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Donald Trump 8th Aug 2016 7:12 PM
Hey, Donald Trump here, pleased to meet you, make FE great again.

Say, did anybody see a Mexican come this way?

No? Okay, okay, just thought I'd ask.

I guess you are wondering why I am here. Well, i'll tell you. I'm replacing Wikey as host. He doesn't have what it TAKES to make FE great again. I've said this many times, and it's so true. Wikey is a waste. Wikey is a big fat mess. He CANNOT make FE great again. Why, he's nothing but a no good cuck. And we know all about them, don't we?

Let me tell you something. I am gonna build a wall, and I will make GLB pay for it.

Some people say I have small hands, but you don't wanna believe that. If I had small hands, would I be typing this message right now? Ask yourself.

Wikey is gone. You're gonna have to get used to me now. Let's type out this flavor.


Dylan was skulking around the streets at night. He was probably causing trouble, like a no good Mexican. He slipped down an alleyway and got out a pair of binoculars.
"I'm gonna find me some scum," he said. "Let me just point these binoculars over here. I bet something shady is happening over there."
Dylan looked through the binoculars at some spot in the distance, but he couldn't see anything because it was night. Dylan sighed and threw the binoculars away.
"USELESS," he said. He climbed up a staircase to a roof. The night breeze was chilling.
"Dammit, where are those scum?" he said to himself. "They have gotta be here somewhere. Show yourself!"
As if by command, a figure emerged on the street below. Dylan got down low and focused his attention on the stranger.
As Dylan focused all of his attention on them, he didn't notice somebody coming behind him with a garrote wire. Seconds later, he found himself been choked to death.
"Oh shi," Dylan said. He struggled desperately with his attacker, who responded by pulling on the wire tighter. He gasped for air. Furious thoughts ran through his head as his vision began to fade.
'Hmmm, that's enough playing out for tonight" he thought. 'I think it's time to wrap this up and go home."
But he couldn't go home. Because he was been murdered.
Dylan's face turned purple. Just before he fell unconscious, he got a look at his killer.
"Ughhhgughhuh," he said miserably.

Dylan has been killed.


“BROOOOOO TK TK TK TK” Vernon said.
He was running around the town pretending to be a monster made of smoke. Whilst doing so he was reflecting on the events of Day 5.
“DR, you as a miller saw someone visit you?” he recalled himself saying with piercing insight.
“Ahoda, you claimed to be this visitor yes?" he further recalled. "Cause I visited her not you.”
He reminisced about the looks of bafflement he got from everyone as a result of those statements. Vernon smiled to himself. They just didn’t understand. They weren’t on his level, naw. He was the motherfucking smoke monster.
Vernon ran around a bit more TKing and BROOing, until the sound of approaching footsteps stopped him in his tracks. Vernon turned to face the source of the noise. As he squinted through the darkness the shadowy silhouette of a person emerged.
“Oh hello," Vernon said when he saw who it was. "TK TK BROOO?” he asked.
The person responded by pulling out a gun and shooting Vernon in the head.

Vernon has been killed.


The sun rose on a new day. In no time at all the bodies of Vernon and Dylan were found.
“I can’t believe it’s not Dylan,” Rose said morosely.
“It is?” Christian replied, confused.
Ahoda looked expectantly at Curtis. Curtis grinned back at him.
“So Vernon was Oracle...does that mean we find out Curtis’ role now?” Ahoda said accusingly.
“Hey, yeah, that’s true!” Redster said.
Curtis shrugged.
“Gee guys, I guess the oracle has spoken. You leave me no choice.”

"My role is..."


It is now Day 6. With 12 alive it will take 7 votes to reach a majority.
Posted in Day 6
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