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Episode 8x01 - "That's So Provo"
Host Lex
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Post #121: 19th Jun 2014 12:11:56 AM 
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Vecepia Towery
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Post #122: 19th Jun 2014 12:15:14 AM 
I feel like when it gets down to three, an immunity necklace should be offered to the person who drops out in 3rd.
完全制覇者 .。。?
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「KUNOICHI」第5回大会ファイナリスト 元ワンキヤル
小宮 理恵
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Post #123: 19th Jun 2014 12:17:52 AM 
Gotta risk it to get the biscuit!
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Post #124: 19th Jun 2014 12:19:00 AM 
Yay I have access! No idea what's going on yet but obviously someone's paying attention. :)
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Post #125: 19th Jun 2014 12:19:27 AM 
Vecepia Towery @ 19/6/2014 0:15
I feel like when it gets down to three, an immunity necklace should be offered to the person who drops out in 3rd.

I agree with whatever Vee says.
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Post #126: 19th Jun 2014 12:22:02 AM 
Host Lex @ 19/6/2014 0:11
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That's (your icon) is kind of disgusting Lex!
Host Lex
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Post #127: 19th Jun 2014 12:23:30 AM 
Dan has dropped :(
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Host Brett
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Post #128: 19th Jun 2014 12:23:34 AM 
Shawna @ 19/6/2014 0:22
Host Lex @ 19/6/2014 0:11
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That's (your icon) is kind of disgusting Lex!

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Host Lex
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Post #129: 19th Jun 2014 12:23:56 AM 
Shawna @ 19/6/2014 0:22
Host Lex @ 19/6/2014 0:11
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That's (your icon) is kind of disgusting Lex!

Are you crazy?

Also hello
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Post #130: 19th Jun 2014 12:25:23 AM 
Yes I am and hello (and thanks for clarifying Brett!)
John Cody
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Post #131: 19th Jun 2014 12:27:06 AM 
Just read up on some stuff, really impressed with Charlie! Go charlie!!
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Post #132: 19th Jun 2014 12:28:49 AM 
I guess at this point I would like to see Charlie/PK captains. Probably the most interesting.
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Bob Dawg Mason
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Post #133: 19th Jun 2014 12:29:20 AM 
Abi - Brenda! Chance #2. I don't know that I've ever played with Nofo but I think as long as she doesn't play to over the top she'll be good. I know she wants it and will be active on AIM. Abi is also a pretty fun character that isn't really utilized much in ORGs.

Angie - She seems pretty nice. Not really getting a read on her from her limited posts. But she seems really likable which will make her easily to work with. I could see her doing well if she can keep up with the activity.

BeckBeck - My fantasy pick! She is obviously not a follower of the series if she is shocked at the 22 person cast. Confessional wise not much so far. All the posts i've read so far about her are about how she isn't on to talk. Good start!

Betsy - She seems really smart and ready to play. Honestly my gut says she's not going to last long. I will be interested to read how she interacts with people. If she comes off as not being easy to relate as well as being a target she could be out early.

Bill - Seems like a pretty relaxed guy. His Becky comment was really funny. He doesn't really seem to think things threw that well (i.e. the Eddie move). This would be awesome if he was an aggressive player but right now I don't think he is that aggressive. I could see him someone no one takes seriously and just allow to run into the wall continuously as they carry on with the game.

Charlie - I think he could be a good player. He doesn't seem overbearing but he seems charming and fun to talk to.

Crystal - She seems really excited to play, and has been applying a bunch of times now. That is the perfect recipe for someone leaving early. Hopefully I am wrong, but she hasn't gotten the best reviews and doesn't seem like the easiest person to talk to.

Dan - CRAIG! I love that kid. Haven't watched his videos yet because I wanted to get through with everybody but he's a good player. He plays under the radar to the point where I don't think he'll win. But he should definitely make it far assuming he gets with the right people. Dan is also an awesome character choice.

Debbie - Debbie is fun. I don't really get a read on what her gameplay is going to be yet. But she's pretty awesome and should be fun to read about for the remainder of the game!

Eddie - My home-boy Tricks. I really don't know much of anything about him. He seems pretty cool and is having good conversations with people. I hope he does well, just because he is playing a schtick and schticks are fun.

Hayden - Hayden had some really good insight and a lot of posts. I think this is going to bite him in the butt tbh. If he portrays the same enthusiasm in the game as he does in his confessionals that may label him as a threat. Hope not, because his insight is pretty good and he seems really fun.

J'Tia - I wonder if she talks on aim in her character. Because that would be fun. Despite her limited posting, I want to see more. She's roped me in.

Jean Robert -I am very interested to see how JR does in this game. He is definitely a really good player who can kind of slide under the radar but still do well strategically. Of course this is when she was playing a young 19 year old girl, and not a sleaze ball so the alias part her may actually make her appear as a threat. I hope she does well, and if she can stay active on AIM I believe she'll go far. So far she hasn't been the most relatable due to her being in character, so that may come into play as well.

Libby - He's going to be good. Being a blank slate as an alias is a really interesting position and I think its an advantage. Sometimes people assume you will play similarly to your character and Jon can right his own story. He also seems to got a pretty good handle on the strategy portion. I could see him being around for a while.

Katie - Eh, I am not sure how she will do. I've seen her play once before and she was average socially but didn't last long come merge. I can't see her lasting that long to be honest. I think she'll begin to get on peoples nervous. On the plus side I know have a place to look at pictures of Katie Hanson all in one spot!

Purple Kelly - Don't really have a read on her yet. She seems to know what she is doing. Not a huge fan of the character choice though, so until she proves me other wise that will be how I judge her.

Ken - Love the character choice but not impressed so far. His confessionals were kind of off putting. I don't know, maybe I am just upset that he is probably going to end up being the exact opposite of Ken.

Na Onka - Nope, not having it.


And I just now finished sending everyone a PM on how they were doing.
Oh. Well good effort. I don't think this will be terrible for him, but I am questioning how much of a strategy he has coming into the game. Hopefully he does well though because his character is fun.

Russell - My good friend Walder Frey! I am super excited to see him play. He is going to be so much fun. Unfortunately I think with the time difference he isn't going to do well. But I am going to my logical self to shut up and to believe that Jean-Robert/Russell/BeckBeck final three can happen.

Yul - He seems pretty smart. People are already picking up on it and confirming that Yul was a terrible player choice for someone wanting to play as Yul (see Jonathan). I think he'll be able to get over that and make it far, however I think people will pick up on his game pretty quickly. I do think he played it smart on the captains challenge though. No sense damaging the relationships you already have.

Marisa - I was excited to post this when I finished Yul's only to see hers. Strike 1! I don't really know Luis at all but he seems like a pretty good player. I also believe he also gets kind of divaish. Maybe I am thinking of the wrong person. He seemed pretty chill in the little bit of video I watched.

Thats all. Pretty basic. Just wanted to get off to a good start though.
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Post #134: 19th Jun 2014 12:31:20 AM 
Woah Bobdawg, you're really into this.
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Post #135: 19th Jun 2014 12:32:50 AM 
Boobear @ 19/6/2014 0:17
Gotta risk it to get the biscuit!

Boo, your avatar looks like Alex.
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