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Lembo Lays It All Out; dick jokes lol
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Joined:Sep 20, 2015
Post #1: 5th Nov 2015 2:14 PM 
Not only did you lie about my loyalties to other people and you lied to me premerge with what your goals were in this game

This one baffles me. The only person who I assumed (and communicated) that you were loyal with was JT. Was I wrong? Unless you're talking about the now infamous idol play which I'll address further down.

As for the lying about my goals premerge, I stand by that. I had a solid alliance that you were unfortunately not part of. Divulging all of that info would have been stupid of me.

However, at the merge, you became the butt of the jokes for your alliance. Am I not wrong?

100% correct. Someone (Can't imagine who) drug me through the mud for not working with them. I'm not going to try to defend the shadiness as I believe it's part of the game. Never reveal your full hand. You said you held 0 ill will towards me and wanted to work with me, while here you are revealing that was a lie. Again, I will DEFEND that lie, as the only chance you had of me flipping to work with you was by you saying that.

I'm not sure if you remember...

Trust me, I remember. You DID plea to me with what you thought. I get that. But what you thought was off base. It wasn't factual. The points you brought up were "There are 3 groups of 3, and Mookie isn't in any of them". That discussion with you were one of only 2 times that I actually lost my cool. From my end, it felt like you were implying that I WAS a fool for sticking to my loyalty, but at the same time you chastise me for NOT being loyal, and call me a snake.

Anyway, to the questions

1) In hindsight, how would you have handled both of my boots differently?

If I remember right, we didn't really talk game at all on your first boot. This was pretty fresh after the merge, and we weren't exactly chatty with each other.

The second time you were booted out, I definitely should have taken a breath and not taken anything personally. But on the flip side, I didn't lead you. I listened to you plea, considered it, and flat out told you that it wasn't happening.

2) Can you give a few examples of how you were working the jury for jury votes?

At no point did I (Intentionally) stop talking to people just because they were getting voted out. I had long, meaningful conversations with most of the people on the jury. I didn't cut those off just because they were going and they knew it.

I also never led anyone on (again, barring the JT boot. see below) when they were being voted out. I was more often than not straight up and sincere.

I treated everyone with respect when I was treated with respect.

3) Premerge, what are the things you did wrong in the round of JT's boot? How SHOULD you have handled that week?

This was my "Keep your stupid mouth shut when everything is locked in" lesson. We had a solid 5 votes to 2 against JT. I thought it would be a good idea to lead you and JT on to avoid an idol play and say that we could take out Colton/Amber, when I had 0 intention on doing that. That almost got me booted right there. I think the idea of "faux working with you" made sense from an idol flushing standpoint, but I either should have A) Discussed with Colton/Amber what I was doing, or B) used Lue or Brice as the faux target.

Lesson learneded.

1) I want to hear your FTC strategy with every juror. Tell me how you approached each one. Also tell me, if you were to win, whose votes would you get and why.

Sherri - Appeal to her sense of humour. If that works, I like the idea that I'd have her vote. (Favorite memory is that first day she got here and sent me epic novels. I'm about 99% sure she wore out my phones vibrate function with all those broken sentences)

JT - I think he respects solid gameplay, so I've been trying to explain my UTR strategy. I doubt I've got his vote though until I see his question. (Favorite memory is bonding over being the only two people in the game who knew what the CFL was. Also watching football games and keeping an eye out for him.)

Lembo - Again, just try to explain my gameplay and reasonings to you. I think I've done an okay job, but I imagine you're leaning more towards Monica with your vote. (Favorite memory is sharing R&M images at innapropriate times)

Colton - I'm again appealing to his sense of humour which is similar to mine. That mixed with gameplay will hopefully get me his vote. Gotta see a question first though (Favorite memory is you telling me that "Gears of War was your favorite first person shooter")

Ami - I thought we had a good thing going premerge, but apparently that was one-sided. Nothing I can really do besides attempt to hype my game to you. But I feel like I have a VERY low chance at this one (Favorite memory is when you revealed that I'm nosy and annoying like 2 days ago)

Mama C - Make. Her. Laugh. That's really all we did all game was fuck around. No reason to stop now. I feel like I got at least a chuckle or two out of her on my answer to her question, so I like my odds.

Amber - She wanted me to pitch my game, and I did. Also, if she votes for me, I'll never try to trick you into eating curds again. (Favorite memory is having a very hungover conversation while she chastises my poor life decisions. Only for me to tell her that I'm going out drinking the next night as well. I could almost FEEL the dissapointment)

Lue - I need to show how my strategy was better than Rod's. I don't want to resort to trashing his game, so I'm going to try to show mine in the best light. (Favorite memory is HANDS DOWN the Pocket Pussy story, and the fallout from it. That will never not be funny)

Vytas - Vytas straight up told me what I need to do to get his vote, and I'm trying my damndest to pry his vote away from Rodney. We played a similar game, but I did it better. Will it be enough? My Magic 8 ball says "ask again later" (Favorite memory is giving you underwear suggestions, and then blowing your mind. I think that alone is worth the vote)

Brice - Very similar to Lue, I need to show how my game is better than Rods. (I only have 43,000 characters left, and that's not enough to type out all the amazing memories I have playing with Brice. So I'll just say the season long game of trying to one-up each other in terms of terribleness was a highlight)

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