Kendrick Lamar feat. Nickelback
(Verse) (Kendrick)
Curtis, you deserve this
You smile, on the surface
You're vile, in your service
You should go be a fucking dervish
Punish the wicked
Reward the good kid
Piss on the hated
The misunderstood kid
New messages? I don't know
I can't see nothin' no moe
Check it out
(chorus) (Chad Kroeger)
I can see in your eye
You know I don't deserve this
I'm the truth, you the lie
Now I die-oh my-aye-aye
I'm locked out, I can't see
Will I ever be free
Not while I
face Tyranny
Fuck you all
What you've done
(Kendrick) Shit son | |
New messages? I don't know
I can't see nothin' no moe |
I didn't realize this. Disappointing, but not surprising.
See Spooky Castle forum, my journal. |