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Austin Carty 9th Nov 2015 11:40 PM
Nicely done Rodney super super well deserved man!

Monica, you join the ranks of the "super deserving second place Monicas" club nothing to be ashamed of at all :)

Nice job also Mookie, definitely a strong third placer, a rare thing in F3s!

Fun season! :)
Posted in And The Winner Is...
Austin Carty 6th Nov 2015 6:49 PM
But for realz, I know Monica is the more entertaining winner in the context of this slow trudge to the inevitable Rodney win, but he HAS been pretty great in confessionals as well and consistently delivered entertaining stuff. He's basically the Boston Rob in RI of winners--glaringly obvious all game, but still brought a whole lot more to the season than almost everyone else (and I'm not a huge BRob fan).

Also, after reading some more of Mookie's responses they aren't bad at all. I definitely feel for him in terms of admitting his inexperience--easily could have gone that way for me last season too, I'm still pretty inexperienced as far as ORGs go. A vote for him would be nice, he's played pretty well too. He's got potential down the road either way.

Post Edited by Austin Carty @ 6th Nov 2015 7:19 PM
Posted in Episode 10x16 - "The Three C's"
Austin Carty 6th Nov 2015 6:45 PM
Monica Culpepper @ 6/11/2015 12:19
Austin/Rodney is such a boring pair of back-to-back winners especially compared to the euphoric wet dream that would have been back-to-back Monica/Monica winners. t.y.v.m.

Posted Image
Posted in Episode 10x16 - "The Three C's"
Austin Carty 6th Nov 2015 12:48 PM
Caryn Groedel @ 5/11/2015 21:38
Sierra cyberbullied me into posting the worst of it. I'm an angel.

Posted Image

Posted in Episode 10x16 - "The Three C's"
Austin Carty 5th Nov 2015 3:27 PM
Yeah, we're definitely heading towards a Rodney win at this point. And well deserved, he's pretty much slaying these answers.

Monica's so disappointing, because I like so many of her answers but she needs to just cut out some of the bullshit un-PC stuff and lighten the tone just a ~tad~ and she'd still be competitive with Rodney. I agree with whoever commented that her change back from red to pink font should have been in ALL aspects of her FTC (I think a juror said that?).

I don't think people are even reading Mookie's answers at this point lol. ;)
Posted in Episode 10x16 - "The Three C's"
Austin Carty 3rd Nov 2015 12:39 PM
So she really went with the Holocaust references....*sigh*
Posted in Episode 10x16 - "The Three C's"
Austin Carty 3rd Nov 2015 12:52 AM
WANT: I'm really torn between Rodney & Monica. Monica has played a great unconventional game, relying on challenge wins but also nicely buttering up the jury and aiming to position herself as a goat. Her answers to Brice in the last tribal really impressed me, and I'd be fine for her to win. But ultimately I have to go with Rodney. He's played the best strategic game on paper, despite a few missteps in the past few rounds imo.

THINK: I think Rodney'll take it. Hopefully he knows how to tone down his cockiness, if not right away then down the road. I kind of adjusted my tone as the final tribal went along, hopefully he can sense what the biggest complaints towards his game are. Monica's argument will have trouble holding up to wider scrutiny I think...
Posted in Episode 10x16 - "The Three C's"
Austin Carty 2nd Nov 2015 2:57 AM
But back on topic, yeah this season really has perked up in these past few "weeks". Honestly, if anyone but Monica had returned it wouldn't have been nearly as great. She's contributed sooo heavily to this entertaining home stretch.

And ugh @ Rites of Passage. Not my favorite.
Posted in Episode 10x15 - "Dia De Los Muertos"
Austin Carty 2nd Nov 2015 2:51 AM
Monica Culpepper @ 1/11/2015 21:52

Honestly, though, I wonder how close the all four truly do mean to each other. While Austin and I certainly talked a lot, and were very close ... I have a feeling we did not get as nearly as personal as the four did. Like barely at all, actually. But, then again, we were under some semblance of an alias unlike Bryce lol. And I guess we had more game stuff to worry about and talk about (basically Yve hahahah).

Yeah, we definitely didn't get nearly as personal as some of these guys obviously did. No pocket pussy stories were shared, and I can see how that bonded people. ;)

We clicked on a game level (we were pretty in tune despite opposite personalities), and just had fun with playing together and doing so well despite both of us being pretty inexperienced. And our game was A LOT more complex in terms of alliances and stuff. We couldn't just sit back as much and bro down. And yes, going through the Yve ~experience~ bonds people. YVE-- bringing alliances together.

Caryn Groedel @ 1/11/2015 21:58

God I was so JEALOUS of what Austin had with you Mon. <3

IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW! You just wanted IN on the circlejerk <3 <3 <3 :P

Monica Culpepper @ 1/11/2015 22:00

I think Austin was JEALOUS of what we had tbh <3 but actually

Also at least you fucking voted for me (where Sue at WHERE SUE AT)

1) TRUE.

2) The fact that I EVER had Caryn's vote feels like a victory in itself.

Post Edited by Austin Carty @ 2nd Nov 2015 2:51 AM
Posted in Episode 10x15 - "Dia De Los Muertos"
Austin Carty 1st Nov 2015 11:53 PM
Yeah, holy shit was that spot on Caryn. GJ. I feel so enlightened.
Posted in Episode 10x15 - "Dia De Los Muertos"
Austin Carty 1st Nov 2015 11:18 PM
Yeah, I'm not sure it would help her to tie it up. Brice is perceived as the most threatening by the jurors, and her helping him stay might damage her case if he stays. He's had that "threat" stigma for a long time, moreso than Rod.

Though I think Brice might have a breakdown in the event of an unexpected tie so that would be fun. I feel like he might just throw in the towel lol. It'd be TOO MUCH.
Posted in Episode 10x15 - "Dia De Los Muertos"
Austin Carty 1st Nov 2015 10:33 PM
I'm more satisfied with Monica in there as opposed to the 3 PP just to add some variety to the finals. Yes Brice vs. Rodney would be interesting, but I'm really curious how people respond to Monica's game and whether or not she can actually secure the votes at the end of the day. I'd say Rodney/Brice deserve it more than her at this point, but by no means is she undeserving. If there was some way Mookie could go, that would be great. But since probably not, I'm fine with Rodney/Brice going for making some mistakes along the way (voting out Vytas, Carolyn, Lue when they did were bad for one/both of them in varying degrees). Monica's earned it.

Post Edited by Austin Carty @ 1st Nov 2015 10:34 PM
Posted in Episode 10x15 - "Dia De Los Muertos"
Austin Carty 1st Nov 2015 7:48 PM
Oh wow how cool! Thanks for putting this together, that's so cool to see! It feels ~real~ now, it's cray. I think you picked the right 6 for the cover (sorry Garrett/Yve!), you just can't deny Rory that cover spot. Also love the Steve/Sierra picture in the corner (their relationship <3) and Yve lurking (haunting?) over my shoulder :)

EDIT: Caryn's side-eye right over my head <333333

As for our nicknames:

Austin: The Toneless
Monica: The Monica is just about perfect. Also, The Future ;)
Garrett: The Hot Slut (duh)
Yve: The Emotional
Sierra: The Sanctimonious? :P I also like The Roller Coaster...
Caryn: The Robot
Sue: The Roach
Erik: The Virgin (too easy)
Stephen: The Steve is hilarious and NEEDS to happen.

Post Edited by Austin Carty @ 1st Nov 2015 7:50 PM
Posted in SI9
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