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Ashley's Confessional
Ashley Underwood
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Post #1: 20th Sep 2015 2:09 PM 
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Did someone order a TROLL?
Ashley Underwood
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Post #2: 21st Sep 2015 6:49 PM 
Investigating these returnees and finding out why they were voted out early. First confessional coming!

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Ciera Eastin
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Post #3: 21st Sep 2015 7:02 PM 
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Ashley Underwood
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Post #4: 21st Sep 2015 7:57 PM 
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Well the losers are back! This is so strange playing this series again since 2011. I can’t believe I am actually playing this game because I just finished this draining 80 plus day Big Brother game. So I am all ORGED out right now. I haven’t followed this series at all and I have no idea who these people are. It seems like these returnees are the same way when it comes to that. So I just need to do my homework and figure these people out. If these people do look back and see why I was voted out. Honestly I am hoping they will feel sorry for me and the things I had to experience. If anything I was a victim in my season lets be real.

I wasn’t expecting for the pre-jurors to be put on a tribe together right off the bat. It makes me nervous because most of these people might have been voted out early for being weak in challenges. And I can’t be on a weak tribe again. I am not living that trauma that I had to live with back in season 1!

These people need to know that I am from season 1! I AM AN ORIGINAL! OG! I am the first pre-juror in this group! So I basically PAVED THE WAY for all these people. People applied to this series because of my story. I mean I still get fan mail to this day! I must say I am pretty much an icon in this series. I have told this to almost every person I talked to so far. It might rub people off the wrong way or they might think I am funny. As long as I made some first impression that is fine by me.

So I am just going to do a quick run down of some of these people

Posted Image Okay I don’t get this girl. What kind of act is she trying to pull right now? Because when I first talked to to her I thought I was talking to an AIM bot. She was very dull and stern. I am surprised she picked Abi as her character. But this chick is probably trying to pull some act right now. I guess she enjoys lying and screwing people over. Normally I like that but I cannot be on my toes being in this game with her.

Posted Image Amber gave me that typical wholesome favorite. She seems nice but nice isn’t really memorable for me.

Posted Image She arrived late to the game to get to know everyone. I had a very brief talk with her and it was just about which guys were cute.

Posted Image I have bonded a lot with Dan. We are both from Cali and have spaniel dogs. So far I have good vibes with Dan. I do see it going somewhere and we just have to see where it goes.

Posted Image So it has actually been cool having him here. Even though we barely spoke to each other in our season we already have that connection that was never there. You know we are both OGS here. OGS take care of each other! So I hope he has my back so far in this game.

Posted Image He seems solid so far. Nothing bad and nothing amazing with him. Just average.

Posted Image I feel like I have made a lot of progress with JT already. We have already move forward in talking about the vote. I don’t want to get too comfortable with him and show all my cards. I have made that mistake before by trusting people so quick. But right now he is def my favorite.

Posted Image Monica comes off very naive and I actually like that. She already said that she wouldn’t write my name down at tribal since I was the first person to reach out to her. Girl getting those early brownie points with me.

Posted Image Vytas seems solid so far like Fairplay. Another west coaster which is music to my ears. You know everyone usually sleeps early and I need someone to talk to late at night.

I also chatted with some of these newbies.

Posted Image OMG she probably thinks I am crazy already. I need to be careful of not trolling so much. But I do think I left a pretty big impression on her but I actually like Ami.

Posted Image How are you going to play as Brice and be confused when I send you “…..” REALLY! He is actually sassy though which I like.

Posted Image Oooo something about her I don’t like. I get bad vibes from her and I don’t know why. Something was very off-putting about her.

Posted Image Okay so everyone had some reaction to Colton checking in. But I am thrilled he is here! I hope he is sassy and bitchy like the real Colton. Watch him be the complete opposite though.

Posted Image Smart ass little bitch. He is so rude that I actually like it so far. He just can’t over do it.

Posted Image He respects the fact that I am an OG!

You know when I play these games I always like to have fun. I don’t take these games too serious so I will troll the fuck out of these people. I love to get a reaction out of people. Push the envelope and surprise people. Right now I don’t want to troll right off the bat because these people might just vote me right out. These people do know that I do have attitude and that should let them know that I am not the person to fuck with. I think I have made enough progress to help me survive this first tribal that I will be attending.

Post Edited by Ashley Underwood @ 21st Sep 2015 7:58 PM
Judd Sergeant
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Post #5: 21st Sep 2015 8:44 PM 
I've missed you.
Ashley Underwood
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Post #6: 21st Sep 2015 9:02 PM 
Judd Sergeant @ 21/9/2015 17:44
I've missed you.

