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Brad 7th May 2016 12:02:42 AM

Posted in Vote for Winner
Brad 6th May 2016 3:59:32 PM
Hi everyone! Congrats on Final 3! Usually, I write a good amount in Jury statements, but this is the least personally close I have been to the Final 39(except one of you), so I am just going to make my questions really quick because I have a good idea of who I already want to vote for.


You know I have mad love for you. I really hope when I read your confessional, our conversations were really genuine and you weren't just using me(to some extent). Some things have come up into the jury statements though that do make me question you. Right now, I promise you have a 90% of getting my vote. And your answers to me will not hurt those chances. But what were some conniving, or fake things you did or said to me game wise(this could be to my face or talking to other players). I guess I'll add the other jurors too, but is there anything else you want to apologize to the jury for things you have done? Reveal all now boo! Side mission(optional): Compare the juror's overall gameplay to Mariah Carey songs and why?

#Brancer <3


You have the potential of getting my vote if you can show me a bit of personality and sees if you tried to get to know everyone else personally because I feel like you sat on your butt for a majority of the game. Ughh, I hate that what you did, ultimately got me voted out, so I have to respect that game move a lot. Can you compare the juror's personalities to some Glee characters and why?


Sorry you aren't getting my vote. We stopped talking at the first swap, so many weeks ago. No reason for me to start that back up again. LOL.

Good luck everyone!

May the best QUEEN win!
Posted in Gaysian Thots.
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