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Carlo Scarpa 26th Mar 2018 2:12 PM
Cactus @ 24/12/2017 16:51

and finally, i'm going to whine a little that it takes a frustratingly long time for developments in metatheory to filter down to primary/secondary education. we're still producing armies of students who think they understand scientific methods (yes, plural) because their teachers wrongly imagine they're teaching it. they tend to only teach the HD model and forget that the D stands for 'deductive' (and worse, imagine that deduction is the opposite of induction). the old trope that one cannot prove a negative only works within certain epistemological constraints that science never actually signed up for. yeah, yeah, analytical certainty is the gold standard, but what a mountain to climb -- the dream of inducing the entire universe into analytic propositions so we can play modus ponens all day long is a complete pipe dream. it is also not how things work in actual practice, at all. we can use tools like statistical inference and rhetorical logic and still be scientific. logical empiricism was abandoned over a half-century ago and the entire point of the DN model is that we have a more robust causal relata (through postdiction) and can be far more deductive about things within a scientific context. and so now the key point -- you can prove a negative by deduction, so nothing prevents us from playing modus tollens all day. yay science!

yeah dawg yeah i was just reading this the other day

i also want to point out that the whole thing about not being able to prove a negative is pseudologic.

one of the most common syllogistic forms is the modus tollens, which expressly proves a negative. without it, you've lost an entire branch of the rules of inference and induction itself falls flat. and without induction, say goodbye to all of science and half of math.


Posted in The god delusion
Carlo Scarpa 26th Mar 2018 2:02 PM
Mercator @ 26/3/2018 4:53
Primate @ 24/3/2018 21:31
I'm just glad my grandparents made it possible for Darkus' posts to be in a language other than German.

Your grandparents are Russian?

no, they were instrumental in promoting the cash-and-carry and lend-lease programs that kept britain afloat until america had time to gear up
Posted in What's up Donald Trump's bitches?
Carlo Scarpa 26th Mar 2018 1:57 PM
unreleated: i no how to spell
Posted in !*FFA HQ*!
Carlo Scarpa 26th Mar 2018 1:57 PM
i also refuse to admit that these grape sour.
Posted in !*FFA HQ*!
Carlo Scarpa 26th Mar 2018 1:54 PM
lock thread and ban op
Posted in FFA Has a Mafia Game Sign Up
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