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Confessional 17
Angie Layton
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Reputation: 6
Joined:Sep 20, 2015
Post #1: 9th Oct 2015 12:18 PM 
Hey all! :)

Things have gone much better than ever I expected, here on this island of death, I think the key thing is to try and stay alive and not turn into a zombie. Then you just make sure the person next to you trust you more than the other one.

Anyway, so me and JT are gonna get new visitors soon and I'll try to see if I can figure out who might show up. I'm well aware that an idol is still at large over at the Calavera camp so the end result might be harder to predict.

This immunity challenge is quite telling and I believe I have a lot to learn from the results and aftermath of that challenge.

First off, Colton from Divinita and Sherri from Calavera are first to get attacked by the opposing tribes. While Sherri's doll survives, Monica from Calavera and Dan from Divinita are taken down along with Colton.

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Sherri hangs on by a thread, or to be more precise, two.

I assume that Sherri and Colton were on the bottom of each opposing tribe and that Dan and Monica were the power players.

The Divinita members are then more or less systematically taken down, starting with an Amber and following up with some Mookie.

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Sherri and Rodney from Calavera are hanging on by a thread. The only two left on the Divinita tribe are Brice and Daniel, I would have to assume that Brice is the player from Divinita that the players from Calavera values most with Daniel a close second. Next to be taken down:

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followed by:

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Rodney is taken down and then Caroline forfeits her victory and gives it to Vytas.

So the things I take from this challenge is that Vytas, Caroline, Brice, Ami, Rodney and Daniel are the most dangerous people left in the game. The remaining six, namely Colton, Sherri, Amber, Mookie, Monica and Dan are on the lower end of the totem pole. I'm probably way off with some people, but based on the little I know I'm gonna place these groups of people into two groups.

The Insiders: Vytas, Brice, Caroline, Ami, Rodney, Daniel

The Outsiders: Dan, Monica, Colton, Sherri, Amber, Mookie

I'm gonna speculate about the upcoming votes in a new post...
Angie Layton
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 6
Joined:Sep 20, 2015
Post #2: 9th Oct 2015 12:28 PM 
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If they go for a physical threat, I predict it's going to be Dan. I really hope this is not the case. If they're going for someone on the bottom of the totem pole, they might go for Colton.

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Not sure what's gonna happen here! Someone here has the immunity idol. I know Monica wanted Fairplay out in the initial stages of the game and she picked Sherri first when they were picking tribes. Sherri was the person Fairplay wanted to vote out, until someone with the idol convinced the others in the tribe that Fairplay could be the person holding onto the idol.

So it's very possible that the idol is in the hands of Monica. Then that means that it's possible that whoever Monica wants out. Maybe that's Caroline? Maybe it's Rodney? Maybe it's Maybelline?

Anyway, it's gonna be interesting to find out who's gonna show up at our doorstep. Hopefully it's people I can beat in the upcoming duel. :P
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