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Congrats EU/UK. You have officially screwed Europe!; Spinoff to the wildy popular Congrats America thread
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The Last Snowcrab
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Post #316: 26th May 2019 3:42 PM 
The results from the election came in early!

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Post #317: 26th May 2019 8:29 PM 
The new supreme leader!
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Post #318: 27th May 2019 7:43 AM 
It seems these are the results (751 total seats):

Social Democrats 146 (-45)
Nordic Green Left 39 (-13)
Greens 69 (+19)
Liberal Democrats 109 (+42)
Non-aligned 8 (*)
Others 29 (*)
Nationalists 58 (*)
Freedom and Direct Democracy 54 (+6)
Europe of Conservatives and Reformers 59 (-11)
European People's Party 180 (-41)
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Post #319: 27th May 2019 7:45 AM 
Brexit Party should fall under Freedom and Direct Democracy.
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Post #320: 27th May 2019 9:26 AM 
Big win for Brexit in the UK. Looks like Nige has still got it. He's a great campaigner. I don't a lot of stuff he stands for, but on Brexit I agree with him 100%. Nobody else could have delivered this good a result with a party that is just 6 weeks old.

I'm a one issue voter at the moment, and have been since the referendum really.

Surprisingly, or perhaps not at all that surprisingly, our establishment is still in denial about what the country actually wants. This is the media's hilarious take: If you add up all the parties that ran on a promise to stop Brexit, remain actually won the election. Their bias is so transparent that it boggles my mind that people still take the mainstream media seriously.

Just look at this election map:

Posted Image

We've just had our second referendum. And leave won. Again. It's an insult to the electorate that we had to participate in these sodding European elections in the first place.
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Post #321: 27th May 2019 9:27 AM 
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Post #322: 27th May 2019 9:28 AM 
oh shit I forgot the championship playoff final was on
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Post #323: 27th May 2019 10:29 AM 
That's alright, it's just sports.
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Post #324: 27th May 2019 10:34 AM 
Labour and Touries seems to have been wiped out. I didn't realize as many of you wanted to leave.
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Post #325: 27th May 2019 10:57 AM 
It was glorious watching Labour and the Tories get decimated.
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Post #326: 31st May 2019 1:49 PM 
I read somewhere that only 35% of the UK voted in the EU election lol. I'm not sure how much different that is than the average, but it doesn’t seem high enough to draw definite conclusions.

I guess that's something a remainer would argue lol.
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Post #327: 31st May 2019 2:48 PM 
Typical US turnout is around 60% on presidential years and about 40 in mid term years. Much lower on the local elections where your vote really counts.

We do it backwards.
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Post #328: 23rd Jul 2019 6:48 AM 
Herm @ 25/5/2019 14:32
After May comes June.

This is not true.

After May comes Boris.

I don't know a single thing about him politically, but probably a good pick lol.
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Post #329: 23rd Jul 2019 6:53 AM 
Isn't Boris Johnson the guy no one wanted lol? How's this gonna go down?
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Post #330: 23rd Jul 2019 8:34 AM 
Herm @ 23/7/2019 6:53
Isn't Boris Johnson the guy no one wanted lol? How's this gonna go down?

Boris is the guy none of the pro EU people wanted. The jury is out on him with the pro-independence crowd though.

Boris is who the Tories should have elected from the get go. He would have won back in 2016 where it not for Gove stabbing him in the back. Unlike Theresa May he actually campaigned to leave the EU, and unlike May he actually has charisma and when he threatens to leave the EU without a deal he actually sounds like he means it.

Unfortunately for him though, there is no majority in Parliament for a no deal Brexit, so he'll struggle to carry it through if he does indeed try to. Our remain MP's don't understand the basics of negotiation, and continue to try and take all our leverage off the table. If we don't threaten the possibility of no deal, which would hurt European businesses as well as our own, then how are we supposed to negotiate a deal which works for everyone?

The EU is under new leadership too, which complicates things. Ursula von der Leyen was recently appointed the new President of the Commission. Yes, I said appointed, not elected. We don't really care much for democracy over here in Europe you know.

There are things Boris can do to circumnavigate Parliament, but he'll want to avoid doing them if he can. The nuclear option would be to call a general election, which he will be left with no choice but to do if all other avenues are closed off to him.

I believe Boris has had ambitions to become Prime Minister for a long time. One incidental factor that may stand Brexit in good stead is that he will be utterly determined to hold on to power and not repeat the same mistakes as Theresa May. He will do all he can to deliver Brexit, simply because he wants to stay Prime Minister.

Honestly though, if it comes to a general election I'll still vote for the Brexit Party. The Tories have fucked up too many times.

Speaking of fuck ups, the Labour party are out and out backing a second referendum now, effectively betraying their working class base who by and large voted for Brexit. They are doing this to appease the small but influential clique of middle class socialists who have taken over the party. Meanwhile they continue to drift ever further into identity politics and other nonsense. Oh, and now the party is being investigated for Anti-Semitism! Admittedly, I'm skeptical of that charge, but I haven't done enough reading on it.

In other news, the widespread abuse of young girls by Muslim grooming gangs continues, and recently a retired police detective released a book detailing the widespread cover up by the authorities in Rochdale.


tl;dr: The Police didn't convict Muslim Pedophiles who abused young girls because they feared being labelled Islamaphobic.

And this continues to this day. In places like Telford, Rotherham, Newcastle, Peterbrorough, Aylesbury and Blackburn.

I'm absolutely sick of this shit. First off, the term Islamaphobia appears to have originated from fundamentalist groups in the Middle East, precisely with the aim of shutting down dissent towards Islam.

And secondly, phobia implies an irrational fear. It seems very rational to fear Islam if you ask me. The religion that if you write a book where you satirise its prophets life, you will get a fatwa put on you and have to go into hiding (Salman Rushdie), that if you make a film criticising the treatment of women under it, you will get stabbed to death in the street by a fanatic (Theo Van Gogh). And if you make a cartoon depicting their precious prophet you will be shot for your trouble (Charlie Hebdo).

It's actually very dangerous to criticise Islam, so why is the word Phobia used to slander those who do?

I am an Islamaphobe. Fuck this shitty religion. We need to start being more honest in the UK about this issue, because it's not going away, and the number of victims of these grooming gangs is growing every day.
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