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F&E: "A Long Rest"; lvl 4
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Post #61: 10th Feb 2021 6:18 PM 
Pastor Sandro retrieves his items from his pack.

"Murder Bunny, I'd like you to have this in Torm's name." ##Give healing potion to Murder Bunny

"Calius, I feel like Talona, mistress of disease, wants you to have this." ##Give moonberry to Calius (not using it on him!!!)

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Post #62: 10th Feb 2021 6:19 PM 
##take whatever watch is left (i think last?)
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Post #63: 10th Feb 2021 6:20 PM 
"Tempus, give me strength!!"

##Charge at it, full speed ahead.
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Post #64: 10th Feb 2021 6:21 PM 
##Main Question 1: B. Second Watch
##Main Quest 2: D. Climb a nearby tree, see if you can spot anything.
##Side Quest 1: Acolyte
##Side Quest 2:

After a long silence, Lavina decides that it is her responsibility to break the silence. Standing up, her wings expand to their greatest length and standing in front of the group.

"Well, all these stories are great but have you ever heard the tale of the... Great Grave Robbers of Woolhope? I doubt it!" Lavina starts, pulling her banjo out and starting to strum an ominous, and somewhat bad tune to the background of her story.

"The town of Woolhope had been a fairly quiet town, not much disturbances to them as they were secluded out in the countryside. Our crew came stumbling into town after a lengthy adventure. We'd just defeated... several... dragons." Lavina looks at her group, shrugging her shoulders before continuing her story. "And slaying them all! One by one, they never stood a chance. So, we decided to spend the night at the local tavern -- using our new treasures to get drinks on the house! It was the best night of our lives, even if we can barely remember it.

The next morning, we awoke to a panic in town... Someone had ransacked the local graves and stolen all of the jewelry from the dead. Who could do such an atrocious act? Being such a mighty and powerful celestial, it was only natural that the locals asked me to help them out with their mission to catch these fiends in the act. So, unbeknownst to Canassa & Faerora, I accept and decided to try and lure the criminals in the next night.. Dressing the graves with any jewelry and goods the locals had offered up to me.

So, I told my two companions I was going out for the night and prepaid for the rest of their drinks for the evening.. Setting them up for yet another wild night at the local tavern. I snuck away into the night and set up in a super secret hiding spot, watching over the graves through the night for any suspicious activity. And lo and behold.. A few hours later, a shadowy figure came stumbling into the graveyard and began to dig up a grave I'd set a particularly beautiful necklace on. I sprung into action and tackled the culprit to the ground! We 'rastled for a while before I was finally able to pin them down.. looking down at none other than... Faerora!"

Lavina points her banjo over at Faerora, a large smile on her face.

"She'd been the one drunkenly sneaking out and robbing these poor people's graves. So naturally, I did what any good person would do.. Helped her finish robbing the grave and brought us both back to the tavern. I informed everyone I had caught the grave robber and dealt with the problem.. And told them that it was none other than.. a group of goblins who had snuck into town! To this day, the town of Woolhope regards me as a hero and a saint for saving their graves.. As well as fostering a newfound hatred for Goblins."
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Post #65: 10th Feb 2021 6:22 PM 
As Vandal's torch continued to burn in the underbrush of the forest where he'd tossed it, it reminded him of a very heroic story he wanted to share with the group before he slept so that they might be impressed. Something other than slaughtering bandits and stacking bones. He grunted and made his way over to the campfire as if he were addressing the Midnight Society.

Bonus Quest 1: Campfire Story

"I'll have everyone here know that I once saved the life of a child. The thing was trapped inside of a tavern ablaze. I dragged him to safety by his head, and once free and clear of the inferno everyone nearby clapped. One broke from the crowd to give me five gold, even."

Vandal left out the part where he also apologized profusely for setting the child's family's business on fire. You see the breadmaker, who he had shred limb from limb, looked like a brigand, but that's neither here nor there.
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Post #66: 10th Feb 2021 6:23 PM 
Lavina wipes a tear from her eye, clapping at Vandal's story. "You're the bravest Giggle Dog that has ever giggled, Vandal."
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Post #67: 10th Feb 2021 6:28 PM 
Vandal beams with pride at Lavina's words and then returns to collapse by his party for the rest of the night.
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Post #68: 10th Feb 2021 6:35 PM 
"With all these talks of goblins, I thought I'd share a fun parable from Maglubiyet, the deity goblins choose to worship.

