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Congrats EU/UK. You have officially screwed Europe!; Spinoff to the wildy popular Congrats America thread
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Post #331: 23rd Jul 2019 8:57 AM 
Well, all that stuff is happening here too, and in other european countries as well. We're in this mess together at least, and I don't see it ending well. There seems to be a fundemental difference on the view of women, at the very least, and free speech.

As far as the EU goes, I had no idea there was a new leader. I'm just picturing Ursula from the Little Mermaid right now. Is that the new boss?
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Post #332: 23rd Jul 2019 9:18 AM 
I guess being islamaphobic is conflating all muslims as one and the same when there's Sunni, Shia, as well as very conservative muslims with fundamental beliefs about religion and muslims who are more moderate.

It's very segregated too, you can take the tram from where I live to the central parts of town. When you get on, there are like 90% muslims, but before you reach the city the tram is 99% white.

They cancelled festivals here a few years ago because of the grooming gangs that sexually assaulted young teenage girls, and the cops were too afraid to arrest them because they would have been branded as racists, which is basically a career killer lol.

This happened during the Metoo wave though, so this became a men problem instead of a grooming gang problem. I haven't heard anything since then, all I know is that the guys were originally from Morocco or something and that sexually assaulting young girls is a sport in some other countries.
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Post #333: 23rd Jul 2019 9:31 AM 
Ursula von der Leyen seems to be a German Conservative, just like Angela Merkel. So basically right in the center.
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Post #334: 23rd Jul 2019 9:37 AM 
The more left wing parties here have been branded as anti-semitic too. Those furthest to the left, that is. It's probably something to look into.
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Post #335: 23rd Jul 2019 3:44 PM 
They cancelled festivals here a few years ago because of the grooming gangs that sexually assaulted young teenage girls, and the cops were too afraid to arrest them because they would have been branded as racists, which is basically a career killer lol.

This happened during the Metoo wave though, so this became a men problem instead of a grooming gang problem. I haven't heard anything since then, all I know is that the guys were originally from Morocco or something and that sexually assaulting young girls is a sport in some other countries.

I remember reading about this when it happened. It was so infuriating that instead of addressing the real problem, they just blamed men in general. Way to dodge the issue! I heard that they proposed to segregate future festivals by gender. Not sure how true that is though.

I think what you're referring to is Taharrush, which translates to 'the rape game'

Which says it all really
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Post #336: 23rd Jul 2019 3:49 PM 
Posted ImagePosted Image

This can't be a coincidence
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Post #337: 23rd Jul 2019 4:12 PM 
Most festivals still run like normal, but there was a feminist here who was going to organize a festival of her own, but men would not be allowed. I'm not sure what happened with it, but festivals still run like normal as far as I'm aware.

There has been some weird gender segregation suggestions by radicals, but thankfully it's only been appealing to the minority and I doubt most people want that stuff.
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Post #338: 23rd Jul 2019 4:13 PM 
The world is being invaded by the Trumps.
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Post #339: 23rd Jul 2019 4:34 PM 
Darkus is really salty about this. Can't wait for him to come in here and blow up about it
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Post #340: 23rd Jul 2019 6:51 PM 
Someone on Twitter asked if a Boris Johnson is when Trump has an allergic reaction to shellfish.
"All this from a slice of gabagool?"
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Post #341: 25th Jul 2019 5:00 PM 
Lol this clip of Rory Stewart trying to explain Boris Johnson and struggling.

"All this from a slice of gabagool?"
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Post #342: 4th Sep 2019 7:26 PM 
lol our politicians hate us so much that they just stayed up all night to try and block Brexit

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Post #343: 4th Sep 2019 8:12 PM 
wikeyb9m3bek @ 23/7/2019 8:34
I'm absolutely sick of this shit. First off, the term Islamaphobia appears to have originated from fundamentalist groups in the Middle East, precisely with the aim of shutting down dissent towards Islam.

And secondly, phobia implies an irrational fear. It seems very rational to fear Islam if you ask me. The religion that if you write a book where you satirise its prophets life, you will get a fatwa put on you and have to go into hiding (Salman Rushdie), that if you make a film criticising the treatment of women under it, you will get stabbed to death in the street by a fanatic (Theo Van Gogh). And if you make a cartoon depicting their precious prophet you will be shot for your trouble (Charlie Hebdo).

It's actually very dangerous to criticise Islam, so why is the word Phobia used to slander those who do?

I am an Islamaphobe. Fuck this shitty religion. We need to start being more honest in the UK about this issue, because it's not going away, and the number of victims of these grooming gangs is growing every day.

Making statements like this would be akin to saying all Christians were members of the Westboro Baptist Church. I'll link to their wikipedia page, as I don't want to drive any more traffic their way.


You can't classify almost 2 billion people by the actions of a select few. That is the definition of stereotyping, and only makes the racial/religious/gender divides even worse. You have much much much more in common with most muslims than you probably realize.
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Post #344: 4th Sep 2019 9:17 PM 
I know about the Westboro Baptist Church Spin, but thanks for the link regardless. I never intended to imply that every Muslim is an extremist.

I still stand by my comment that Islam is a shitty religion though.
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Post #345: 4th Sep 2019 9:19 PM 
wikeyb9m3bek @ 4/9/2019 21:17
I know about the Westboro Baptist Church Spin, but thanks for the link regardless. I never intended to imply that every Muslim is an extremist.

I still stand by my comment that Islam is a shitty religion though.

All religions are shitty, but that's a discussion for a different forum.
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