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F&E: Rules & Item Shop
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First Place Dick
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Post #1: 5th Feb 2021 5:29 PM 
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General Rules

- Our adventure will take place over the course of twenty days, taking you from lowly lvl 1 adventurers right up to all powerful, feared, and beloved lvl 20 legends.

- The goal of the game is to be the party to end the 20th lvl with the most gold pieces. The trio that has the most collective gold at the end of our journey will be the victors and claim the reward.

- Everyone has 10 hp. Deaths are expected to be few and far in between. The goal of the game is NOT to kill one another or be the last party standing. Much like d&d, I would like all parties to stay intact and have a chance to play...but accidents do happen!

- If a player does perish, all of their gold or items will perish with them.

- Each day there will be Main Quests and Bonus Quests. You are expected to participate in both. Every option you have to choose from already has a randomized effect assigned to it. It may give you gold, take away your gold, harm you, give you items, do nothing, etc. The game is largely luck, have fun with it!

- Results from quests will be resolved in the order they are presented. From Main to Bonus. Gold granted from items will factor in before anything, unless the item is somehow the result of a quest.

- If you do not show up to make a decision, you will automatically choose the worst possible (gold based) outcome.

- You will see gold totals on the standings chart. Your personal wealth, your shared party wealth, and your total collective party wealth (each individual's plus group pot). Each of you begins with ten gold pieces as well as ten in your shared pot.

- You will make all of your choices in the threads unless otherwise stated. All decisions you make are final once you post them unless otherwise stated. I tally results as you make decisions so this helps me greatly.

- You'll usually be given 24 hours to make your decisions. The faster you make your decisions, the quicker things might move along.

- Editing and deleting posts is strictly forbidden

- Roleplaying is not required, but it is encouraged! Let loose, don't judge each other, and have fun with your character. It's what dnd is all about!

- I feel compelled to mention that I'll be typing almost all flavor from my phone due to my broken keyboard and making it up as I go so...don't expect The Odyssey!
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First Place Dick
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Joined:Jun 22, 2012
Post #2: 7th Feb 2021 2:11 PM 
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Item Rules

- All items may be bought by spending a point of inspiration. Your inspiration is noted by an asterisk next to your name on the standings chart. There is no limit to the amount of inspiration you can have.

- You can only hold three items at any given time. If you are granted an item from a quest and you already have three, you must choose one of the four to destroy within that day or one will be destroyed randomly. So if you're filled up at three, be sure to start using them or they may go to waste.

- Items cannot be used or purchased during phase changes. Only when a phase is in progress.

- All items are single use. You may have more than one of the same item. All items are always in stock unless otherwise specified. The limited items are first come, first serve.

- You may barter items or inspiration with one another, including across parties. If players come to an official trade, both involved must make their intent clear and official with ##. You may give away items or inspiration for free, if you wish. This must all be public.

Point of Inspiration

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Your currency. Spend a point of inspiration to buy any item of your choice. May be gifted or traded to another player.


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Key: Can be used at various times throughout the game when directed.

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Mimikey: A seemingly ordinary key that is secretly a Mimic. If you wish to use one, private message me a fellow player who owns an ordinary key. This key will be covertly slipped in its place. You will not receive their key in return. If they attempt to use their key, the mimic will come to life and attack them for 1 hp, as well as disallowing them from doing that key task at all. Note, this will vanish from your inventory after you message me, so be smart about its usage.

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Potion of Healing: Consume this to heal one point of damage. May be used on another player.

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Potion of Greater Healing: Consume this to heal your entire party by one point of damage each. Costs two points of inspiration.

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Haversack: Equip a haversack to hold four items instead of the maximum three. The Haversack does not count as one of the four.

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Spell Book: Read from the spell book to cast a random spell on yourself or any other player. May be positive or negative. Spell is randomized each time someone uses it.

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Scale Armor: While equipped, ignore the next point of damage you take.

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Daggar: May be used to stab a player of your choice for either 1 dmg or 5 of their coins, randomized. Only one may be used per party per phase.

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Mage Hand: Cast this and choose a player to steal an item or a point of inspiration from them.

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Moonberries: Use this to poison a fellow player. If a player is poisoned by the end of a phase, they'll automatically select a random negative multiple choice answer for themselves in the Main Quest. A poisoned player remains poisoned every phase until they are healed from it.

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Antitoxin: Prevents you from being poisoned as long as you hold it. Runs out after one successful use. Can also be bought while you're poisoned to heal yourself. May be used to heal a fellow player from being poisoned.

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Mystery Vial I: Only one in stock. Consume this to learn its effect. OUT OF STOCK.

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Mystery Vial II: Only one in stock. Consume this to learn its effect. OUT OF STOCK.

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Mystery Vial III: Only one in stock. Consume this to learn its effect. OUT OF STOCK.

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Mystery Vial IV: Only one in stock. Consume this to learn its effect. OUT OF STOCK.

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Reverse Time: Use this to cast the Reverse Time spell. Rewinds time and automatically chooses the best possible outcome for yourself in a previous Main Quest from the phase before instead of whatever you had previously picked. Zero out of three left in stock. OUT OF STOCK.

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Revivify: Costs two points of inspiration. Use this to cast the revivify spell and bring a player back from the dead. They will return with no gold or items. Cannot be purchased until the first player has died. Only one in stock throughout the game.
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First Place Dick
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Reputation: 1,168
Joined:Jun 22, 2012
Post #3: 20th Feb 2021 8:09 PM 
These are the last three phases to purchase or use items!

After phase 17 concludes, the final three phases will be item free and you will lose any of the items that you carry. If any player is poisoned at that time, they will be healed.
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