I pre-ordered one of them a while back. I think X. I never get hardcore into the games, but I try to play and at least finish them when they come out, even if I don't mentally retain anything about them. My Pokemon knowledge is still frozen in Gen I even though I've played up to Black/White.
Yeah, I'm getting it, I'm a sucker for pokemon games, I skipped Gen V since it was unappealing at the time. This generation looks good so far.
Yeah, B/W is my least favorite so far and I had no intention of getting B or W 2.
Anyways, I'm not reserving mine since there is nothing great you get for doing so, but I'm definitely getting it and probably going to sit down with a few friends and just make a day of it. =D
I have tried to stay away from spoilers and leaks so I can go through the game and go "What's this cool unicorn thing?!" catch it, then LATER realize how awful it is and how I shouldn't have picked it for my team but now it's too late so I'll roll with it. (:
I'll be getting X probably. I don't know why but X seems like it veers on the side I always pick. I've gone Red/Gold/Ruby/Pearl/Black so far.
Avoiding spoilers, not consciously but I have no real interest in reading up on the games ahead of time. I never do really. I kind of like the surprise when I find the new generation monsters.