1. I definitely saw it coming, not right away but after talking with the people on my tribe and excessively trying to figure things out. I began to worry after I returned to camp a few hours after the results of the immunity challenge had been posted. I noticed that my tribe had just gone to sleep upon my return, I think
left like last because they were still online on the Sausage Aim Network so that raised some concerns since I was seemingly ignored or they really went to bed. :)
Colton and a few of his tribesmates were still awake so I think some people were just playing dead and that they had recently agreed to vote me. I know
told me that she suggested to the group that she wanted to vote out
because he preformed the worst in the challenge, but it seems this suggestion as not appreciated by some of the others on the tribe.
is definitely on the outs on that tribe, yet she preformed the best in the challenge!
I do think it's a combination of me not talking the most with the people who were running things, I was not always around when many others were around (giving them ample time to discuss things more), not being around when the right discussions and decisions took place and the fact that I was the first one voted out last time. I got the feeling some people just voted me out and refused to hear me out because they wanted to make it into a big joke. Not exclusively, but it probably played a part in it. I was also the last one to check in in the Aim tribe group chat so there's that.
I do have to admit that I'm not as prominent of a social player as some of the others, but I know I wasn't the worst. My other strengths never really came into play and the first eviction was always gonna be the most difficult since I had already been there before and my strengths usually come into play in the later stages of the game since I think it takes a few rounds before people get used to me. If I had won the first immunity challenge, people would've had a chance to get to know me properly.
2. Kill all of the infidels and impose Provo Law. I'd probably join up with the other tribe if it's a two side split between the returnees and the newcomers. If people like
are still around in the later stages of the game, I'd definitely join up with them in some shape or form. Either way, I'm gonna have to figure out who's really a big threat and who's on the bottom.
Do well:
Maybe do well:
Crash and burn:
4. This completely depends on the challenges and the people who are being voted off. Since they're more likely to vote out players who are not as helpful in challenges in the earlier stages of the game, it's initially gonna be easier. It isn't until they vote off big threats when things are gonna get really hard. It's obviously gonna be very hard to win every single challenge until I get back, but there's a reason there's three of us. Whenever you don't win a challenge, you gonna have to convince the person making to decision keeping you is most beneficial. Either way, I'm just gonna have to provo it from here.
5. I know who stuck up for me on my tribe and I know who kept bullshitting/ignoring me. If I ever get the opportunity to take any of these jokers who wronged me out, I'll do it with fashion.
I'm just gonna try to get back at some of these people. If I can just get revenge on one person who wronged me, then I won't be bothered as much that I was voted our first twice.