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Kayeffsea 5th Jul 2012 10:43 PM
ENFJ. Pretty accurate. I scored an ENTJ a few years ago I believe.


ENFJs are the benevolent 'pedagogues' of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship. But it's usually not meant as manipulation -- ENFJs generally believe in their dreams, and see themselves as helpers and enablers, which they usually are.

ENFJs are global learners. They see the big picture. The ENFJs focus is expansive. Some can juggle an amazing number of responsibilities or projects simultaneously. Many ENFJs have tremendous entrepreneurial ability.

ENFJs are, by definition, Js, with whom we associate organization and decisiveness. But they don't resemble the SJs or even the NTJs in organization of the environment nor occasional recalcitrance. ENFJs are organized in the arena of interpersonal affairs. Their offices may or may not be cluttered, but their conclusions (reached through feelings) about people and motives are drawn much more quickly and are more resilient than those of their NFP counterparts.

ENFJs know and appreciate people. Like most NFs, (and Feelers in general), they are apt to neglect themselves and their own needs for the needs of others. They have thinner psychological boundaries than most, and are at risk for being hurt or even abused by less sensitive people. ENFJs often take on more of the burdens of others than they can bear.
Posted in Myers-Briggs
Kayeffsea 4th Jul 2012 6:52 PM
I think the rational part of me knows it's for the best. It's, you know, using different outlets as a means of letting my emotions (e.g. currently sadness, being upset about hurting her) out.

She wasn't for me. First experience with a breakup initiated by me really. It's not fun.
Posted in That Depressing Cry For Help
Kayeffsea 4th Jul 2012 5:40 PM
Ironically enough, I think I did this over on FI as well back in the day. Just created a thread to rant about a romantic relationship break-up. For those who might find it a little weird to read about someones break-up with not having met me, completely fine if you don't want to read it.


The only girl I've ever been unconditionally in love with broke up with me 2.5 years ago. It's been a strange road ever since. None of my relationships since have ever seemed as serious. Almost as if I'm guarded in a way.

I met this girl, Pam, a few months back. She was nice, but not really my physical or emotional type. That's not to say she wasn't a lovely person, she was outstanding, just not for me. I like to have deep, intellectual conversations about things and that's not really for her. I like longer hair, she has super short hair, etc. Instead of not seeing each other again, we decided to date "short-term" aka until I was done with graduate school and moved away. Mutually exclusive, but not "dating" in the traditional sense of what it means to date.

That put us at about 14 months of a relationship that was designed, by its starters, to at some point fail / not work out. Most people don't agree with this, which is fine. Hopefully, just understanding it will be enough for now.

I met another girl a few weeks ago. She's more my type and my feelings started to grow. I barely know the new girl. She's just more of what I look for in terms of a first impression.

I broke up with Pam who, per what we talked about a few months ago, was blindsided. She knew we were temporary, but thought it would be longer than it was. This was the first real time I broke up with someone for a reason I had to come to terms with (e.g. previous girlfriend cheated, which made it easy). So I'm just jotting down my thoughts, on a public forum, because I'm hurting. I'm hurting because I hurt someone. I know right now, at this very moment, that person is just crying a river of tears because she lost me. It's very sad to think that someone who cares that much for you just couldn't be someone I had just a little more in common with.

And all this for what? Some girl who may or may not like me back anyway? It's going to be a long night. A tough decision was made and now the second guessing has begun to take its toll. Few more hours of work to go...
Posted in That Depressing Cry For Help
Kayeffsea 3rd Jul 2012 4:24 PM
I love the idea but echo some of what has already been said. What show is going to generate the discussion that LOST gave us on FI? After each episode of Game of Thrones ends my first instinct wouldn't be to go talk about every seen here. Same with Person of Interest. Great show, love Michael Emerson. But aside from that the level of discussion could never be what it was for LOST. Perhaps LOST is an unfair show to put other shows up against though.

I'm all for the idea. A TV sub-forum with Threads devoted to the TV shows. People that want to talk about those shows will flock to those threads. If one thread gets a boatload of discussion it could get its own sub-forum or something.
Posted in I was thinking!
Kayeffsea 3rd Jul 2012 10:13 AM
ESPNs latest trade rumor & question.

Which team would get the better end of this theoretical trade?

Nets (would receive Dwight Howard)

Magic (would receive Brook Lopez, Kris Humphries, MarShon Brooks, first-round picks in 2013/15/17)
Posted in NBA
Kayeffsea 2nd Jul 2012 10:47 PM
The Crusher of Crushers @ 2/7/2012 21:00
Kayeffsea @ 2/7/2012 19:19

If How I Met Your Mother ends with a satisfactory ending - I believe it will slide up. There's a lot of shows that I could think to put ahead of Dexter. Criminal Minds. Veronica Mars. Californication. Entourage. But even a couple of Dexter's "poor" seasons - no other show is like it (that I've seen) and I just love Michael C. Hall.

