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Dan Lembo 9th Nov 2015 10:00 PM
Are you gonna reveal returnees too? I'm done hiding my alias. It was tiring this season.
Posted in The Aftershow!
Dan Lembo 9th Nov 2015 9:29 PM
good game, hot rod. next time, flip for me! or else i'm taking my vote back!
Posted in And The Winner Is...
Dan Lembo 7th Nov 2015 11:53 AM
Posted Image

sorry about the shitty formatting of the vote and the non transparent stuff.

i know there's a site to help with the transperancy but I dunno what it is. I'll fix it if linked.
Posted in Voting History
Dan Lembo 6th Nov 2015 1:52 AM

nah but really, the fact that she said "rodney" when answering my question shows that rodney had control in this merge and didn't let the votes budge against him. I think that, plus Rodney's solid answer, has sealed my vote for Rodney (sorry mon <3) but I'm obviously gonna sleep on it.

Having fun with this final 3!
Posted in Game Chat
Dan Lembo 5th Nov 2015 10:09 PM
I really didn't like Mookie's answer to my question. Parts of it were wrong, and at other points he flipped his errors to become my errors. That's fine and dandy but I'm not the one sitting in the final three.
Posted in Game Chat
Dan Lembo 5th Nov 2015 10:07 PM
Mookie @ 5/11/2015 11:14

I'm not sure if you remember...

Trust me, I remember. You DID plea to me with what you thought. I get that. But what you thought was off base. It wasn't factual. The points you brought up were "There are 3 groups of 3, and Mookie isn't in any of them". That discussion with you were one of only 2 times that I actually lost my cool. From my end, it felt like you were implying that I WAS a fool for sticking to my loyalty, but at the same time you chastise me for NOT being loyal, and call me a snake.

Anyway, to the questions

I'm sorry, I respect your ability to stay loyal in this game. I respect that you chose to stay loyal to your friends. However, and this was my main point (not the 3 and 3 stuff), it would lead to your loss.

And I believe it is leading to your loss. I dont believe I was wrong.

Mookie @ 5/11/2015 11:14
1) In hindsight, how would you have handled both of my boots differently?

If I remember right, we didn't really talk game at all on your first boot. This was pretty fresh after the merge, and we weren't exactly chatty with each other.

The second time you were booted out, I definitely should have taken a breath and not taken anything personally. But on the flip side, I didn't lead you. I listened to you plea, considered it, and flat out told you that it wasn't happening.

You dont remember right, my first boot was before the merge.

Otherwise, good answer! :D

looking forward to Rodney and Monica's answer.
Posted in Lembo Lays It All Out
Dan Lembo 5th Nov 2015 12:04 PM
Hey fellas. It has been a while, yet it also hasn't!

First of all, congrats to you three. Monica, as a fellow riser from the dead, I cant help but respect and applaud your ability to reenter the game, cause havoc, and still stick around with challenge wins. I think you're the real challenge beast of this season. Mookie, while we've had our differences all game, I must respect and congratulate your ability to make it to the end and play with your allies and your morals; something I tried to consider you to throw out the window. Clearly, if you had listened to me, you wouldn't be here. Finally, Rodney, another congratulations to you for sticking it out to the end and, in my opinion, dictating the actions of this merge and possibly even the premerge of your tribe.

Mookie and Rodney, not only did you two make it to the end, but you also got far with your initial alliance and your loyalties in tact. Meanwhile, Monica, you took no shit and you re-entered this game with your dignity at heart.

It was frustrating to play with two of you finalists while in the game, but that's just because I wasn't a part of your plans. I can respect that. I have questions for all of you. Some of you are more likely to win than others at getting my vote, but my vote is still up for grabs!


Mookie, playing with you this game was the most frustrating out of all three of you. I don't intend for that to be harsh, just true. Mookie, not only did you lie about my loyalties to other people and you lied to me premerge with what your goals were in this game... YOU ALSO HAD AN IDOL!!! Or well... Brice had an idol. I felt a bit cheated by you and Lue/Brice. I not only felt in the right when it came to you being scummy, lieing, indecisive, and shifty... but you got away with it. It's survivor, it's not always fair, but I just felt cheated! Then, you entered the merge, as did I.

I must say, you did continue to talk to me as opposed to some people (BRICE AHEM!) before I left, and I respect that. However, at the merge, you became the butt of the jokes for your alliance. Am I not wrong? Villainous, backstabby, etc. etc.. Remember all those awards that you won? REMEMBER? You were self aware at least, but your alliance probably loved you winning all those awards. It was easy to make you the scapegoat after that.

After that, well, I didn't last long after that and I dont know as much about what happened in the game after that. One thing that bugged me though... was the day I left. I pitched my case to you, and tried to save my game.

I'm not sure if you remember, but when I was campaigning for my safety, you did something that lost a lot of my respect as a juror. You made my plea to you personal. I was trying to save myself by stating what I thought: I thought you weren't going to win with the way you were playing. I also thought you were the least well-connected out of your alliance. When I brought up these cases in my plea, you took it pretty personally. You said snarky, passive aggressive comments such as "Oh then I guess I'm stupid", things similar to that. Yet... I can't help but think I'm right, and I can't help but think you did lose the game because you were a little too loyal to the people that you would've never beaten in the end. You couldn't handle hearing the truth. You took it pretty poorly, and you got snarky and passive aggressive as I left that round. It was hard to deal with.

