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Welcome to Isla Muertos
Host Lex
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Post #1: 22nd Sep 2015 11:04 PM 
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We're sorry to see you here, but you aren't out of it yet. If you're still on Isla Muertos, you can still get back into the running for Sole Survivor.

But it won't be easy. Over the next handful of rounds, whenever three of you are residing on Isla Muertos, there will be a duel. The winner of this duel will survive another round. Just as importantly, they will have the sole vote at a small Tribal Council that the three of you will attend. Whoever is voted out will have their buff burned and will leave the game for good.

This isn't all on your physical strength. Social and strategic skills will still play a large part for you. You're encouraged to communicate with your fellow inhabitants on AIM. Alliances are likely to still form, be tested, and break.

You cannot communicate with the players remaining in the game. They will not be told who is still alive on Isla Muertos, and you cannot tell them in anyway that you're still here. Anyone caught doing this will be sent to Pre-Jury.

This is your last chance to rectify the mistakes you made in the game. For everyone here it's either your second or third chance at redemption. For several of you, it will be your final.

Best of luck!
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" I wanted to play as a smart older female - that is who I am in real life (or like to think I am anyway)" - Cathy
Host Lex
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Post #2: 22nd Sep 2015 11:06 PM 
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Our first two inhabitants have arrived! Sorry to see you both here, but you're not out of the running yet. You'll await here for your third opponent. Once they arrive, your first duel will commence.

Feel free to use this thread to talk with one another. We'll also be asking you brief questions in your confessional. You're encouraged to write confessionals about your time on Isla Muertos
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" I wanted to play as a smart older female - that is who I am in real life (or like to think I am anyway)" - Cathy
Brianna Varela
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Post #3: 23rd Sep 2015 7:04 AM 
I just don't really know what I did to be voted off? Lol, like I wasn't the most active, but I talked to quite a bit of people. I logged on at work and was on for the entirety of my breaks (which totaled an hour) asking people what was going on and everyone just ignored me. So I was the planned vote off all day since I was on for a large amount of time. But OH WELL.
Angie Layton
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Post #4: 23rd Sep 2015 10:26 AM 
Hey girl, I suspect that what happened was that you were not as active as the others around the "right" hours so you never get roped into the right discussions. I was faced with a similar problem, I was active and talked to everyone but I never mananged to get into the right conversations either.

It is possible that the people you talked and connected with the least on your tribe, are the people who were instrumental in voting you out.

Anyway, we should probably have to clean this place up a little bit and build some sort of shelter with some coconut leaves and palm trees. Unless they don't have anything like that here?

I guess we could create a shelter made from rocks.
Angie Layton
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Post #5: 23rd Sep 2015 11:52 AM 
Brianna, I build us a shelter!
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Angie Layton
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Post #6: 23rd Sep 2015 11:55 AM 
I mean, I built a shelter!

See, the zombiefication has already started. We gotta make it off this island, if we stay we're not long for this world.
Host Lex
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Post #7: 24th Sep 2015 8:46 PM 
Calavera heads to Tribal Council! Someone from there will be joining you tomorrow night. Who do you hope to see?
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" I wanted to play as a smart older female - that is who I am in real life (or like to think I am anyway)" - Cathy
Angie Layton
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Post #8: 24th Sep 2015 10:01 PM 
Well, I don't want someone here who's a strong physical contender so I hope to see someone here who I could beat. I think maybe one of these two:

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The returnees has a 5-4 advantage in numbers tho so I think we'll see whoever preformed worst in the challenge among these four show up here:

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Angie Layton
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Post #9: 24th Sep 2015 10:02 PM 
Not that Dan, that asian fellow.
Angie Layton
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Post #10: 25th Sep 2015 12:21 PM 
I'd give up a box of chocolate chip cookies to get a sneak peek on whatever it is that's going on over at the Calavera tribe right now.
Host Brett
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Post #11: 25th Sep 2015 9:06 PM 
Welcome to Isla Muertos...

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Sorry to see you here Jenn, but there may still be hope for you here.

Your first duel will be posted tomorrow night at 9pm. It will be non-live, and you will have 24 hours to complete it.

In the meantime, relax and rest up. Soon, one of you will be gone for good.
Angie Layton
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Post #12: 25th Sep 2015 9:20 PM 
Hey Jenn, sorry to see you here. You can take Brianna's place in the shelter if you'd like.
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Post #13: 25th Sep 2015 10:30 PM 
Thanks Angie!
Angie Layton
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Post #14: 28th Sep 2015 9:37 PM 
OMG, that Aztec story was insane! Loved every bit of it!
Angie Layton
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Post #15: 28th Sep 2015 10:06 PM 

The Calaverians has already submitted theirs. I was wondering what was taking so long. I'm gonna get to reading it as soon as I get some more time on my hands.
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