I just love the main 3 character's chemistry. Take the scene of Matt and Foggy walking to work together. You don't see character development like that in shit shows like Agents of Shield. Matt's promise to Foggy about not getting hurt seemed like it was something to remember.
Strong premiere episode. For some silly reason I expected them to build up slowly to Punisher. At least he'll be a season long "big bad" like Kingpin was. I ASSUME. Punisher is sort of an anti-hero though, and not really a bad guy. Though him hanging those gentleman on meat hooks is some dark shit!!!
Karen saving the bad man was also gr8. She is such a strong character
Elektra has yet to appear and probably won't for awhile. I don't know if she is going to be a love interest or ally or even enemy~
I'd have been a lot more nervous if it wasn't apparent that nobody important was dying in this first episode. (Based on the trailers and stuff) This show can totally do it too. Take last season for example...I worried for pretty much everyone sans Daredevil throughout the entire thing. For now, so long as the main 3 survive, I'm good. ;o
It was obvious Punisher would win the first battle vs Matt. You don't bring an enemy into any show and have them lose right away lolol