Maglubiyet demanded two longshanks heads. The goblins hunt, hide off of road, ambush. Capture three longshanks.

First wordspewer cries. "If you spare me, I'll tell you where I've hidden some treasure! You'll be rich! But you'll only get it if you let me go."

Second soil digger cries. "Please let me go! If you do, I'll provide you with tons of food! My family owns lots of pigs, you won't go hungry again!"

Third stink reeker cries. "Those other two are lying! If you let me go, I'll make sure you get paid and fed, for I am the mayor of the nearby town!"

Goblins look at goblins. Two humans needed.

Maglubiyet receive 3 heads."

Sandro looks around expectantly.
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Post #69: 10th Feb 2021 6:36 PM 
"It might make more sense in the native goblin..."
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Post #70: 10th Feb 2021 6:39 PM 
Before my family perished from the rogue tortle, I wash training my oldesht grandshon, Marlo, to be an alchemisht. None of my shons were ever intereshted in the world of herbs and peshtels. They wanted to be brave ratfolk hero, legendsh of lore. They wanted to be mashters of our race and do the unthinkable, wielding blade and shield. They looked up to folk herosh outside our kin. I admired their courage, but knew deep down they could never be a warrior. I'sh humble in what ratfolk are capable of. We may now be the shrongest of the bunch, but we are filled with wishdom, more than you many realishe. And with my knowledge of my kin and my many yearsh of experienshe with nature, my grandshon began to make potions all on his own. He was shtill a young kitten, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Marlo and I were to shet out on an adventure into the foresht to find some moon berriesh for some poishon I'sh wash brewing. But my shon wanted to teach Marlo battle techniquesh before we shet out. Just in cashe of an ambush. He wash a little boy, even if he knew anything, he wash of no ability to take on any grown man. But.... I let him. Marlo wash very disappointed, but lishtened to his father. I shet out to the foresht.... and that's when it happened. The tortle. When that tortle breached our camp... my shons were slain right away. They didn't shtand a chance despite their courage. My wife, not long after. Defenshless and frail she wash, just like I most morningsh. All the young kittensh, including Marlo, were slain lasht. I heard their screams from the foresht. And when I ran back, everyone wash already gone. Little Marlo would shtill be with me if I had jusht shaid something. I should have. Inshtead... I am alone. An old rat with his herbsh.

I..... I'm shorry, Marlo.

##Background Sage
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Post #71: 10th Feb 2021 6:41 PM 
##second watch
Rodney is a great guy. Oops, nevermind he's a terrible human being.
He likes his sandwiches to be Turkey and Swiss. Triangle cut. Let vern have his crust. Poison the part Rodney eats.

TIB - 2 time award winner "Worst mafia player" at FE (maybe everywhere)

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Post #72: 10th Feb 2021 6:49 PM 
##d get high vantage point

Rodney is a great guy. Oops, nevermind he's a terrible human being.
He likes his sandwiches to be Turkey and Swiss. Triangle cut. Let vern have his crust. Poison the part Rodney eats.

TIB - 2 time award winner "Worst mafia player" at FE (maybe everywhere)

2020 winner of World’s Best Brother Award


Curtis said he wishes I never joined FE.

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Post #73: 10th Feb 2021 6:54 PM 
Canassa lowers her hat and puts a piece of wheat in her mouth.

"a story huh? Not much to tell of my past. Fucked up horse girl living on a farm pretty standard shit i'd say."

"Well aside from the mysterious murders in the nearby town i guess." She stretches her back as she comfortably lays down.

"Some popular politicians got offed in the night. They say the bodies were mutilated and then trampled by the attacker's horse." she gives a sly wink.

"Or maybe he was a fucked up child toucher who got what was coming to him. heh, They say you can teach a horse to count with their hoof, well" Canassa extends her leg clopping it down on the ground.

"Let's just say there were more than enough broken bones counted that night."
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Post #74: 10th Feb 2021 6:57 PM 
I've always had it fairly easy. Pampered if you will. But my story and inspiration come from my father. You wouldn't know it now, but he was a great warrior. He helped conquer the land we are on now.
My goal is to earn this kingdom, as he did.
I still remember the day Grimlocks forces fell. My father had a chance to let him go and accept surrender. He did not.

What's right and just is not always easy. Letting him go is letting him plan to come back. I couldn't allow that he did.

He's the reason I'm out here. And his decision is what drives my code of justice.
Rodney is a great guy. Oops, nevermind he's a terrible human being.
He likes his sandwiches to be Turkey and Swiss. Triangle cut. Let vern have his crust. Poison the part Rodney eats.

