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F&E: "A Long Rest"; lvl 4
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Joined:Nov 30, 2014
Post #1: 10th Feb 2021 4:52 PM 
Marnu felt a little guilty about the whole gnoll situation. Despite the fact that he had loudly proclaimed that he was defending cart from the inside, there were rumours floating around camp that he his true plan to was to hide in the cart and wait things out. He had no idea how these adventurers had seen through his little white lie, but he felt very bad for letting Vandal and Hustus down. To make it up to them, he offered to take the middle shift of the watch in order to allow them an undisturbed sleep.

## Main Quest 1: Second Watch

As Marnu was sitting around the campfire, everyone began exchanging stories about their lives. Marnu was thrilled because he *loved* telling stories about himself. He decided to tell the story of his first kiss.

Bonus Quest
One day, when he was still a regular size frog, Marnu was hanging out with some of his favorite siblings: Graaba, Schkoonto and Jen. They were his favorites because they weren't afraid of a little bit of adventure and were willing to bend his parents' rules a little bit. His mother and father had strictly forbidden them from crossing the fallen tree with the blue green moss, but Marnu knew that his parents were busy finding dinner and he figured they wouldn't mind if he was gone for a few minutes.

Marnu, Graaba, Schkoonto and Jen all ventured out past the log, and they found a small little tent. Out side there was a young man and young woman. They were staring keenly into a pond. Marnu wasn't sure how to proceed, humans could be erratic - but he figured that they would take no notice of a bunch of frogs just happening to be hopping around the forest so he began to hop past them. But when he and his siblings got close to the strange humans, the humans turned around and lunged at them. They were able to grab Graaba and Schkoonto before himself and Jen were able to hop away.

Marnu and Jen made their way back to the log with the blue green moss, and both of them wept. They had got their siblings captured and maybe killed. What a horrible day! After a few minutes of feeling sorry for themselves, Marnu spoke up "Sister, we need to go back and free our brothers. For if we don't, this decision will haunt our lives forever and our parents will never forgive us."

Marnu and Jen hopped back to where the humans were, determined to protect their siblings. But when they arrived, their siblings were nowhere to be seen. The humans did have a knapsack that was definitely large enough to contain the two frogs, so Marnu and Jen devised an elaborate plan to free their siblings. First they would hop over to the bag, and then they would somehow open the bag.

But as Marnu and Jen charged towards the bag, the humans took notice of them again and were successful at catching them this time. In the hands of the young man, Marnu's life flashed before his eyes. His life had not been very long by this point, so it was mostly just memories of him swimming aimlessly through a pond back when he was a tadpole. But still, he readied for himself for death as surely these humans were going to eat them or sacrifice them for a magical spell. Oddly enough, death never came. The man was simply staring in awe at the woman and Jen.

Marnu turned his head just in time to see the woman bring Jen up to her lips and kiss her. But this was no ordinary kiss, for a blue light began to envelop Jen and she began to grow and transform. Her skin lost its green colour, and she sprouted hair on the top of her head... before Marnu knew it he was looking at a beautiful human woman. She was wearing a green dress with a golden crown atop her head. Jen hugged the woman who had just kissed her and said some words that Marnu couldn't understand.

She then turned to Marnu, and started croaking in the Frogfolk language "Well I suppose it is time you now know the truth Marnu. I am Princess Jen, from the far off land of Saldaea. When I was 7, I was kidnapped by an evil witch and turned into a frog. Ever since, my father has been ordering his army to find all the frogs on the continent and kiss them, so that they might break the spell. Your parents were kind enough to take me in, feed me, teach me their language, and love me as one of their own while my parents troops searched for me. I must find them, and express my gratitude."

Jen then carried Marnu back to his parents home, where Graaba and Schkoonto had safely returned to. By the time they arrived there, Pricess Jen had lost a shoe and her gown was covered in mud, but she had a smile on her face because the curse had been broken. She expressed her gratitude to both Marnu's parents, and left them with a large pouch of gold, for they might need it if they were ever to integrate with human society. This is the gold that Marnu would eventually end up using when he set out into the world to win back the love of his life.

Jen then turned to Marnu, and thanked him. If it weren't for his decision to be bold and explore the marsh, she never would have run into her father's forces. She picked up Marnu, and kissed him delicately on the head. She told him, that should he ever make his way to Saldaea, he will be known as a hero there.

Side Quest 1: Folk Hero

Marnu had just finished telling his story as he looked around the group. The others were staring at him disbelievingly. His ears then picked up on a sound coming from the bushes. He still felt ashamed about the rumours of his cowardice, and decided he must prove himself to the others. He took a deep breath, and then charged full speed at the sound.

Main Quest 2 - C
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