Game: Lab 2
Played By: Wikey
Role: Jester
Quote: "Fuck you cunt holes" - Wikey
Death: Killed by a knife thrown by Patterson.
Memorable Moment(s):
- His up-and-down relationship with Patterson, whom he turned on many times including at the very end, but was a bit too slow on the draw.
- Breaking his silence and leaving Group U to "become one with Cerberus".
- Getting trapped in a birdcage.
- His rivalry with Malarkey, whom he promised he would someday take his head, a promise he'd fulfill during the final confrontation.
- Everybody's fear of him after they kept seeing him with different zombies (later found out to be Patterson incarnations), leading most to believe that Wikey was a necromancer who was raising up a zombie army to kill us all.
Carl "Two Face" Clifton
Game: Lab 3
Played By: Henry
Role: The Thief/The Hijacker
Quote: "fu rita" - Carl
Death: Killed by Cerberus.
Memorable Moment(s):
- Getting seemingly everyone to hate him almost immediately.
- Stealing Kristoff's staff and running away.
- His infamous post-death response to Rita.
Kinda similar characters tbh! Both were obvious villains who stormed out of their groups. It's just that one met up with Patterson, the other met up with Cerberus (: