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F&E: "A Long Rest"; lvl 4
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Post #1: 10th Feb 2021 12:17 AM 
The group huddled around a campfire and immediately commenced with eating, drinking, and general merriment. In the middle of them all was Marnu, strumming his harp and filling the night air with a sense of peace. Much of the group swayed back and forth, occasionally breaking out in fits of laughter as they swapped tales.

Murder Bunny, however, stayed in the fringes. He took to sharpening his falchion...over, and over, and over as he fixed a deathly glare on the group at large all the while.

Suddenly, the frog bard snapped his gaze over at Murder Bunny, and before he knew it, he had lost focus on his falchion-sharpening and gave himself a nice slice across his paw.

He didn't even bother to look down as he felt the warm blood start to trickle out. Instead, he locked his gaze back at the frog bard, curiously. His heart began to flutter a bit.

He then noticed Marnu give him a wink and gesture him closer to the group. Murder Bunny didn't know what was coming over him, but he hesitantly obliged.

He immediately noticed a few in the group recoil in fear...he was used to this. But he also noticed a few looking at him expectantly, as suddenly a slight lull had befallen the group. It seemed it was his turn to tell a story.

"I...uh..." Murder Bunny cleared his throat.

His paws began to sweat a bit but he quickly stuffed them into his keikogi before anyone saw. As he took a seat, he wracked his brain for something to share, but only one tale seemed to spring to mind.

"I have one for ya. Took place on a night much like this. Drinking. Merriment. Campfire. Ya see there was a band of halflings that had set up camp for the night, just about a dozen miles outside of the great city of Xalo. Ya see they were a bunch of friends that had just visited to bet on the big jousting tourney. Y'know, a couple years back, record purse? Prince Kirdan was the headliner? Maybe you heard of it. Anyway...they defied the odds and bet against the good Prince...and won big. Envu Plaindarter...the centaur wunderkind made a name for herself that day. Some would argue centaurs have a pretty unfair advantage in a jousting tourney, and well...they may be right. There's a reason they've been banned from most major tourneys since.

Anyway, these halflings...they musta bet their whole life savings on Envu. And at eight-to-one odds, the payout was enormous to say the least. However, these little halfings made the grave mistake of hitting up the Bucking Bronco tavern afterwards. Had more than a few drinks, and with those drinks their lips loosened and they couldn't help but brag about the riches they'd just made. Lotta ears in a tavern like that...some of them big. And floppy. Like mine, I'm talking about my ears.

And so, of course, when I noticed the group heading out later that day I tracked them down...waited in watching til they set up camp, the sun set, and the drinks commenced. Halflings may handle an impressive amount of mead for their size, but it still don't take much for them to fade. It was really too easy.

WHAM! My flail connected right on the cheek of the first one, his teeth went skittering into the campfire like little pieces of hail...and his body followed soon after, as that one hit was all his little head could withstand.

The other three of them began to run off in a panic, but not nearly fast enough. A simple slash across the throat with my hidden blade did in the next one. Another, in his drunken stupor, drowned himself trying to escape across the river. Disappointing. The water gods owed me one for that.

But there was one last halfling, of course. The runt of the group. I dug my claws into the back of his neck and hoisted him up.

'The gold. Where?' I asked him.

He didn't seem to have an earthly clue what I was talking about, as he swore up and down that he didn't have a single copper to his name.

Wrong answer. Up his arse the marshmallow stick went, and over the flame went the halfling.

'Last chance. W̷̟͎̻͂h̴̡͇͆ͅë̸͇́r̷͖͛͑͑̕e̴̞̩̪̍̈́͛ ̶̨͚͙̹̍͆i̴̝̰͖͋̓s̵̗̦̄̏̕̕ ̸̨̿̉̚t̶͖͚̭͑h̷͒̕͜e̸͔̊͐̚ ̵̙̥̯̅̑̃̍ġ̶̺̮͆ǫ̶̱̭̈̋̌l̴͈̃͑͗̚͜d̶̛̙̯̓?̴̧͕͗' I asked once again.

'Lord...have mercy...have mer--' is all he could muster before he succumbed to the flames.

I shrugged and scoured the camp, but wouldn't you know it...not a single copper in sight.

Moments later, I heard singing coming from the road. I peered out and saw a very small carriage being led by a single pony. Inside was what appeared to be four halflings. But that's not what was most intriguing. My ears perked up as I heard the unmistakable sound of gold jingling from a pouch in the back.

I could not stop laughing! What a silly, honest mistake I had made! I proceeded to snuff out the campfire and stalk the halflings down the road. I'll let you fill in the blank with what came next!"

Murder Bunny had been droning on for quite some time. He was so caught up in his story that he hadn't even noticed that several people had slowly backed away from the campfire at various points. The ones that remained looked almost uniformly mortified, from what he could tell.

He frowned to himself. This is why he didn't open up to anyone anymore. They just didn't get it.

"So anyway...I believe it's time my watch began...yeah."

He needlessly pushed Priggat out of the way as he made his way back to the Ying Yang Yang's little spot.

##MQ1: First Watch
##MQ2: B (Sneak over to it)
##SQ1: Criminal
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