I know you?
Judd Sergeant
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Post #7: 21st Sep 2015 9:03 PM 
How did I know your response.

Shadow Russell.
Ashley Underwood
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Post #8: 21st Sep 2015 9:08 PM 
Oh hey!
Judd Sergeant
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Post #9: 21st Sep 2015 9:11 PM 
Oh hi. I've missed you. Kill these people.
Ashley Underwood
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Post #10: 22nd Sep 2015 4:10 AM 
So Monica wants to vote out FairPlay. While JT and Dan want to vote out Abi. But majority is going for Angie? Already sensing this tribe to be a hot mess.
eddie fox
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Post #11: 22nd Sep 2015 1:49 PM 
Ashley Underwood @ 20/9/2015 14:09
Did someone order a TROLL?

u? trolling? inconceivable
Ashley Underwood
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Post #12: 22nd Sep 2015 9:12 PM 
Who did me dirty like that and got me out first.
Ashley Underwood
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Post #13: 24th Sep 2015 1:57 AM 
Can I just say that the final second we needed to finish the challenge had this comment with it.

I'd like to think I was speaking for everyone, ya know.

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Ashley Underwood
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Post #14: 24th Sep 2015 3:03 AM 
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Angie was so awful! I low key did feel bad for her because turns out she was from Sweden and now it makes sense why she is awful. I would have actually been willing to keep her since she would have been another easy boot for the future. But this tribe was so scared to even talk about the vote! Like when the vote was heading towards Angie people still wouldn't out right say okay the vote is Angie. Of all the survivor games I have played never did it take long for someone to throw out a name. Terrible.

So thank god for new tribes already. A tribe full of pre-jurors was so freaking BORING! I mean there is a reason why these people got pre-jury! They fucking suck and are awful to talk to! Honestly I feel like I do not belong in that group. I feel like I should be playing with better people. Like you know how on Dancing with the Stars it is filled with all these D-listers but there is that 1 you know legit STAR. I am that legit star! I am too good for this shit.

Anyways so you know we have to solve these puzzles and eliminate these people. So what happens? I GET FIRST OUT! WHAT THE FUCK!!! Someone tell me why I of EVERYONE got first out. This mother fucker wasted no fucking time and went straight for me. I don’t get it! I haven’t started talking shit about people yet so theres no way I could have any enemies. I am full on investigating this! I am going to find out who the fuck went after me and I will get revenge. I am not even playing, I am petty like that. Plus I am bored so this will give me something to do.

So JT and Brice win the challenge and that is cool. I feel like I was socially good with the both of them. I do have a closer bond with JT more though. JT picking tribes will be a good tell on who he felt 100% with on the old tribe. So him picking me after Dan is great for me. JT, Dan and myself did slowly talk about the 3 of us together and he could be legit about it. During the challenge I did sense JT, Dan, Ed, and Vytas having some guy thing and alliance. Because the freaking girls went out back to back to back! I was about to start a AAA alliance with Abi and Amber for a second.

So JT picking me and Dan the first chance he got means we can actually move forward with this threesome. I am not by any means going to fully rely on this to support me in this game. I am going to go around and get my own thing going. Starting with asian Dan! I love asian Dan! I love how much of a smart ass he is and I love getting a reaction out of him. He is by far my favorite person to talk to here. Other than that no one has really impressed me! I mean I have given people chances by saying some crazy things but they are just basic. These people are on a whole another level BELOW me! They don’t go as hard as I do!

So I did the challenge with the 2 Dans. And one thing you need to know about me is that when a challenge is posted. I need some time to exactly figure out what exactly I am doing in this challenge. I have a problem where if I see a bunch of text, I will just skim read it and try and follow the pictures provided it with it. So originally I thought we were posting those idol images. Honestly, I don’t even know what those were doing in the challenge thread. I need to go back and read what that was about or just have someone explain it to me. Anyways so I have made progress on who didn’t and could have gotten me out first.

JT and Dan couldn’t have since they are legit about this alliance. Monica wasn’t online when the challenge started so couldn't be her. Amber and Ed revealed who they got out to Dan and it wasn’t me. So that leaves Fairplay, Abi and Vytas! If it turns out to be Fairplay and we lose this challenge. Well…..

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Ashley Underwood
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Post #15: 28th Sep 2015 1:50 PM 
I can't at Amber taking this as some joke. That shit looks nothing like Amber and now we for sure lost because of her not taking this seriously.
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