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Poll of the Day #316; the bread thief
 Poll Question: Who is the worst?
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Post #1: 30th May 2018 9:25 AM 
Amelia - stole, was going to let her husband get his hand cut off
Gavin - knew the truth and did nothing and wanted an innocent man to have his hand cut off
Robin - offered drugs to a druggie to confirm her suspicions. She could have asked the question different to get at the truth. She wasn’t interested in the truth.
Joseph - knew his wife stole and didn’t say anything
Charles - he’s a drug addict and has his own demons.
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Post #2: 30th May 2018 9:32 AM 
Mental note go read all the discussion about this later.
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Post #3: 30th May 2018 10:34 AM 
Christian @ 28/5/2018 20:52
JJ @ 28/5/2018 20:49
Christian @ 28/5/2018 20:48
JJ @ 28/5/2018 20:45
Robin is just a hard-working woman who doesn't want people stealing her bread! Her only crime is taking advantage of a drug addict but she probably lives in trying times!

She didn't have proof that Joseph stole the bread, but still got him sent down, by bribing a drug addict with drugs. And where'd she get them drugs anyhow, huh? :P

She went with her heart! How many people are in jail because of faulty witnesses/people who "just know" someone else was guilty? Happens all the time - and they probably didn't have DNA in this story.

she forced a drug addict to lie though and say he saw Joseph commit the crime, by promising to give him drugs that she either makes herself or sells on the side. lol

She didn’t force the drug addict to lie.
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Post #4: 30th May 2018 10:37 AM 
Christian @ 28/5/2018 21:09
JJ @ 28/5/2018 21:03
Christian @ 28/5/2018 21:02
JJ @ 28/5/2018 21:01
Wow, 2 votes for Robin?


Does your opinion change at all if Robin was a successful businessman/part-time drug dealer?

No matter what sex/sexual preference Robin possesses, my opinion is the same.

that Robin is not as bad as Amelia, who just wanted to eat damnit. lol And that Robin is not even as bad as Gavin, who only feared for his daughter's well-being! :P
Robin has a darkness in Robin's heart, to want someone (anyone) to pay for the crime, even though they didn't commit it, and for forcing an addict to lie about it by offering them drugs (which I still want to know how they came about) and furthering their addiction just to serve Robin's own agenda!!

What if Joseph and robin were former lovers and he cheated on him/her with Amelia. What if they were scheduled to be married and he left her at the altar.

Does that change your opinion of robin/Joseph/Amelia?
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Post #5: 30th May 2018 10:41 AM 
Christian @ 28/5/2018 21:14
I started thinking about Aladdin when I read this story.

Never saw it. I assume the plot is similar?
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Post #6: 30th May 2018 10:44 AM 
Curtis @ 30/5/2018 7:37
vladykins @ 30/5/2018 7:04
Curtis @ 29/5/2018 17:27
It's not meant to mean Robin took the law into his own hands and cut Amelia's hand off. There's a line about Joseph being sentenced to have his hand cut off because that's the penalty during whenever this time was. It's the same when Amelia is sentenced, Robin isn't just going rogue

Robin did it. It's right in the text you wrote. You didn't say "then Amelia's hand was cut off" or "the authorities cleaved Amelia's hand off" but specifically "Robin cleaved Amelia's hand off". It doesn't matter that the law may have been on Robin's side in this or not: we have plenty of examples of folks who have used their lawful "authority " to get their jollies off. You don't think that New Jersey cop loved punching that woman on the beach? You don't think George Zimmerman loved shooting a black kid and getting away with it? Some of these cases are almost psychosexual- Freud would have had a field day.

You wrote the text specifically to have Robin cut the hand off. Can't change it now because that changes the story. :P

Motherfucker I wrote it and can do whatever I please!!

Curtis is actually the worst
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Post #7: 30th May 2018 9:28 PM 
That still isn’t forced. He said yes under his own free will. He could have said no
Oh yeah!!!
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