this new thing where I'm going to ignore my paranoia and just let things fly out. Maybe people will keep me around a lot longer if I'm not constantly worried.

I got to know some peeps today and Rodney is deff a top contender for me to be aligned with. Ami seems to trust me as well, which is strange. I mean I like it and I like her, but I'm also very happy she approached me so easily. :3

THEN THERE'S BRICE! I love Brice, lmfao. Ofc the queens end up bonding the most. I'm p sure he likes me a lot, too. He's the most talkative and he hasn't be afraid to bring up game which is what I'm looking for in an ally this early.

Anyways, I think I'm safe this round, why would anyone want to pull a huge blindside or be fucking stupid in the first round? I'll be casting my vote as Brianna and she will be sent off to that spanish island name I can't remember right nowwww!
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Post #3: 22nd Sep 2015 11:34 PM 

I knew tribes weren't staying the same with that at all. I just knew it'd bounce back to Captain's Challenge and that's totally fine. I didn't want stupid labels to ruin the game anyways and I'm totally open to working with the returnees. The challenge was super fun and I like the way you could eliminate and good one, Hosts! Quite liked it. 8D

I just went for Sherri because I didn't know who else to go for and then I took out Ami because I guess I felt more comfortable with Brice? It got down to him and I and I'm SHOCKED I didn't get taken out early. I suppose I make Colton look good. ;) I want to say again, I don't want to stick out at all and being Captain wasn't something I had in my plan, haha. I threw it to Brice and told him just to take care of me. Whatever, this is going to decide and unless everyone made Final 2s on the first day I should be alright.

I don't really care, but I sorta eyeroll'd at the choices. I figured Brice woulda chose me FIRST and it's just annoying he didn't. So he's either one of those social players who's good with everyone who he wasn't trying to make it seem close. I was also quite pissed the fuck off that Rodney AND Mookie both got on a different tribe than me. Jenn and Dan I basically had zero relations and Ami I only talked to about the vote and that's it, sigh. Brice was like ~hang in there we'll catch up, but uh if I wind up liking and trusting these guys more than peace brotha.

I feel like I'm going to stick with Ami the most out of the rookies that came over to this side. Fairplay, Dan and JT all seem like cool people and I actually really like them. Amber is silent so whatever, she's the only one I haven't spoken to. I'm just going to flirt with these boys, feed their egos and hopefully find myself into a decent alliance. I guess that's it! Watch me! I'm trying to be a stupid silent adorable social butterfly and that's it.
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Post #4: 24th Sep 2015 10:57 PM 

thought i'd give it a try! praying i'm in the loop this round!

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Post #5: 25th Sep 2015 1:14 PM 
Well everyone seems to be voting out Jenn this round :X I don't think I'm
getting played, but ~ya never know~

I really hope we don't continuously lose and they just pick off the rookies but we were down in numbers anyways so I think it's irrelevant. Just gotta make those tight bonds! I like Dan Lembo a lot! I'm still cool with JT, but my attention span for an ally is really short if they suck or if they're boring soooo JT please pick it up! :D

I think Ashley is a funny troll but I hope we can just vote her out if we lose next round. Would anyone go to bat for her?? HOPE NOT.
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Post #6: 26th Sep 2015 12:43 AM 
my tribe is boring and they suck
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Post #7: 28th Sep 2015 9:32 PM 
Time to make sure these people like me enough to not vote me out again! Woooo~
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Post #8: 29th Sep 2015 12:09 AM 
Well, I'm not in the crossfire of this tribal council and it looks like it's between Ashley and Fairpaly! At first I just got on board with Fairplay because I just didn't want it to be me lol but after thinking about it and realizing that Lue/Ashley seem close I'd much rather get out Ashley.

Amber was ADAMANT about not siding with Ashley and she wanted to vote her out too :X so I just have Ami <3 and I talking to everyone trying to figure out which side to get on and ultimately we decided that taking out Ashley this round is smarter and just way better for the tribe. Forget about JT, he's annoying and he just asks questions and never gives out information. Plus, it's annoying that he says he doesn't care who we vote out, but he then he wants to keep Ashley. I have no idea what kind of control Ashley has over these guys, but it's freaking weird.

I really like Amber and Ami a lot and after this round I feel a lot closer with certain individuals, but also feel like certain ones are also shady. I'm over Lue and JT. They're useless and strange and not very helpful at all. Ami came to me and said Amber wants to work with her and myself so that's good and I think adding Fairplay to that mix, after us three literally saved him, I would trust that group of four completely, I think.

Either way, I'm happy as fuck I don't have to worry about this vote at all, but it does suck how split our tribe. Yay for harmony <3

I also really like Lembo a lot, Amber thinks we have him to vote with us, but I'm not sure. I always wondered from the start, I think JT/Lue/Ashley/Lembo were together in some way. shrug, I'm pretty sure I won't be leaving, yay.

Post Edited by Colton @ 29th Sep 2015 12:14 AM
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Post #9: 30th Sep 2015 10:35 PM 
I don't like or trust Brice anymore I don't think? He's so weird and I get suuch a bad vibe from him. Jumping with Amber and whatever she wants to do. Brice is being all super clingy and shit but IDK I am awfully paranoid about everything but :x

He's telling me I'm in a power position and buddy like no that is EXACTLY THE GAME I AM NOT TRYING TO PLAY. let me fly utr and be fine. gonna just be quiet and fade into the background. still fucking pissed we lost Ami :( then i woulda felt unstoppable sigh.
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Post #10: 1st Oct 2015 1:30 PM 

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Post #11: 1st Oct 2015 9:31 PM 

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Post #12: 2nd Oct 2015 3:12 PM 
Apart of me thinks I'm getting absolutely played and Daniel and JT was revenge on stupid Ashley and will vote me out with Edgardo BUT I'm just gonna yolo it out and vote for Ed and hope that I'm not the one whose torch is snuffed. Like I said, Brice is SUPER chummy and loves me lots so he's either a cruel person and he's in on the plan too or he has my back completely and we can work together.

