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Week 14
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Post #1: 10th Jun 2015 7:47 PM 
Welcome! For the final 3, the power now turns to the jury.

Sami, Curtis, Buffy, you have 24 hours to PM me a statement as to why you deserve to make the final 2. I will post them tomorrow night, and then the jury will have the floor to ask 1 question to each of you. The jury will then vote to eliminate one of you, leaving you with our final 2.
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Post #2: 10th Jun 2015 7:48 PM 
Buffy @ 10/6/2015 20:23
I have decided to eliminate..


itsbrianyay @ 10/6/2015 20:40
no, but you will be
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Post #3: 10th Jun 2015 9:16 PM 
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Post #4: 10th Jun 2015 9:17 PM 
o boi
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Post #5: 10th Jun 2015 9:22 PM 
Oh! I did not expect this!!
Dame Sami Sue Johnson, OBE
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Post #6: 10th Jun 2015 9:42 PM 
Oh. My. WORD.
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Post #7: 13th Jun 2015 1:11 PM 
Opening Statements!



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Post #8: 13th Jun 2015 1:11 PM 
Jurors, you have 24 hours to ask any questions!
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Post #9: 13th Jun 2015 1:18 PM 
Reminder PMs sent to jury.

In the event of a 3-way-tie (given there are missing votes) the tie will be decided by Paul. If Paul can't be contacted, then Chris.

In the event of a 2-way tie, the tie will be decided by the person with the fewest votes to eliminate.
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Post #10: 13th Jun 2015 4:40 PM 
Hey guys, enjoyed playing the game with all three of you! Here's some questions lol.



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Post #11: 13th Jun 2015 5:20 PM 
Hiya Curtis, congrats on making it to the final 3 buddy! You don't have to feel bad about voting me out lol.

So throughout this game I noticed that you never seemed to be someone that was ever in danger of being voted out of the game. So my thinking is that you either had really tight bonds with the majority of the players and that they felt they needed you to advance further into the game or that other players were more of a threat. I assume that the observations above are correct and I assume you have to be someone really trustworthy and a social mastermind to get this far. Sprinkle some luck into that as well I suppose, but I think social gameplay holds more importance. I don't know what elements brought you this far into the game, but if we assume it's what I've discussed above then my question is this.

Why do you feel the players in this game trusted you as much as they did? Feel free to elaborate on your answer as much as you want and if there's more to your game that I'm unaware of that is linked to you getting this far then I'd be thankful to be given clarity lol. Thanks for listening and looking forward to your answer. Good luck, my Curtis!

ty Herm, voting you out was like kicking a puppy AND I LIKE PUPPIES!

I pretty much took this game round by round. My strategy was to wait and see who the Paymaster was and then go from there as opposed to my usual strategy of trying to set myself up in a good spot no matter who the Paymaster ended up being

Once someone won Paymaster I'd go to work on them if I felt like I needed to. Nofo and I struck a deal week 1 to keep each other safe when we were both Paymaster and were at each others' mercy. I cut a deal with Brian last round when he was Paymaster and it helped spare me from being eliminated then (that was the only round I really felt nervous tbh)

Basically I just tried to wheel and deal my way to the end however I could every round. I worked to make myself valuable in some way to whoever I needed to for that round and it allowed me to get by despite being a larger target. I don't think anyone auto-trusted me at the start, so I had to be convincing when I made my deals and for the most part I was being pretty upfront and would've stuck with those deals. It just so happens everyone I cut a deal with was swiftly eliminated a round or two later (:

ty my herm ty
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Post #12: 13th Jun 2015 5:34 PM 
Alright, very good, I'm pleased with that answer. Good luck in the finals my friend!
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Post #13: 13th Jun 2015 7:05 PM 
Herm @ 13/6/2015 16:40
Hey guys, enjoyed playing the game with all three of you! Here's some questions lol.


Her Herm! Thanks for the question and for always being so positive no matter what.

That's a very difficult question to answer because I think every one had different strategies and so did the people who eliminated them. I think part of the reason the three of us are here, and not three people who are on the jury, is because our team(s) won a lot and we ended up keeping each other after the merge.

