The three candidates have spoken. They've made promises, they've run their campaigns, they've sang, they've danced, they've attacked one another, they've posed as sad lanterns. Now, their fate is in the hands of the citizens of FE
The voting booths have opened. Instead of a regular poll, each of you must send your ballot to myself and Boc. PM us and state who you wish tov ote for. If you want, you can give a reason as well and we'll quote it during the reveal.
Tomorrow night, at 10:00, we'll do the official vote count and name the winner, Moderator, and Biggest Best Person Ever. Remember, you're voting for one of the three candidates, not the candidate and their running mate. Send us a PM with either Brian, Vic, or Leos.
You must have at least 25 forum posts (as of right now) to cast a vote
Hey all! I would like to apologize on behalf of Vic's campaign for the song's not getting done.
I started a new job this week and additionally cannot record because I live with my family for the summer. It was tough to coordinate a time and it was my fault.
However! Vic, the man of the people, was working hard. He was borderline in tears when he found out our schedules wouldn't match up. He will lead this community with great pride and respect for everyone.
Also the songs are gonna get done real soon just couldn't do it last night.
Vic, all I'm hearing is you repeating the word "promise" in that video. And we've already seen you not being able to deliver on some of those. Then you throw your own running mate under the bus, and continue with the smear campaign. You see how that looks to us commoners, yeah?
And Brian's Blood vs. Water idea? That's pretty original and creative stuff right there.
Vic, all I'm hearing is you repeating the word "promise" in that video. And we've already seen you not being able to deliver on some of those. Then you throw your own running mate under the bus, and continue with the smear campaign. You see how that looks to us commoners, yeah?
This is fair. I think the amount of work I put into my campaign shows how dedicated I am. Sorry that I couldn't come through with the songs. I'll still do them regardless.