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Episode 1
Abi-Maria Gomes
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Post #1: 21st Sep 2015 10:13 AM 
Hey Abi! You looked fun and talkative in the group chat but unfortunately I was busy during last night and I have to go to bed. Smile I hope we get to talk tomorrow, otherwise then I guess pms could work too! Wink How are you doing? And what do you think of this twist ? :O

I'm gonna kill this bitch.
Abi-Maria Gomes
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Post #2: 21st Sep 2015 11:23 AM 
I like Amber. She's cute.
Abi-Maria Gomes
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Post #3: 21st Sep 2015 11:26 PM 
Hey! It's Abi!

I'm so glad to be back and I'm confident that I'm going to take it home this time. I really have a good feeling about it this time, maybe that's not good news to you guys but I'm not here as filler this time. Abi is here to prove herself. She's here to fuck bitches, get money. I'm out for blood and I'm ready to prove myself.

My strategy is to create my own pet Dragon. Someone strong and gruesome who strikes fear into the hearts of bimbos everywhere. Someone loyal to me with the brains of a rat. I'll make him the villain of the story, my decoy if you will. I'll take him to the end all the while poisoning the jury against him. I'll make it hurt when he stabs them in the back so they'll think twice before voting him. Make them bitter enough to look for better options. I won't let it play into his strategy because my dragon has no strategy. He's the perfect opponent at the end. My experiment. My pet. My dead dragon of a pet. He's someone I created and someone I'll protect. He's no goat, he could win but not against me. Now, who will be my dragon? It's too early to tell but I've got my eye out.

I get out here and I see the returnees and I have no idea who any of them are but Dan and Angie since I played with them. I didn't get to know Angie during our season but I know Angie quite well out of here so we'll see how that goes. I'm not optimistic that we're going to get along well here. The sooner I can get rid of her the better but I'm not sure how soon that's going to be practical. She is pretty charismatic. However, she is one of the last people to check in and hasn't talked to anyone in the game before today. It's possible that people will want to go for her should we lose an immunity challenge.

Then there's Dan. Dan and I have a bit of history before we met in Sausage Island 8 but I'm not going to go into that because it's not as dramatic as Sausage and is irrelevant here. In our season, our relationship was... tumultuous. We never got along after I trashed his state. Oops! I hurt somebody's feelings! It's not like that's ever happened before with me! Our relationship never improved after that but I'm going into this with an open mind about him but he's not leaving my sight. I want to make sure I know what his plans are at all times and that he feels loyal to me. I'm not going into this with an enemy so I'm focused on mending a relationship with him. Dan is smart, he'll be useful to me here if he's on my side. My dragon? My dragon doesn't have brains.

I don't know Vytas but I know of him. He's played other games and he has a reputation. He's scary but he'll get taken out soon enough. He's a nice guy though. I get along with him well enough. He's charming and we mesh well. I see myself working with him early on until he's too big for the fish bowl. A swift kick and he's out. I want to make an alliance with him for the time being. He's someone I want on my side.

Edgardo... I also know him pretty well. Really nice guy. Not that smart but nice. He has the potential to be my dragon. If he doesn't get struck down before I secure his place as the surrogate big dog. I'll build a relationship with him to test things out. I don't know about his bite. I'm looking for Smaug, not Toothless. Can he really pass as a threat to other people?

Fairplay. I don't know this guy at all but I like him. A really nice guy. He's the person I like the most so far. He's easy to talk to but I think other people feel the same way which means he's someone to watch. I get the sense he's playing me but it's fine for now. I'll be ready to flip the script, Fairplay. Predator or Prey, Jonny. Choose wisely. I want an alliance with him.

I frankly don't like Monica for reasons I'll get into explaining later. Monica is very abrasive.. I know what you're thinking. That's rich coming from Abi-Maria. But she's abrasive even for me and I don't think she's self-aware at all. She'll say things to rub salt in the wound. It comes across petty and needlessly aggressive. I think she feels threatened and is trying to assert dominance here but it only makes her an annoying little brat. Things that happened during the challenge are what really made me dislike her. She seems to like and trust me though which is always good. Too bad she'll go sooner than later.

Amber is nice but apparently very dull. I don't have much of an opinion but I like her. Pretty fitting rep. She may be a sleeper. Will report back later.

Ashley is like a miniature Monica but even less smart. Not an easy feat. Less petty.

JT.. Who?

So immediately after meeting everyone the twist is revealed and I am not happy. It's a better done Redemption Island. Although, of course it doesn't hurt me unless I go there and I'm confident I won't but the shadow always looms. If I get there, I will have to rely on the challenge winner for safety and I don't like that. It gives me the drive to stay focus and make sure I'm still in the game come merge and it phases out. The fact that I could vote someone out and not know if they're still on Redemption is terrifying. I don't want them to come back trying to settle old scores.

After that's done, we go on to the challenge. And of course it's an individual immunity challenge. No chance at avoiding tribal. I'm immediately at risk of being the first boot. I can not let that happen so I have to win this challenge at all costs. I'm going to try as hard as I can. The rules of the challenge are simple, I need to bet on how many of a series of images I can post as fast as possible in 5 minutes to win. The person with the largest bet completed wins. I've played this before and I've done mediocre in the past but I feel like my drive to win may help me out here. I'm not terrible and I really want to stay here and EARN my stay here. So I begin to practice on my own and I do pretty well, getting up to 52 in 3 minutes so I'm pretty confident I can get at many as 60. And that's got to be a huge bet, right? Who can do more than that?

So I submit my bet and I begin to compete. It goes well enough at first, I'm breezing through right along with a lot of time to spare until tragedy strikes. I copy too few images and neglect to catch it until after I submit. This should not be a tragedy. I can edit it pretty fast, right? Only.. I can't. I had switched off images in my browser... So I can't even click to edit the post. I'm fucked. I'm dead in the water. But maybe I can still fix it and post in time. I turn images back on and edit. I wasted 30 or more seconds and I'm racing against time. I post as many as I can and maybe I can do it. I can see victory in the distance. But in my frenzy I mess up again. I lose my place in my notepad doc. How many images do I need to copy? I realize I'm only 3 images away from victory so I copy the correct image and breeze through the rest. I breathe a sigh of relief... Until I notice the time. I'm fucking 7 seconds late. In my errors, I am 7 seconds late. And it sucks. I could have made it. I would have made it with plenty of time to spare. But I wasted time and I pay for it.

So this crushes me and I vent in the AIM chat about it. And who comes to console me? Monica! She's so sweet. In a very comforting moment, she asks me how many I bid since I messed up. I tell her and in true Monica form, she acts like the brainless bimbo she is. I'll reinact the moment for you.

Monica: Oh!!! ~~~ :O :) <3 !!!! I bid more than you and I finished in three minutes. :( I sucked so bad! I should have bid more! :O :O ;) <3 ANYWAYZZZ BYE LOVE YA also fuck you i'm better than you.

Thanks Monica!!!! She's so kind! And naturally she wins the challenge so I can't vote for her.


Next Time on Sausage Abi: Angie becomes the target cause she sucks and Abi tries to make a four person bros alliance.
Abi-Maria Gomes
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Post #4: 21st Sep 2015 11:30 PM 
TLDR: some incoherent shit about dragons
Abi-Maria Gomes
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Post #5: 22nd Sep 2015 10:36 AM 
oh my god i am so pretentious.

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