Here are 8 simple rules for
dating my teenage daughter playing this game.
These will be nice and short, you're all adults and know how to play. If at anytime you have questions, just ask :)
Rule #1 - Play to your win condition! It's a simple and standard rule, so please follow it.
Rule #2 - No discussing the game with other players (dead or alive) outside the main threads or your private forum (if you have one).
Rule #3 - When you die, stay dead. Don't be commenting in threads and liking/disliking posts (with the exception of flip roles). This has been an issue as of late, let's not have this issue in this game.
Rule #4 -
NO CHARACTER CLAIMING! This game's flavor ties to characters on the show and therefore you forbidden to character claim. Please don't hint or anything like that. Don't test the waters on this or you will be shot. pew pew. You may claim your role just not your character. Also, please don't quote anything the mods tell you in PMs, just use your own adult words and paraphrase things.
Rule #5 - If there is a tie at the end of the day phase, this will result in a No Lynch.
Rule #6 - I'm not overly picky on the entire ##Lynch/##Vote situation (This may change if Christian has strong opinions on it) but you must Unlynch/Unvote before casting a new vote. If you do not unlynch or unvote, your vote won't be changed.
Rule #7 - Day and Night phases will be 24 hours unless stated otherwise. Plurality will also be in effect unless stated otherwise at the beginning of each day phase.
Rule #8 - If anyone survives an attack, it will be announced.
Thanks to Christian for helping run/set up this game with me. Remember to have fun! This is a game and there should be no need for any personal attacks, please keep things light and friendly. Just be respectful and don't be an ass. If at anytime there needs to be a rule added or changed, you will be notified via the main day threads or a new post in this thread. Be sure to like/dislike if you have either read the rules or just read this sentence.