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Episode 8x17 - "Business As Usual"
 Poll Question: Who do you want to win?
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Post #31: 4th Aug 2014 8:03:01 PM 
So much shade in that post
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Post #32: 4th Aug 2014 9:40:26 PM 
It was coated with shade my apologies Kimberly
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Rob C
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Post #33: 4th Aug 2014 11:03:27 PM 
Yul is writing really great answers so far...still a ways to go though
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Post #34: 5th Aug 2014 1:16:52 PM 
J'Tia and Betsy have voted

..BUT FOR WHOM????? :D

Maybe we'll reveal like two or three votes to you guys like the show does
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Post #35: 5th Aug 2014 1:24:05 PM 
loool Betsy calling Jonathan out HARD for lying in his answers
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Post #36: 5th Aug 2014 4:27:08 PM 
Yul Kwon @ 5/8/2014 14:32
Jonathan Libby
sheesh, throwing someone under the bus, much? haha
just now
Jonathan Libby
okay cool well i don't know what happened but you've recently become mega asshole in your answers about me, so that's fine. Yes, it's a game, and yes it's our jobs to make ourselves look better than the others sitting by us but I haven't been an ass to you. Proud of you for ending the game with some class, though.


Oh ponyboy, welcome to survivor. I'd throw anybody under the bus if it meant I had a better chance of winning. You played like a goat, you tanked FTC, and I'm calling you out on it. The jury wants to hear me thrash you and I'll give them what they want. And the 3rd best social player? Bahahaha. I'm playing to win motherfucker, don't get in my way. If you get even one jury vote I'll be shocked. You have no knowledge about how to play this game or of jury management. You took the first hit by saying how I didn't deserve to be here. Eye for an eye bitch.

This has been *reewr* with Yul Kwon.
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Post #37: 5th Aug 2014 6:26:44 PM 
i thrive on yul
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Post #38: 5th Aug 2014 6:27:02 PM 
he is everything i pretend to be
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Post #39: 5th Aug 2014 6:27:16 PM 
i am the inferior azn
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Post #40: 6th Aug 2014 2:57:27 AM 
We know.
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Post #41: 6th Aug 2014 3:15:25 PM 
Finally catching up! I'm so bad at keeping up with FTC's honestly

- All three openings were really solid and even. I'd say Yul>Jonathan>Charlie for openings, but they're all close

- Poor JR getting no DVD cover shout outs :( . Us PW's had a far different view of JR than the players did

- Peter's questions are wonderful ofc

- I'm reading in question order right now. Yul is crushing it so far IMO. He answered each question in the order that they were posted extremely quickly but put a lot of thought into them. But tbh, all three are doing a really good job of getting their answers up quickly. Usually there's a slacker who waits forever or doesn't answer, or someone who gives shit answers with no detail. Not these three though, all are doing really well

- I like Eddie's question because I can steal the best story for the season recap! (:

- Just got to the much talked about Yul-bashing-Jonathan moment. A bit exaggerated I feel. Some Jurors were turned off by it, others had no issue with it. I didn't think it was that cruel of a bashing. At the same time I don't agree with what he was saying because I've never viewed Jonathan as a goat

- Speaking of which, Jonathan's starting to get a bit more love than we all expected by how the early Jury was talking. It's actually Charlie who's getting slightly shafted right now, and he's someone that most of us thought would grab a lot of votes at the end. Surprising

- Hayden's questions kinda just made me realize that two/three finalists are Dadès members. Remember when some players thought the merge was a Dadès pagonging? lel. Kinda nice to see two Dadès at the end after that. Also really glad Hayden asked about an additional Dadès or Sebou TC

- I realized part of why this F3 is so strange. This is the first F2/F3 since SI1 where the finalists weren't all working together exactly. Rory/Jason were on opposite sides. Skupin/Elyse, Chelsea/Sydney/Tom, BobDawg/Ted/Jay, Rob/Sean, Sydney/Vee/Miki, Jamie/John. All sets were very much together at one point or another, some from start to finish. These three...not so much! I think all of their ideal F3's from early on would've been entirely different. They voted together at the last couple of votes sure, but they weren't always on the same page at all and most were wanting to vote the others out at some points. I really like endings like that, both in ORGs and on the show. It's refreshing

- Poor Jonathan. Betsy calling him out isn't gonna help him out at all. I liked that Ken stood up for his game in his questions, he has a good read of it. Ken's questions and statements as a whole were really good

- DONE. That was fun. I saw more Yul attacks on Jonathan and vice versa in one of the last questions. It's funny that both said they'd vote Charlie over the other, and yet Charlie isn't getting much Jury love at the moment

Final little trivia things~

- Jonathan made the end with no votes cast against him. Him and Jamie were the only two to do that. Jonathan was almost the first :o

- Charlie's one of three Captains to make the end. If he loses, he'll be the first Captain to make the end and not win
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Post #42: 6th Aug 2014 3:19:44 PM 

Like last season, we're not naming All Stars as this game ends. Unlike last season, I'm not gonna create a new thread for us to discuss AS candidates because it's late. We can just discuss it here instead

Who would your top seven All Star picks be if you had to choose? This season seems incredibly hard to pick, there's a lot of good candidates. Feel free to name three second chance players while you're at it. TY TY!
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Post #43: 6th Aug 2014 3:21:22 PM 
Why do they keep calling us Brett & Lex? We're Lex & Brett. This is bullshit
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Post #44: 6th Aug 2014 3:32:40 PM 
Maybe a little SHAP action to discuss the endgame + All Star candidates?
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Rob C
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Post #45: 6th Aug 2014 6:41:34 PM 
All Star Picks:
Yul - winner, very smart, not afraid to take risks, adaptable, very well spoken
Ken - Absolute biggest breakout star from the game, no question
Kelly - really strong player, seen as Ken's #2 in this game so it would be interesting to see how she would play the 2nd time around
JR - loved his underdog story arc this season
Betsy - great character, social, not afraid to make big moves, i think she played the 2nd best overall game after Ken
J'Tia - there always needs to be a crazy black bitch, but J'Tia did play a pretty strong game, and she isn't afraid to fight which is great
Bill - Wild Card, great confessionals

2nd Chances:
ABI MARIA!!!!!! - no explanation necessary
Angie - She was funny and I think got off to a bad start, and could redeem herself
Dan - Great character, got dealt a bad hand with the Rejects twist
Katie - she was quite active in the pre jury and seems like she would have been fun and active had she alligned with the right people in the beginning

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