Would you take it up the butt to survive vlady? U can admit it here, we ain't judge. This is LGBT positive community.
I've never claimed I would rule the roost. You clearly don't understand social politics and the shit that goes on behind the scenes. You'd get rekt in Survivor homie
You can't even remember your own conversations. It looks like only one of us may have issues with dementia.
Man you're clearly retarded.
So I see you're essentially admitting you'd take it up the butt to survive
Remember when I told you Michael Jackson was a pedophile and you cried and cried?
Good times.
I think you're projecting something...I mean accusing innocent men of being pedophiles is shitty.
I think I know now why you did, did your father touch you when you were a boy?
You know, you used to be fairly mellow and cool, but ever since a year ago when you decided to become the discount version of chris, you've frankly gotten pretty boring. Your "insults" have been fairly predictable and, if you are going to troll someone, you need to know where their goat is tied. Calling someone older than you "old" doesn't work. Neither does implying that a guy who grew up in the SF Bay Area and who used to wear makeup and go to goth/industrial nights at gay clubs where androgyny was the order of the day is "gay" have any effect, though it says a lot about your own deep-seated issues. I understand that may play well in your state where Pence was elected governor, but it pretty much doesn't effect anybody who is comfortable with their sexuality. The closest you have gotten to an interesting insult was the "you'd never make it on Survivor" insult- this was more original, but considering I have zero interest in the show, not very hard hitting. You might as well say "lil yachty is never gonna mumble rap about you" with the effect that will have on me.
Please- either step up your troll game or we'll send 50 seagulls at you- and all of us already know how that's gonna end.
Would you take it up the butt to survive vlady? U can admit it here, we ain't judge. This is LGBT positive community.
I've never claimed I would rule the roost. You clearly don't understand social politics and the shit that goes on behind the scenes. You'd get rekt in Survivor homie
You can't even remember your own conversations. It looks like only one of us may have issues with dementia.
Man you're clearly retarded.
So I see you're essentially admitting you'd take it up the butt to survive
Remember when I told you Michael Jackson was a pedophile and you cried and cried?
Good times.
I think you're projecting something...I mean accusing innocent men of being pedophiles is shitty.
I think I know now why you did, did your father touch you when you were a boy?
You know, you used to be fairly mellow and cool, but ever since a year ago when you decided to become the discount version of chris, you've frankly gotten pretty boring. Your "insults" have been fairly predictable and, if you are going to troll someone, you need to know where their goat is tied. Calling someone older than you "old" doesn't work. Neither does implying that a guy who grew up in the SF Bay Area and who used to wear makeup and go to goth/industrial nights at gay clubs where androgyny was the order of the day is "gay" have any effect, though it says a lot about your own deep-seated issues. I understand that may play well in your state where Pence was elected governor, but it pretty much doesn't effect anybody who is comfortable with their sexuality. The closest you have gotten to an interesting insult was the "you'd never make it on Survivor" insult- this was more original, but considering I have zero interest in the show, not very hard hitting. You might as well say "lil yachty is never gonna mumble rap about you" with the effect that will have on me.
Please- either step up your troll game or we'll send 50 seagulls at you- and all of us already know how that's gonna end.
I never called you gay, I don't give a shit if you suck dick or eat clam. I just see that you're projecting and am worried about your issues as a child. If you have been molested you can come clean. I'm sure your wife won't think you're any less of a man no matter what you're into these days. I have plenty of friends that are gay. You're just a privileged and pretentious asshole. Your game is weak old man