What would you consider a satisfactory ending? The obvious Barney+Robin pair pisses the shit out of me because I loved Nora and The Stripper whose name i forgot and Kal Penn was even pretty good. If they don't end up together I'll be good with whoever Ted ends up with (as long as it is not Robin of course).

That's actually a really good question. I think the best way to answer it is this. I loved Victoria. I think she is just the absolute best person Ted has been with. I loved Stella for her storyline and what she meant to Ted and (therefore) the show. I loved Robin because it was established early on that she would never be Ted's "one" and that allowed for some great storytelling (season 2, every other time he got into a relationship with her). Zoey is kind of an "eh" - don't think she added much.

For me, the person he ends up with has to just give that little extra something. Something that makes me look at the other relationships he's had and go "Nope, I want him to be with X. That makes the most sense."

Or, you know, just marry Victoria and somehow make that happen.
Posted in Top Three Shows
Kayeffsea 2nd Jul 2012 7:19 PM
LOST is a hard one for me to rank. I actually wrote "any criteria" because I knew if I said "best ever" than LOST & Dexter both would have had a hard time making the list.

Six Feet Under, to me, is the most complete show from start to finsih I've ever seen. It's hard for me to find an episode I don't like. Couple of character arcs might be not as great but it's just a great character story about life and death. For anyone that's never seen it or heard of it I would free-tv-project it (not on netflix)

LOST seasons 1-4 was my obsession. The first time I've ever had one for TV, really. It makes the list out of respect for those great years that I had on FI as well (<3). Without that experience, it probably drops off.

If How I Met Your Mother ends with a satisfactory ending - I believe it will slide up. There's a lot of shows that I could think to put ahead of Dexter. Criminal Minds. Veronica Mars. Californication. Entourage. But even a couple of Dexter's "poor" seasons - no other show is like it (that I've seen) and I just love Michael C. Hall.
Posted in Top Three Shows
Kayeffsea 2nd Jul 2012 12:35 PM
I haven't watched this at all but I've been told to watch it many times. Going to make it my new show after I'm done watching the 13 episodes of Suits that I have left.
Posted in Breaking Bad
Kayeffsea 2nd Jul 2012 12:34 PM
For those of you who were exclusive to EN, I used to do these "rankings" and "lists" all the time over on FI. Bringing them back...

Your Favorite 3 TV Shows, All-Time

- Any criteria you want
- Can be completed or still airing

Kevin's List
1. Six Feet Under
3. Dexter

Posted in Top Three Shows
Kayeffsea 1st Jul 2012 10:04 PM
Curtis @ 1/7/2012 22:19

Hey bud!

Hey there! :D

Hope you've been well these past couple of years.
Posted in Back In Action
Kayeffsea 1st Jul 2012 10:03 PM
Just watched this with the girlfriend a few weeks ago. Really solid. S1E1 and S2E3 are my running favorites with S2E2 being the only episode I can't say I enjoyed all that much.
Posted in Sherlock
Kayeffsea 1st Jul 2012 10:02 PM
Brutal. Hope that knee has a fast recovery.
Posted in I'm baaaaaaaack
Kayeffsea 1st Jul 2012 10:01 PM
I just finished my first year of graduate school at The College of William & Mary. During the school year I'm pretty busy with a classes, research, and teaching. The masters program is entirely funded and I even get a stipend so that's pretty cool. I received my undergraduate degree in business and my plan is to get a PhD in Organizational Behavior. It's a field that combines everything I love about business and everything I love about psychology while removing the stuff I don't really care about (e.g. neuroscience)

Just wrapped up my summer teaching so I'll be looking deeper into PhD programs over the next month or so until school starts up again.
Posted in What do you do?
Kayeffsea 1st Jul 2012 9:33 PM
Mario Kart Double Dash. Moving up the ranks...

#513 Kevin Cavanagh made his first submission of the week only yesterday, reitering his goal of beating all his Intermediate times and noting that there was only a day left until an update. So "unless he had a rush of e-mails tomorrow" he didn't think he would make it. Fortunately he managed to beat the last few PRs with two more submissions today, reaching his goal of 32/32 Advanced times. All up he raced 25 PRs this week, enough for a 43pt cut and a gain of 42 positions. Top-500 is imminent from here and, given that Kevin teaches statistics in college, he's probably enjoying seeing his own numbers and stats improve with every PR. I guess that means he'll be back soon with more.
Posted in Games you recently play
Kayeffsea 1st Jul 2012 9:30 PM
I watched Shutter Island again last night. Still love that movie and think it's very well done. I think one ending clearly bests the other but it's always interesting to be able to talk about two dimensions of a movie...
Posted in Last Movie You Watched?
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