I still feel closest with Amber and I want to work with her for the remainder of this game. I promise Ami I wouldn't let them get rid of her, but it appears I might have to be watching my own back! Ahahah. If Edgardo doesn't leave this round I won't be completely shocked because I've always had an uneasy feeling in regards to Daniel and JT, but I'll be way annoyed. Especially if they take myself or Amber out for no reason, ahaha.

I'll be casting my vote for Edgardo and praying that he's not worth the time of day to save. JT has got to love me more than Ed right? Oh well, my paranoia is at it again just like clockwork. <3
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Post #13: 4th Oct 2015 12:16 AM 
I don't know if my hunch of me getting voted out last round was somewhat true or not, but I did receive a vote again! I think I'm playing this awesome social game, but it appears it's not that great if this is my second one a row. Maybe Edgardo just figured I'd be the easiest one to stack votes on, but he was a total idiot. I came back to messages from Brice and Amber telling me he's trying to round the vets together and make it tie.

Really? That's you're last ditch effort? I guess I had a feeling he was voting for me and I IM'd Lembo and JT and asked them and asked if they were "going with the plan to tie the vote" and they BOTH assured me they weren't and he was crazy. Clearly, I had nothing to worry about because he's gone and I'm still here, wooooo.

I think I'm beginning to open up a bit more to Brice and starting to trust him fully now. I guess I was being a skeptic thinking how on Earth someone can be this...friendly so quickly. We've talked a bit about game and he's told me he wants to go all the way to end with me so that's a fair sign. I really like Brice and do plan on working with him in this game. I asked him what he thought about creating an alliance already just in case we lose again, but he claims that's not a good idea and we should sit on it. He thinks him and I are caught in the middle and we should wait for people to come to us and that way instead of calling out names we can just pick a side. Now that plan sounds 10x better than what mine was going to be; we just have to make sure they don't wanna target either of us!

I'm just doing my thing and keeping up my social connections. I talk to Mookie all the time, which is mainly idle chit chat. Dan, we've started to speak more and more and I'm beginning to like and I'm thinking he's feeling closer with me. I still feel slightly uneasy with him, though. There's some stuff I wanna tell him, but I don't know if he'll run and tell JT or Lembo or someone. JT! I don't know what to say about JT. Everyone tells me he's a liar and everything, but I'm pretty sure he's one of the people I speak to most. I reached out to him for an alliance days ago, I wonder if he still thinks that's on. Lembo is great to talk to and I think him and Amber are somewhat close, too. Which brings me to the wonderful being of Amber! I trust her the most out of everyone on my tribe and she is who I speak game with the most, as well (yes, more than Brice.)

I feel like Amber has sorta some pull with the vets and with her being closest to me I think I'm in a pretty good position in my tribe. I don't know, I could be getting cocky, but I feel really good. Having Brice on one side and Amber on the other is a really comfortable place to be on Divinita.
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Post #14: 4th Oct 2015 12:37 AM 
I never know what to think when it comes to JT. I love him to freaking death one minute and the other times I want to rip his fucking head OFF for being so frustrating. Right now? It's a cute moment and I think he's being genuine. :( I can't tell.

JT Thomas: (1:26:22 AM) Can I tell you something
Colton: (1:27:56 AM) LOL
Colton: (1:27:59 AM) this cant happen
Colton: (1:28:01 AM) i dont want it to
Colton: (1:28:03 AM) and yes you can!
JT Thomas: (1:28:25 AM) I feel like if we go to tribal again
JT Thomas: (1:28:43 AM) Dan and Amber will try to get me and you to vote with them
Colton: (1:29:28 AM) lembo and amber?
Colton: (1:29:31 AM) ik
Colton: (1:29:36 AM) they're close arent they?
JT Thomas: (1:29:41 AM) I think so
Colton: (1:30:02 AM) would you rather side with Dan Lue and Brice?
JT Thomas: (1:30:18 AM) Lue makes me nervous
JT Thomas: (1:30:29 AM) I feel like him and I haven't connected
Colton: (1:30:52 AM) you picked him first for the captains thing tho right :O
Colton: (1:30:55 AM) how come haha
JT Thomas: (1:31:17 AM) I thought we had a good first impression of each other. But then it went weird
Colton: (1:31:23 AM) i see
Colton: (1:31:28 AM) like it fizzled out and stuff?
JT Thomas: (1:31:32 AM) Yea
JT Thomas: (1:31:44 AM) Like I honestly feel closest to you
JT Thomas: (1:32:12 AM) So basically I want to decide what to do with you
Colton: (1:33:56 AM) ok good same here
Colton: (1:34:10 AM) bc i wasnt lying about telling you like what? last week i liked you the most and trust you the most
Colton: (1:34:19 AM) and i dont think a SOUL suspects it
JT Thomas: (1:35:11 AM) Nobody would suspect it whatsoever.

I don't know what to think. I just said in my last post how I ADORE Brice, but I do love Lembo and Amber waaaaay more than Dan Lue and Mookie so it's all in the fucking air. I'd imagine that JT would rather side with Amber and Lembo, but who the fuck knows. This is confusing and all I'm hoping is a kicked Vytas' ass and we actually win an immunity for once.
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Post #15: 4th Oct 2015 12:40 AM 
LOL and I guess maybe my alliance with JT is back on? :x I don't even think I know what I'm doing anymore, haha.

Can one of you reading this play for me instead?
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