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Dan Lembo
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Post #1: 20th Sep 2015 2:27 PM 
Hopefully a video confessional can come today, if not, then tonight. PRAY FOR LEMBO!
Host Lex
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Post #2: 20th Sep 2015 2:30 PM 
Dan Lembo @ 20/9/2015 15:27
Hopefully a video confessional can come today, if not, then tonight. PRAY FOR LEMBO!

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" I wanted to play as a smart older female - that is who I am in real life (or like to think I am anyway)" - Cathy
Dan Lembo
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Post #3: 20th Sep 2015 3:14 PM 
Can someone else pray for me
Dan Lembo
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Post #4: 20th Sep 2015 4:37 PM 
Dan Lembo
I really dont want to dull you with it
So we'll talk about what YOUR doing because it's absolutely going to be better

Abi Maria Gomes
That's fun! I just got home. This is going to be fun.

Is it really fun, Abi?
Dan Lembo
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Post #5: 20th Sep 2015 4:52 PM 
Abi wants to forgive and forget and team with each other starting in this new chapter.

Frankly I have no intention of teaming up with someone who called me an autistic child.
Dan Lembo
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Post #6: 20th Sep 2015 5:27 PM 
Host Lex
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Post #7: 20th Sep 2015 5:44 PM 
Why's that Dan Lembo?
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" I wanted to play as a smart older female - that is who I am in real life (or like to think I am anyway)" - Cathy
Dan Lembo
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Post #8: 20th Sep 2015 6:02 PM 
Host Lex @ 20/9/2015 14:44
Why's that Dan Lembo?

Because he's Billy Debney and a faithful member of the greatest alliance ever, The Dog Pac.

Kelly Shinn agree's with me.
Dan Lembo
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Post #9: 20th Sep 2015 7:44 PM 
So this is my cast assessment, I'll do another one in video format maybe when I know my tribe. I would try and film one, but I dont think I can until tonight, and I want to air out my opinions before tribes are up.

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God we all know how I feel about Abi. Basically in game, Abi was just a horrible individual. She irked me BEFORE I got voted out, by being slightly annoying. I didn't even hate her until she irrationally messaged me after I got voted out, and gloated about how she outlasted me. Like OK, get over yourself. After Sausage, she just got worse. SHe's called me several names, nothing she's done is ethical. She's wished me dead, called me an autistic child, among other things. Abi is just a crumby human being, and the fact that she crawled to me and asked to allign this time around is laughable. I'm not going to be alligning with Abi, and she better hope we're not on the same tribe.

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I haven't talked to Angie yet, but I remember her being new to survivor themed orgs and just being quirky and fun in general. I also remember her offering a lot of alliances. Poor girl just doesn't know what she's doing, I think. I'm actually very excited to see how she does this time around, not entirely excited to play with her. She's a bit of a ditz haha.

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Ashley strikes me as the type of girl who would absolutely love Abi, which is something I'm NOT looking forward to. Not a huge fan, she's too much of a domme for this fella. Too commanding off the bat.

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Edgardo is slow to reply and a little dull, doesn't carry conversation a whole lot. I know him SORTA, he's Klein. He's aight I guess.

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Good ol Fairplay is known for CONSTANTLY finishing premerge, which is kind of funny that he's getting his second chance. I guess he really deserves it. I remember him being on the outs of his tribe last season, so I might buddy up with him for this time around. He and I played before, we were SORTA alligned, but he left premerge in that game too haha.

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I was worried coming into the game that my alias would hurt me, but so far it's actually helped me quite a bit. Billy and I know each other, he's JT, and we played isurv1vor together where we were VERY close and alligned. I do plan on valuing that relationship in this game, because I dont think ANYONE would know about it walking in.

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Monica is a doll, so far she's been great to talk to and I get some good vibes from her. It's odd, because whenever I talk to people who change their text, I partially cringe. But Monica has been a welcome breath of fresh air :D

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Vytas hosted me in a game of his... I hated his game :X But he's a good guy. It's weird, because at first he was REALLY enthusiastic and then he died really quick. I can envision Vytas walking into Cambodia, walking up to Ciera, and saying "CIERA!!!! HOW'VE YOU BEEN! :D" and then just go stone cold afterwards.

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I haven't spoken to Ami for a whole lot. She seems nice. I never expected an Ami saying "sexy", "yee", "bro", and other things. I like her though! Reminds me of Mr. Yul, season 8 winner.

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Carolyn is odd. She started our conversation strong, talking about hitler among other things. Then she just suddenly became unfun and didn't talk to me a whole lot. I thought I would really like her at first, but I'm starting to change my mind on her sadly. She's just a goofy person.

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I really like Daniel. My only beef with him is that whenever I control F "dan" at the end of this season, his name will pop up. Gonna be a struggle. Otherwise, I really like him, and want to run with him.

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Hot Rod is the first of the rookies who I liked, and I haven't spoken to him yet today, but he was my late night chatting partner for a while. I like him because he plays an annoying gimmick that I can handle, so when people start to get irritated with him... I might try to help him pull through it. I also like him because he's good at conversations. The only person so far who I told about Abi's antics. Looking at him as a big ally too.

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I love Tasha too, she's great. So many good rookies this season, with varying personalities. She's good at conversations, interesting enough, and will stay dedicated to talking for as long as possible. I want to work with her really bad.

anyone who I haven't listen is someone who I haven't met yet.
Dan Lembo
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Post #10: 20th Sep 2015 7:57 PM 
ofc abi and I gotta deal with each other now, thanks Lex.
Dan Lembo
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Post #11: 20th Sep 2015 8:07 PM 
So I just told JT about how horrible Abi is. If I can get Abi out first, that'll be a huge headache out of the way, but I'm guessing people might want an "inactive" gone first. I wont PUSH it per say, for the first vote, but you bet your ass Abi isn't going to last long in this game if I have anything to say about it.
Dan Lembo
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Post #12: 20th Sep 2015 8:19 PM 
and now i'm suddenly worried that i'm overplaying. oh well, I guess i'm just anxious for my second chance.
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