My strategy was getting rid of threats from the other side but then I had to pick someone from my own team last round and Brian was winning the most. I wanted a chance to win the final challenge. Plus, I had deals with Curtis and Sami. Brian didn't really talk game with me except the round I asked him to share coordinates. I also thought he might have had a deal with Curtis.

I made a deal with Troyzan when we were both Team Leaders after the swap not to eliminate each other. That paid off for Troyzan since his team lost the challenge, but I feel he would have kept his word, too, if my team had lost.

I guess if I were you I might have campaigned by selling myself as a weaker competitor to take to the end...however, you are a huge social threat and I could see the jury voting for you to go on to the F2 if you were sitting here right now.

I'm kinda blathering on so I hope that answers your question. Thanks Herm!
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Post #14: 13th Jun 2015 7:37 PM 
No, that was a very good and elaborate answer. Good luck Buffy!
Dame Sami Sue Johnson, OBE
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Post #15: 13th Jun 2015 10:43 PM 
Herm @ 13/6/2015 15:40
Hey guys, enjoyed playing the game with all three of you! Here's some questions lol.


Aw Herm thanks! I want to start by saying that I actually really appreciate you pointing out how my social connections heading into this game were not as strong as the ones that my two opponents had. I'm actually really proud of being able to make it here in spite of not knowing many of my fellow competitors as well as Buffy and Curtis.

I felt like I was pretty limited in regards to who I could potentially work with, so I struggled in that department, but I still tried my best. My approach was to try and make realistic deals with people outside of my comfort zone while still maintaining the relationships that I had with several people coming in. One example of this was during the round that I was the leader for Team Aries. I approached Schrauben (the other leader) and pitched to him an offer that if I was ultimately the Paymaster, that I would keep him safe and that I hoped that he would do the same. He actually scoffed at my proposal, telling me to do better haha, which I didn't really know how to react to lol (I actually thought I might be going home over Matt that round) but I guess that my point is that I was definitely trying my best to play strategically in spite of the social deficit I came in with.

Aside from that, one of my other huge obstacles that I faced in this game was that what I wanted to see happen often wasn't possible because of my complete inability to win any sort of challenge! I came close so many times but because I was seemingly "always the bridesmaid and never the bride," I was having to constantly adjust my plans for endgame in order to ensure that I'd even make it here.

It was frustrating because you and I made a cross-team pact very early on and I really wanted the two of us to go the distance (with Buffy hopefully) but eventually things sort of fell by the wayside in the home stretch and I was never able to make a power play like I really wanted to. I think that being adaptable and keeping myself somewhat flexible game wise (so that I wouldn't have to unnecessarily go back on my promises to people) was the reason that I was able to readjust myself and still make it to this point and overcome that though!

For instance, like Buffy, I had a feeling that Brian and Curtis might have had a deal, so I really wanted to win Paymaster at the Final Six and eliminate one of those two over you, who on paper was the odd man out (because you were the last original Team Drr member left standing in the game.) Even though you still left that round (boo) I took an "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" mentality the following week. When Brian won Paymaster after you left, Curtis and I promised one another not to vote to vault each other and then with Brian, I vowed to him that if he kept me in the game, that if I won Paymaster at the Final Four that I wouldn't eliminate him... and I would have honored that! Even though I wasn't actually vaulted at Final Five (thanks Vic!) I still would have kept my end of the bargain with Brian. I think that it's important to not have blinders on in games like this.

You have to be willing to roll with the punches in situations like these, and work with anyone, even threats, when it's mutually beneficial to do so... I think that I did all of that very successfully here! I was consistently able to keep my cool and really look at things objectively and not oversell myself to people. I think that many people could have easily overplayed from my vantage point, but every round I did my best to win the title of Paymaster, and each time, had I won, I know that I had positioned myself well enough that I was ready to make moves that were simultaneously good for my game and that I think my fellow competitors would have understood and respected.

Anyway I hope that answers your question Herm! If I can elaborate on anything further please let me know! It was so fun playing the game and working with you friend. Good luck with your decision!
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