I'm going to end with the nice things about you. You clearly mean well. I dont think you necessarily deserved those nasty awards, and you definitely weren't the villain this season. I also believe it was hard to shake off those awards, and you did it very well. You had a hard road to get this far, and I would feel bad for you if it was all for nothing.

My questions to you are...

1) In hindsight, how would you have handled both of my boots differently?

2) Can you give a few examples of how you were working the jury for jury votes?

3) Premerge, what are the things you did wrong in the round of JT's boot? How SHOULD you have handled that week?


My queen of the dead, I felt like we had a great relationship while in the game. I FEVERISHLY feel that Colton made quite a few mistakes in this game with his idol, and one of them was not using it on you. I think that you weren't to blame for your own boot, and instead, you had some allies who couldn't stand up to the obvious.

However, that doesn't get rid of the negatives from your game. When you reentered, you weren't very political. You focused on challenge wins, and blasting the alliance still in the game for being a cult. While I want you to win, I'm not entirely sold that you deserve the win strategically. You accomplished something Rodney and Mookie didn't though: You have a good relationship with a large amount of this jury.

It's tough, I want you to win. As someone who struggled with re-entering the game, I think you KILLED your opportunity to relive and re-thrive. Was it enough though? I want you to sell me on it. I want you to tell me "No Lembo, I deserve to win strategically, and here's why". Here are your questions.

1) I, just like you, re-entered the game after losing. Please tell me your mindset when you re-entered the game. What was your strategy, your internal dilemmas, and your issues with the players still left in the game?

2) Give me one or two names that you wanted out of this merge when you re-entered the game, and tell me why you wanted them out.

3) I'm sorry if you answered this already, but please give me your proudest achievement when you re-entered the game that ISN'T a challenge win.

4) Sell to me that you deserve to win strategically.


My dearest Rodney, strategizing with you is like the sickest survivor version of stockholm syndrome, and I mean that in the nicest way.

"Hey Rodney! I want to make a move with you"

"Me too, let's put it on hold while we get rid of the lifeless Sherri"

"Hey rodney, I want to turn on Lue witchu"

"Me too, but is Colton interested?"

"Hey Rodney, we have the votes to turn on Lue or Brice"

"Yes but your leaving this round, sorry"

^^the abbridged version of Rodney and Lembo - the love story that never was.

I recognize that it wasn't the best for your game to turn on your alliance with me... however, keeping me hanging is something that doesn't exactly encourage me to root for you. Strategically, it made sense, but socially, I think you almost lost a jury vote. If you had told me "I'm sorry Lembo, but I have my six and I really dont want to make a move with you. I dont think it would help me", I would respect you more.

You never lied to me, but saying you were truthful with me would also be a lie, so what were you to me then?

I like to relate you to a mirage. You were a fake source of hope that just constantly got more hazy and diminished the closer I got. Finally, the vultures got me, and you ran away with the finale and maybe the win.

Saying you never lied to me, like you did in an answer (I forgot whose) is a HUGE technicality that makes me respect you quite a bit less. You led me on, and I think that is borderline just as bad as a lie. In fact, I believe many would consider you leading me on to be flat out a lie as well.

Now we're going to U-tern back to the stockholm syndrome bit, because after all this SHIT, I am still considering to vote for you. I simply think that you owned this merge, and that strategically, you deserve to win. However, I'm having some issues with you deserving MY vote specifically. I think your a good guy, smart, and social. However, do you deserve my vote? A vote that could decide your victory in this game? You dont need to sell me on your strategic or social game, I dont have issues with it. I need you to sell to me that you deserve my vote over Monica or Mookie.

1) I would like to know your mindset when you were dealing with me in this game. Were you simply harboring my opinion and making sure that I didn't run off to maybe other members of your alliance? What was your ambition with me when we spoke strategically.

2) Were you always loyal to your alliance, or was your loyalty ever wavering.

3) In a social game like survivor, I want you to tell me why leading me on is a good move. Please focus on a social game standpoint when answering this.


Almost done! I want you all to answer these.

1) I want to hear your FTC strategy with every juror. Tell me how you approached each one. Also tell me, if you were to win, whose votes would you get and why.

2) I want you each to tell me about how your strategy would change depending on the potential people who could've came back from the dead. List each contestant who could've returned from the dead (at the round Monica returned) and explain how they could've changed the game for you. So for example, explain how Sherri returning would've changed your game, then JT, until you get all the way down to Ami.

3) Finally, tell me your favorite memory about each jury member.

Posted in Lembo Lays It All Out
Dan Lembo 3rd Nov 2015 2:57 AM
oh brice, I dont dislike you as a person. I thought how you treated me coming and going from the game was fake and should've been different but I know that your a nice/good person.
Posted in Game Chat
Dan Lembo 2nd Nov 2015 12:17 AM
I could vote for Rodney over Monica, I liked Rodney when I came back into the game.
Posted in Game Chat
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