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Congrats EU/UK. You have officially screwed Europe!; Spinoff to the wildy popular Congrats America thread
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Post #286: 6th Apr 2019 8:19 AM 
Conservatives: "This is how we're gonna leave the EU."

Labour: "We won't accept those terms."

I get the feeling they're just doing this over and over again, with the same results. Is this correct?
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Post #287: 6th Apr 2019 12:08 PM 
Herm @ 6/4/2019 8:16
Crashing out is said to be bad for all of Europe so I think a deal is the only way, or you somehow stay in.

Yeah I think most of Europe would take a hit in a no deal scenario, not just Britain. I also think we are long past the point of negotiating a a decent deal. Shitty leadership got us here.

I actually think the best chance for a good deal now is for us to leave without one first, bizarrely enough.

Herm @ 6/4/2019 8:19
Conservatives: "This is how we're gonna leave the EU."

Labour: "We won't accept those terms."

I get the feeling they're just doing this over and over again, with the same results. Is this correct?

That's too charitable to the Conservatives. The deal Theresa May keeps trying to push is awful, and we'd be better off staying in the EU than accepting it. And it's not just Labour who are against it, plenty of the Tory party itself are too.

It is indeed a shitshow.

How are things in Hermland?
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Post #288: 6th Apr 2019 10:27 PM 
I can't complain.

There has been protests among young people for the enviroment, and a few other things but other than that things seems relatively ordinary.
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Post #289: 11th Apr 2019 5:23 AM 

Brexit extended to October!

The new deadline - 31 October - averts the prospect of the UK having to leave the EU without a deal on Friday, as MPs are still deadlocked over a deal.

European Council president Donald Tusk said his "message to British friends" was "please do not waste this time".

Theresa May, who had wanted a shorter delay, said the UK would still aim to leave the EU as soon as possible.

The UK must now hold European elections in May, or leave on 1 June without a deal.

What an absolute joke.

Mr Tusk said the UK could also rethink its strategy or choose to "cancel Brexit altogether".

Fuck these people, seriously. They are twats, the lot of them. Unelected, unaccountable, twats. And they are so transparent about it too. How can anyone read this and think these people give a shit about democracy? They truly don't care, they think they know what is best for us.

Guess I'm voting UKIP. What other choice is there when the "far right" are the only ones that actually want to honour the referendum result.
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Post #290: 12th Apr 2019 12:00 AM 
Good luck!

I'm not sure how or when you're gonna agree to a deal with the politicians in your parlament usually saying something like "I can't agree to a deal that doesn't have X, Y and Z in it" or "I have a responsibility to represent the people in my constituency, therefore I can't agree to anything unless the deal is X, Y and Z". Something like that lol.
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Post #291: 17th Apr 2019 12:53 PM 
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Post #292: 17th Apr 2019 12:58 PM 
"If pornographic websites fail to comply with the rules, they could have payment services withdrawn or be blocked for all UK users."

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Post #293: 17th Apr 2019 2:01 PM 
It's the dumbest thing and I have no idea what they are thinking.

Those checks could include having internet users enter personal details into a privately owned database or buying a pass from newsagents

This definitely won't backfire in any way!

Still, you've got to laugh at the prospect of people going to their local newsagents to buy a newspaper and a wanking permit
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Post #294: 17th Apr 2019 2:07 PM 
Does this apply to foreigners visiting the country that want to wank while they are there?
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Post #295: 17th Apr 2019 2:34 PM 
far @ 17/4/2019 12:07
Does this apply to foreigners visiting the country that want to wank while they are there?

It'd be hard, since they would first have to get a licence permit
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Post #296: 17th Apr 2019 4:23 PM 
Somehow I have a relevant gif in my bookmarks

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Post #297: 17th Apr 2019 9:30 PM 
Mercasaurus @ 17/4/2019 14:34
far @ 17/4/2019 12:07
Does this apply to foreigners visiting the country that want to wank while they are there?

It'd be hard, since they would first have to get a licence permit

Isn't it being hard sort of the point?
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Post #298: 17th Apr 2019 11:50 PM 
Spin @ 17/4/2019 19:30
Mercasaurus @ 17/4/2019 14:34
far @ 17/4/2019 12:07
Does this apply to foreigners visiting the country that want to wank while they are there?

It'd be hard, since they would first have to get a licence permit

Isn't it being hard sort of the point?

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Post #299: 29th Apr 2019 10:34 AM 
Herm @ 25/1/2019 11:37
Basic message: Politicians out of touch with the public

It's an old joke, but worth repeating ...
A sheep farmer is tending his flock when a city slicker rolls up in his BMW, hops out and asks, "Hey, if I tell you exactly how many sheep you have, can I take one?" The farmer nods, so the city slicker opens his laptop, calls up some satellite photos, runs some algorithms, and announces, "You have 1,432 sheep."

Impressed, the farmer says, "You're right. Go ahead and take one." So the city slicker loads one of the animals into the backseat of the car. "Now," says the farmer, "I'll bet all my sheep against your car that I can tell you what you do for a living."

A gaming sort, the city slicker says, "Sure."

"You're a politician," says the farmer.

"Wow!" says the politician. "How'd you know?"

"Well," says the farmer, "you come from nowhere even though I never asked you to. You drive a flashy car, and waer a smart suit. You used a hundred thousand dollars wortyh of technology to tell me something I already knew. And you don't know anything about my business. Now give me back my dog."

Post Edited by primate @ 29th Apr 2019 10:37 AM
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Post #300: 29th Apr 2019 10:37 AM 
OOps had to edit. I didn't proofread it and it was the wrong version
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