This is your bootlist thread. A bootlist is a list of your fellow players ranked from who you'd most like to vote for the most to who you'd least like to vote for. If you ever forget to cast a vote within the time limit, we will take your highest non-immune tribe member on your bootlist and you will cast a vote against them. This will prevent you from ever self voting.
Please make a bootlist ASAP. This will be mandatory from here on out!
Feel free to update your list constantly. Don't edit your lists, just post a new one.
1. Mama C
2. Ami
3. Daniel
4. Brice
5. Mookie
6. Boston Rod
7. Shelli
8. Jenn
9. Brianna
10. Colton
11. Johnny Fairplay
12. El Doucho
13. Ashley
14. Vytas
15. Abi Maria
16. Monica
17. JT
18. Amber
19. Dan Lembo
1. Vytas
2. JT
3. Brice
4. Boston Rod
5. Ashley
6. El Doucho
7. Ami
8. Daniel
9. Mookie
10. Mama C
11. Johnny Fairplay
12. Dan
13. Shelli
14. Colton
15. Jenn
16. Amber
17. Monica