TIB - 2 time award winner "Worst mafia player" at FE (maybe everywhere)

2020 winner of World’s Best Brother Award


Curtis said he wishes I never joined FE.

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Post #75: 10th Feb 2021 7:12 PM 
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The group helped Akmong push the carriage off the main road and into the woods a bit, being sure to cover it with fallen branches and leaves to keep it out of sight. The road North was dangerous, and any roaming band of thieves would love to come across parties carrying this much gold.

A modest fire was started quickly and bedrolls were laid out. Some parties mingled with one another, others preferred to stay on the periphery of the group and keep an eye on each other. They were still competing for a large sum, afterall.

A few hours later, in while most began to leave the comfort of the fire after hearing Murder Bunny's gruesome tale, a sound deeper in the woods echoed throughout the makeshift camp. Everyone snapped to and readied their weapons, scattering about and taking different approaches to the situation.

Mostly everyone, anyway. Malus, Rara, Priggat, Tuuluuwaq, and Hustus chose to ignore it and continued to sleep soundly, hoping to wake up energized and in fighting spirit.

Three others took a much different approach. Ordella, and the usually peaceful Pastor Sandor and Marnu, decided to charge forth blindly, weapons in hand. They got about as far as a patch of cowhage, whose purplish flowers may look nice, but are known to be poisonous. After getting ensnared in the cowhage's vines, the three rejoined camp scratching at their necks.

Booberella and Vandal didnt fare much better. The two hung back, lit a torch using the fire, and hurled them into the woods. A fateful bounce off a nearby tree sent the torches back their way, landing at their feet and quickly setting their pant legs ablaze. The two helped each other stomp the flames out, but their wounds would take some time to heal.

The largest pack of adventurers snuck into some bushes at the edge of the clearing ahead. Greaseface, Cyrillus, Randall, Canassa, Faerora, Murder Bunny, and Calius stealthily crept into position. Another twig snapped...then another. And another. Whatever was up ahead, there was more than one. The seven readied their weapons and after a quiet count of three, lunged forth and entered the clearing, ready to battle what was ahead...

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A merry band of five Felis folk were in the middle of dancing and merriment around their small fire when the group ran up to them. The five turned their tiny, pinecone sized bodies and lifted their large heads to greet our heroes, meeting their gaze with innocent eyes. The Felis party waved their clumsy paws and invited the adventurers to spend some time with them by the fire.

The next hour was full of joy as the Felis family shared laughs, ale, and riches with the seven who had approached them. As the night wore on, the Felis' bid them adieu with a bow, packed their belongings, and marched out single file deeper into the woods.

Lavina, Ahron, Khanarak, and Rok climbed up some nearby trees and peered into the clearing where the noise came from. The four watched from afar as the larger group enjoyed a night of song and dance with the Felis folk. While they didn't get to join in, it did leave them with a warm, inspiring feeling.

The sun rose and all parties reconvened back at camp. The seven shared their encounter with the Felis folk to the rest of the party, when Murder Bunny arrived back from the Felis camp suspiciously later than the rest.

He licked some red substance from his lips joyfully as the group all turned their attention back towards him with horrified expressions.

"What?" he began. "I found some b̵̡͍͛̐ë̶̖̯̪̭́̎͊͒̌̌͛̀̈́̏͒̓̅͊͝r̴̭̰̼̥͇̰̰̭͕̱͆̒ṛ̵̨̻̟͔͔̟̰̬̰͂̓̎̇͌͆̓̈̓̇͐̚ͅi̵̢̬̱͉̣̞̮͐̔̒̄͛͛͋͛̾͋̍e̷̡̯͎͚̻̦̽̍̆͐s̷̰̘͕̙͗̓̓͑̈́͊."

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If your watch position matches your position in the party (Support first, Fighter second, Mage third), add five gold.

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Main Quest #2: What Was That?

A twig snaps deeper within the woods. Do you dare interrupt your rest to investigate? Choose individually.

A. Ignore it and continue on with your long rest. If you choose this, you will end the night with full health.
B. Sneak over to it and check it out from some bushes.
C. Charge at it, full speed ahead.
D. Climb a nearby tree, see if you can spot anything.
E. Toss a torch in that direction to try to flush it out.

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Side Quest #1: Background

Folk Hero: ADD ONE KEY.

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Bonus Quest #1: Campfire Stories

Wonderful stories, thank you for sharing. ADD TEN GOLD.
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