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"Through me you go to the grief wracked city; Through me you go to everlasting pain; Through me you go a pass among lost souls. Justice inspired my exalted Creator: I am a creature of the Holiest Power, of Wisdom in the Highest and of Primal Love. Nothing till I was made was made, only eternal beings. And I endure eternally. Abandon all hope - Ye Who Enter Here"

Dante, Inferno

Rest in Peace
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Reputation: 66
Group:Dungeon Master
Post #1: 6th Apr 2012 5:03 AM 
Randolph looked down as Helios swung his tonfa low, catching him off-guard on the platform below. He toppled backwards, hitting the lava hard...

You feel the flames engulf you as the group watches on above...at least you were brave and you fought...

In your heart you wonder if there's any way out of this death hole...but you have your doubts. Oh well. Maybe you'll see them all soon in what comes next.

What does come next? You wanted to be a great leader when you were back in the ante-room but nobody gave you a chance. They were all so suspicious. You had to do something worthwhile in your life...

You no longer have a body. It's more of an essence of being. And it's falling very fast. You would see darkness if there was a sight left. You would feel fear if there was feeling left.

You would tremble if this was an option.

Looking back...your life hadn't been so bad. You'd never achieved the greatness you wanted but you guaranteed you weren't alone in that..and down here...as the flames rise up and consume your body...down here there would be many more.

Wispy shapes leap from the lava. Is that what you're becoming. Your humanity drains...you aren't really you anymore.

But one thing does cross your mind.

"Well fought my friend, well fought."

And your world is gone.

You have been killed.

But don't fear. Death isn't the end in this adventure. There is still a chance you may return to the world of the living once more. In the meantime please refrain from discussing anything outside of the game. You will still have access to your journal where you can muse on things while you wait to see what happens next.

Please continue to check into your journal every day in case you are revived at any point and need to return to the game.
  Randolph Carter's Journal  
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