Just posting this for later. | remember to post at least something every round to avoid getting a strike | Fuck. I'm so sorry. I completely forgot.
I don't like Jenn. I think picking Jenn in the first place is a dick move and I think it's disrespectful. Hundreds of people to pick from and you have to pick the one person all good Survivor fans know passed away in 2010 from cancer? That's disgusting and Jenn should be banned in all ORGs. Why would she even pick Jenn? Did she want to get pity votes and make people feel bad about voting her off? That makes me sick.
I know I'm not the only one who feels this way about Jenn. Becky and Katie dislike her too and want her gone as soon as possible. That would be fucking perfect. I really like both of them and we've already formed a final three alliance. I'm worried about the Dave's because they seem to be the only people who don't understand why we dislike Jenn. I'm worried they are aligned with her and if that's the case it makes Franny the swing vote. So clearly, my top priority is to get Franny on board with our alliance so we can control the swing. I wouldn't feel particularly loyal to Franny because I don't see her strength in challenges and she's not a very good social player. Still, we need to control this tribe and to do that we need to get Franny for at least two rounds. Otherwise, we're fucked.
My strategy at this point is to form solid solid two deals with a few people to fill particular roles. I need people to keep the target off of me and I still have all the power in the game. Jenn's quick disdain for me since I called her out day 2 puts a little bump in the road but I need to bounce back. There's a lot of game left and I can still win. That's my goal. Queen Cleopatra will win GSurvivor 3. |