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Congrats EU/UK. You have officially screwed Europe!; Spinoff to the wildy popular Congrats America thread
Darkus Black
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Post #91: 12th Mar 2018 5:04 PM 
What are you doing? I am asking you a question. Are you scared to answer?
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Post #92: 12th Mar 2018 5:19 PM 
I quite clearly answered you!
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Post #93: 12th Mar 2018 5:19 PM 
Awwww yea don't stop
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Post #94: 12th Mar 2018 6:12 PM 
This thread needs more Henry.
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Post #95: 13th Mar 2018 12:34 PM 
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Post #96: 19th Mar 2018 5:04 AM 
Well, the Me Too movement and modern feminism usually don't touch women's issues if there's a race element to it. Probably not intentionally, I think it slips under the radar.

Anyway, watched an episode of BBC Question Time recently. All this Russia stuff lately makes me think Europe needs to stick together. There was this guy from RT on the program and he and someone else from the Touries were saying things like, Britain needs to leave Europe behind and start new friendships with Russia, China etc.

EU might have some problems right now, but with Russia sending money into right wing parties here in Europe and probably US as well, I seriously think we need to become more solidified.
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Post #97: 19th Mar 2018 8:28 AM 
Hetm @ 19/3/2018 5:04
Well, the Me Too movement and modern feminism usually don't touch women's issues if there's a race element to it. Probably not intentionally, I think it slips under the radar.

The sad part is that this isn't even a race issue, it's a religious one. It is the silence over scandals like this that makes it hard to take modern feminism seriously. Here we have a legit rape culture, which has claimed thousands of victims all over the country for decades, and where is the outrage? It's mind boggling.

There are at least some positive signs, in that this time the media can't ignore it like they did with Rotherham (though they tried to). I don't think this one is going to go away. The approach of certain media outlets when reporting on this is a joke though. The BBC, for example, won't admit the grooming gangs are Muslim...they use the more PC term 'Asian' instead, which ironically is actually racist, and has pissed off lots of Asian communities in the UK. Some Sikh groups have complained!

I'm tired of hearing these stories, and people are starting to get really angry. I'm very concerned about where this could lead if we don't start making serious attempts to fix this problem. But we have to acknowledge there even is a problem first, and we haven't quite got there yet.

Hetm @ 19/3/2018 5:04
Anyway, watched an episode of BBC Question Time recently. All this Russia stuff lately makes me think Europe needs to stick together. There was this guy from RT on the program and he and someone else from the Touries were saying things like, Britain needs to leave Europe behind and start new friendships with Russia, China etc.

EU might have some problems right now, but with Russia sending money into right wing parties here in Europe and probably US as well, I seriously think we need to become more solidified.

I watched that episode. That guy from RT is crazy.

But the argument that security should take precedent over freedom is one that has been used all throughout history. You should be wary of anybody who argues for more unity to counter the threat of Russia. I doubt their motivations are noble. I'm also very sceptical of the degree to which Russia has influenced elections in Europe and the US. I think the paranoia over it has grown to red scare levels. Russia is a threat and sure, they no doubt try to influence elections, but I believe it's vastly overstated.

I'll also reiterate what I said previously in this thread; the EU doesn't offer Europe anywhere near the same protection that NATO does. Maintaining that alliance is far more important when it comes to countering Russia. And once again, leaving the EU does not mean leaving Europe.

It was encouraging that Germany, France, and most importantly the US, backed us up in condemning the recent attack in Salisbury.
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Post #98: 19th Mar 2018 8:36 AM 
In other news, Putin just got reelected.

What a shocking result!
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Post #99: 19th Mar 2018 8:41 AM 
Hetm @ 11/3/2018 12:54
Primate @ 11/3/2018 17:51
If the UK is in such a position of military and rconomic strength, how come they couldn't strongarm the EU and enact change?

Each EU nation comes to an agreement as a group, one country strongarming stuff smell bad, like Russia bad.

Germany, France, Brussel etc seems to be calling the shots, the UK always wanted different things.

The Syria refugee crisis split EU apart a whole lot. Some countries took way too many and other countries took few or none at all.

If a handful of countries are calling the shots, is it really a group decision.
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Post #100: 19th Mar 2018 2:09 PM 
Oh right, forgot all about Nato there.
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Post #101: 20th Mar 2018 9:22 AM 
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damn right son!
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Post #102: 20th Mar 2018 10:02 AM 
what's wrong with people in the EU? eh?

they have electricity, clean water (most of the time), and a big surplus on stuff they don't even need...they can sit at home and watch space (allegedly LIVE)...and still they act all caveman-ish and shit...trying to kill each others over the biggest coconut or something....getting into a debate about who is and who is not, to eat ZEE cake.

"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #103: 20th Mar 2018 11:14 AM 
Henry, you're gonna have to translate that for me bud
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Post #104: 20th Mar 2018 11:21 AM 
Mike @ 20/3/2018 15:22

I hate this fucking country, this is pathetic.

Is this a new thing?

Like, who legislated that you can go to prison for grossly offensive things done online?
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Post #105: 20th Mar 2018 11:56 AM 
It's due to our hate speech laws and how easy they are to abuse, combined with how crazy and authoritarian the Scottish Police have become.

This is such a bad precedent they are setting here. I'm pissed.

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