Game: Lab 3
Played By: Korr
Role: Ward
Quote: "Bingo" - Jack Baurker
Death: Fire trap
Memorable Moment(s):
- His original reveal of the 3 ducks.
- Urkbunny hopping in to spread Easter cheer as Eleanor lay slowly bleeding out in the previous room.
- Urkbunny and Boone's tragically short-lived romance.
- His appearance as Captain Blackurk in the treasure chest room, where he refused to stop digging.
- Singlehandedly disarming the bomb as Jack Baurker.
- His romance with Rita.
- His "Frankenstein" monologue as Dr. Urkenstein the phase Eleanor died (the first time).
- The Urkasite phase.
- Phase 54 where he played out an entire phase as various players.
Dr. Patterson
Game: Lab 2
Played By: Drrr
Role: Demonic Butcher
Quote: "MONKEY SLUT" - Wikey
Death: N/A
Memorable Moment(s):
- Being ousted in the Red/Blue Guard room and appearing just as the group was getting ready to stab her.
- The initial team-up with Wikey, where she appeared as Zelda and "sacrificed" herself to Cerbie to save him.
- Taking on the form of Raking and talking to his twin Jeff on the walkie just before turreting him.
- Becoming a zombie baby in the Charon room and chopping Merc's dick off while speaking in Latin.
- Embodying Merc and making fun of him.
- The final massacre in the computer room.
Yeah I'm with Vernon...I get why Urk would get votes because he was fun (although we fought in Lab 3), but Patterson, I'll repeat, was played out in such a way that made the storyline great and brought the whole game to a close.
It was played so well and in character throughout the entire thing...I can't believe this one is going this way.