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Post #31: 8th Oct 2015 8:21 PM 
Sydney Wheeler
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Post #32: 8th Oct 2015 8:24 PM 
hi colton
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Post #33: 8th Oct 2015 8:33 PM 
Sydney Wheeler @ 8/10/2015 21:24
hi colton

leave me alone
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Post #34: 8th Oct 2015 8:33 PM 
~on the dot~
Sydney Wheeler
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Post #35: 8th Oct 2015 8:43 PM 
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Post #36: 9th Oct 2015 12:01 AM 
So now that we merge next round I have/will be attending every single tribal council bar one. Who else is a loser with me. I think Amber and Lue? Either way it sucks and I really don't want a repeat of last round EVEN if it turned out not so bad. I ended up voting like 30 mins before deadline and quite possibly our entire tribe was in shambles so I need to have that not happen again. Not to act cocky, but I believe I /should/ be safe this round so I'm trying to figure out which vote is best to help out in the merge. I don't plan on flipping and finding greener grass so the people I'm with now are the people I want to go to the end with.

Prayyyying that Ami can survive just one more round because she'll flip on her tribe and come back to Amber and I. Lue started a chat with myself, Amber and Brice and just wanted to sort this vote out. Brice is off having tinder sex so not much was accomplished. The vote is between Lembo and Mookie and at first I was fine with voting out Lembo and making it super easy and calm and walk into merge like yeah, but Amber isn't budging and all her points to make sense to me. Allegedly, Lue doesn't care which to vote as long as him and I vote the same. I find it so hard to trust him, because I think he's super close with Mookie. He claims he'll vote Mookie if that's who we want he just doesn't want to be left out on the vote. I'm starting to feel better with him, but I just need people who aren't going to flip at merge. Mookie has shown he can crack under pressure and say anything. I don't want him offering me up as a merge vote boot like he did last round! Even if it was just a "lie." So that's something that has to go into consideration.

Getting Amber's advice on it all and thinking about it I do believe that Lembo would be more loyal and we are kind of all he's got. Mookie seems to have more connections and he's a lot more shadier, idk. We don't have to worry about any idol funny business because I have the other one, so that's good! But speaking of idols, Lue thought I lied to him about the numbers and that I gave him and Amber different numbers. :X I think I pulled it off well and said I must've typo'd. I doubt he believes it, but oh well. I'm so close to merge I can taste it! Final 10 after this round, so freaking unreal. I love the pace of this game.

So it's Mookie vs Lembo and we'll have it all figured out tomorrow, I suppose.


1. Amber - she's bae and #1 to me in this game. we've been through lots and we tell each other everything so i'm with her until death do us part ;*

2. Brice - i'm in a pretty decent position with him. he was the one who wanted to be tight with me and then said we should get together with Amber and figure out the vote. i think he might have a few people he'll place before me, but for now i think i can trust/roll with him. i need him at the merge for numbers, haha. he's the one i'm worried about having the most connections.

3. Daniel Lue - he was sketchy to me at first and we've been on the same tribe from the get-go i feel this "bond" with him now. i think he's still sporadic and weird, but i think i can trust him more now. to not vote me "for now." i think he knows i lied about my HII numbers, but oh well. i guess i didn't pull it off as great as i wanted to. again, need him for the battle @ merge.

4. Mookie - he's probably leaving this round if Amber gets her way. granted, he did shoot himself in the foot last round and now on one really trusts him, that stuff with him talking to the other tribe is weird. i really don't care who leaves between him or Lembo.

5. Dan Lembo - i don't care if him or Mookie goes. i do think he'll be more loyal than Mookie, but i'm not willing to stick my neck out on the line to save him (purple rock, over-strategizing, etc). i like him loads, so i'll leave this all up to Amber, haha.

6. Ami - i need her back in my life and i need her to survive this vote. apparently it's between herself and Mama C and she's been going at it all night. i need her to survive this round if i plan on having any shot moving forward.

7. Rodney - i love him :X but i think that may be his game. we're on total opposite sides and i'm NOT going to let a little ~flirting ruin my game. he's somewhat on my radar because he must be pretty socially savvy and in a decent position on his tribe.

8. Mama C - don't really know much about her except that she's trying to get rid of Ami. hopefully she'll be gone tomorrow night.

9. Vytas - he's cute and we talk from time to time, but i think he's going to be my target going into merge. hopefully i can be cool with him and not give him any sign that i want him gone. he seems good at challenges and good with his tribe. BUT I COULD BE 100% WRONG.

10. Sherri - again, i don't know much about her.she chose Rodney i think in the tribe pick so maybe those two are close. i thought she was trolling at the start, but maybe she's actually trying.

11. Monica - i don't know anything about her except for what Ami has told me and that she wants Amber GONE. which in turn, makes her an enemy of mine. Monica is strong anyways, so she'd make for a great target come merge time.

okay, i updated who i like yay
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Post #37: 9th Oct 2015 12:36 PM 
lol our tribe is so not a unit goodbye2me early merge
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Post #38: 9th Oct 2015 2:46 PM 
Amber vs Brice on this boot and they're both way too opinionated for their own good. I agree with Amber with wanting Lembo to stay over Mookie, but I'm also not willing to tie the vote or put up a fight with my tribe to make it happen. Lembo is great and there's no doubt in my mind that he'll be loyal, but at what cost do we keep him in?

Lue and I are just like "wellllll, we'll do whatever." Although, I know he's leaning way more to voting out Lembo than keeping him. This will probably be a vote right before deadline like last round, but at least it's pretty clear cut this time and there isn't any idols that could screw anything up? I think us four want to make merge and final 10 so desperately none of us plan on flipping on one another so like I said, I do feel pretty good this round. Blaaah, I guess they have all day to decide on what to do!

Wonder if Amber will win the argument looool.
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Post #39: 9th Oct 2015 6:18 PM 
Brice wins and I wonder if it's because I wasn't in Amber's corner as much as Lue was in Brice's. ;x Sorry, but it looks like we're down to three vets after this. ~weird
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Post #40: 10th Oct 2015 1:06 AM 
Kinda having regrets about being a coward and not tying the vote to save Lembo with Amber, but I juuust saw how close we were to merge and I didn't want to piss off an entire tribe going into it. Even if we did have Lembo 100% and he stayed if we don't have Brice and Lue than it's all over so that's what I went with. And Mookie claiming he's with me until the end and he wants to stick together crap better be true because I don't really have any other option but to roll with him.

I feel bad for Amber for having to vote him out, but I wouldn't have cared if she did vote to keep him. I think we're both just so annoyed that Brice got immunity and was more aggressive about the vote. Listen, I don't trust Brice at all. I did then I didn't then I started to again, but now that I've talked about him in depth with Amber and she doesn't trust him I think it's safe to say we shouldn't rely on him. I told Amber I'm just gonna follow his lead into merge and see what he does. Is he going to jump ship? Will he include us in his plans? He claims to have ALL OF THESE CRAZY TIES to everyone over there so that's pretty annoying. I also have fucking Vytas on my ass mocking at schooling me in everything. -_- I want to beat him so badly. He's totally on my radar and that's who I want to target come merge, but I'm not telling Brice. If the vote does tie and we do stay together I wanna use the idol to our advantage?

Blaaaah, Daniel I think knows I have the idol and I look like a huge liar right now, but I ugh I don't know how to handle having it. >:O Now that Ami's gone (PLEASE COME BACK) Amber is the only person who knows I have it. If my tribe wasn't full of such shady fucks I would be more honest, but how can I when I have people like Daniel and MOOKIE on my tribe? Or Brice who literally talks to everyone. I trust that Amber and I can use this to our advantage hopefully. Like I said, I want Vytas out the most just because I feel like he has the strongest ties. I chat with Rodney the most from that other side, but that also makes me skeptical of him! Carolyn seems like a follower as does Sherri. So Rodney/Vytas are the top targets on my list. Ami says Monica attempted to save her soooooo, she can't have that much pull? I bond with them the most so maybe I'll paint Monica as a target and let them think that's who I want out? I just need to know who comes back so they can help me. ;o

I usually don't like buy back twists, but I think no matter how thinks shake out I should get an ally back? I think it'll be between Ami, JT, Lembo and Fairplay? Only because I don't see Edgardo - Brianna being around at all anymore~ Amber and I are all tight with them and if two return I think that might even be better. I've never been so happy to see the word non-live. :')

Post Edited by Colton @ 10th Oct 2015 1:13 AM
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Post #41: 10th Oct 2015 5:52 PM 
blah, the 'grets Amber and I have for not blindsiding Brice during the JT boot. :( What were we thinking? We both got hit hard in the past few rounds losing so many legit allies. SURELY, RI will work in our favor?
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Post #42: 10th Oct 2015 7:20 PM 

^ youtube muted my video for copyright, yay!

this is all me not knowing the rules to Isla Muertos, looool. also talking about how bleak my future in this game looks. <3

figured I'd squeeze in one last tribal confessional before the "assumed" merge!

Post Edited by Colton @ 10th Oct 2015 7:20 PM
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Post #43: 10th Oct 2015 8:48 PM 
so annoying. every single person in this chat room is fucking annoying. Brice is annoying as all fuck, I hate Mama C, I hate Sherri, Rodney is annoying.

what a horrible bunch of people to be grouped with. i don't even like Daniel or Mookie all that much either. i could just be in a bad mood and maybe it'll pass but WOW are all these people just simply awful.

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Post #44: 11th Oct 2015 6:13 PM 
- Brice telling me he has a plan for merge, but doesn't wanna "jinx us" by telling me it yet

- Juicy goss from Amber about Daniel and the idol, love her so much <3

- Monica is actually the only person worth talking to from the other side, wonder if that'll change. in the sense of me not talking to her anymore, not me liking the other tribe.

- i honestly wasn't going to do the challenge because i phail, but i thought that might give reason to vote me out! i'm hoping for mid-range score or something. i want to appear as a nervous useless wreck and i reckon it's working.

- and no one is talking to me! but Brice said it's quiet and so did Amber so maybe I'm just being paranoid.

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Post #45: 11th Oct 2015 6:18 PM 

give me your mercy, God.

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