Game: Lab 3
Played By: Mal
Role: Prisoner (turned evil)
Quote: "I've finally done it. I've reached my goal. Now I can rest easy. 100!!" - Helm
Death: Hatcheted by Eleanor.
Memorable Moment(s):
- Her gender reveal.
- Her obsession with +repping.
- Her reluctant role as Group Gold's unofficially designated exiter, because she was one of the few that was willing.
- Her bond with Maria.
Jeffrey Fernandis
Game: Lab 2
Played By: Boc
Role: Twin/Cain
Quote: "Czair can you ask the other group for a better map. Preferrably one that wasnt made by a 5 year old" - Malarkey
Death: Turreted by Patterson in the form of his twin, Raking.
Memorable Moment(s):
- The terrible, terrible maps.
- Being pitted against his twinsie.
- Turning his group against Raking, not knowing that Raking had already teleported away due to Frosti's hostility.
- Finding a missile launcher in the very next room and aiming it at Raking hoping to kill him, but instead being carried along with it and taking away one of Raking's lives in the process.
- The twins' journey afterwards, ending when Jeff coerced Raking to go first down the stairs, which led to his death via tentacle monster.
- The many fights with Malarkey after meeting up with Group U.
- Being present for all 3 of Robert's deaths, spitting on his corpse each time.
- Finding the Flower of Hope.
- His walkie conversation with his dead twin (inhabited by Patterson), ending with Patterson turreting him.
Tbh I thought Helm/Derns reveal was so anticlimatic and after that I started to dislike the character arc. Dern was awesome in the beginning! My right hand man!
Tbh I thought Helm/Derns reveal was so anticlimatic and after that I started to dislike the character arc. Dern was awesome in the beginning! My right hand man!
You're just against girls... You killed your wife and daughter.
I used to travel the universe, but settled for parks.
I put a lot into this character. I mean it wasn't perfect, my Journal I never finished but I thought it had a strong start (not that anyone read it I don't think, it wasn't exactly the comedy type journal and it was all IC).
And Kiwi shush you were already on a hate Dern kick way before the reveal. Which wasn't a spur of the moment thing it was always going to be the case... though now I wish I had waited longer for it because half the players didn't even get the impact of it. If I had known the game was going to last that much longer I would have waited.
But really was a fake jeff really the much better you guys? The 13 votes have not had much words behinds them so I'm just curious. I figured this round would be easy street for me but the vote gap is hella distressing.