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Lembo Lays It All Out; dick jokes lol
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Joined:Sep 19, 2015
Post #1: 5th Nov 2015 11:16 PM 
1) I would like to know your mindset when you were dealing with me in this game. Were you simply harboring my opinion and making sure that I didn't run off to maybe other members of your alliance? What was your ambition with me when we spoke strategically.

  My ambition with you strategically was to keep you as an option for myself. Did I know playing the game that way would potentially alienate you from me? Yes, but I really felt it was my best option.  I have always felt in order to make a big move with people in a game you need to have a relationship with them. The reason I talked to you was because I needed to build a relationship so if the time came and we could make a move there was trust already built and we both would feel good about it. Few things are more annoying than someone never talking to you in a game and then all of the sudden coming up and saying let’s make a move.    In order to make a strategic decision with someone I feel like you need a social relationship. That social capital is how moves get made.
However, the window on making my move was very small. It’s hard to take down an established group, especially an established group I was a part of. I felt like in my group the only person who could beat me was Brice.  In order to turn on your alliance like that I feel like you have one shot to do it. The second I do it I’m a traitor and all the bullets are coming at me. If I do it too early they will never vote for me because they will feel scorned if I do it at the exact moment and can justify it as the reason I won the game I can potentially win them back. It’s the biggest move in the game and I made it when I felt I needed to.  If I flip when you guys needed me too I feel like I lose 3 jury votes and still potentially can’t win against you guys who not only flipped me, but played a cleaner game than me. I also couldn’t tell you exactly when I wanted going to make the move. If I do that you can blow it out and then my relationship with the Pussy Patrol is in question and they can easily make a move on me and you could go along with it.

Either way I’m not in the best position and have to let you or the Pussy Patrol down. However, I wanted to play the best strategic game I could and keeping you as much of an option as I could kept the target off me and gave me the bullets in my gun if/when I needed to take a shot. I feel like given my situation as a perceived swing I'm damned if I do and damned if i don't. I don't talk to you and don't swing I risk myself being turned into a goat. I do swing and I spurn allies. If I was you I would probably be annoyed with my strategy. I will be the first to admit that, but I'm not sure what I could have done without risking myself being targeted. I wanted as few people saying my name as an option to vote as possible.

2) Were you always loyal to your alliance, or was your loyalty ever wavering.

My loyalty was really only to myself at the end of the day. I really did have two end game alliances. One with Mama C and Vytas and one with the Pussay Patrol. You can’t be loyal to everyone in the game.  If you consider being loyal 6 to be my alliance then I was loyal to them, however in order to make the move I wanted to make I needed someone from outside to rip it out from within. I picked off Mama C from one alliance, then Lue from the other in back to back rounds.  This was right around the time I knew I needed to betray people.  If a move would have benefited me strategically I would have done it. I had my hands in both pots and I was picking and choosing what was best for me. Both Lue and Mama C were with me, but at the time it was the best move for my game. Lue never made a F3 with me and Mama C became less and less reliable. Plus, I feel like C would have cut me if it was best for her game. Which, I cant blame her,  I was playing the same game.

I had no intentions to go to the end with you, Amber, Colton. I think you would have clobbered me at the end. Thats why I made sure to not make any set promises with you guys. Hence your summary of our conversations. That was incredibly spot on. I only wanted to work with you for one or two rounds to get me further.  After my deal at 8/7 wasn’t going to be the best move my next goal was to get to a F4 with Mookie, Brice, Myself, and Vytas. Monica messed that up by winning, but I knew if I could get to that 4 nobody would have voted me out and I would have a shot to argue my case.

If at any time anyone in either of those alliances would have targeted me I would have voted them out no questions asked. The fact that everyone was so loyal to me helped me in the have all the control in the world in the game, but hurt me here in the jury stage. I did a great job of building trust, I just never expected everyone to keep their word with me.  One person takes a shot at me the game is completely different, we make a move together and I don’t think everyone is as upset with me as they are. It is what it is though; I kept my relationships up for control and options. They didn’t pan out and now I have to face the consequences of trying to keep so much control. I guess them the breaks.

3) In a social game like survivor, I want you to tell me why leading me on is a good move. Please focus on a social game standpoint when answering this.

Survivor is all about building relationships. Everyone wants to feel good about the person they vote for to win. Some people are ok with you backstabbing them and others are not. In my opinion the people who are ok with you backstabbing them and screwing them over usually like you as a person and feel they established a bond with you. They don’t like your actions, but they like you. I felt like if we enjoyed each other on a personal level it would give me a fighting chance to get your vote at the end even if you didn’t like all my strategic actions. IMO if its close on gameplay, people vote for the person they like the most or who has made them laugh. That was the “survivor” related social reason in talking with you.
On another level it was for purely personal selfish reasons. The majority of the conversations I had in this game were non strategy related. There is an art to trying not to talk strategy, but if you have any sort of relationship with people it has to come up. It’s natural.  I’m genuinely interested in people, especially people who share a common interest with me. I come into these games expecting not to win, because let’s face it’s a long shot and you have to get kind of lucky. So I try to have as much fun and hopefully make a few friends.  I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s a rare occasion I don’t like something about someone who spends 40 days and nights on their computer playing online survivor. These are usually my people. Some of my best ORG friends are people I didn't vote with in the games I met them.


Sherri was down for a good time and wanted to play hard. My strategy with Sherri is to be funny and show her I’ve played the best game. (Favorite memory is still when she told me watched Human Centipede with her Mom and recommended  this movie called “Teeth.” I’m still trying to get the Virus’s off my computer from just googling it) I’d say I have a 50/50 chance at getting her vote. I think it’s between me and Monica.)


Show him my gameplay and be fun! I’ve had a great time playing this game and I hope it shows in my answer. He and I really didn’t interact much, so I wanted to give him an idea of my personality and explain the game moves I made. He seemed like a pretty chill guy down for a fun time and I feel like I have the gameplay and the fun down at this FTC so far. I believe I will get his vote.


My strategy for you at FTC was to be as honest as possible. I’ve been accused of being a bull shitter in the game and I wanted to show you what was genuine and what wasn’t about our interactions. Lying at this point of the game only hurts your credibility. You respect my gameplay, but ultimately it comes down to if you want me to win or not and If I’ve proved I’m genuine or not. If you don’t think so I don’t expect your vote. 50/50 between me and Monica. I think coming in you were going with Monica. Hopefully I have done enough though! ( My favorite memory without a doubt is when we talked about Rodney and Lembo on an actual season. Just watching them interact would be incredible. I was laughing so hard at my computer thinking about Lembo explaining how expensive his shoes were and Rodney being in awe of Dan’s hustle.)


My goal with Colton was to be as fun as possible. He and Amber were tight and she isn’t the biggest fan of my game, so I think it may be an uphill battle to get his vote. He might not vote for me, but any juror who sits through and reads these answers should be entertained! If I can get one laugh out of someone while reading my answers then I’ve done my job. (My favorite memory is us having the same conversation about potstickers nearly every day. I had them about 90 days in a row during the game. Then he showed me a picture of one and I knew that they were from Noodles & Company because of the picture. It was really one of my finest moments of the game knowing the potsticker by sight).


I don’t expect to get Ami’s vote. My strategy with her was to just answer my question to the best of my ability and hopefully shed some light on something in my game she didn’t see and potentially help my case with other jurors who were on the fence. (My favorite moment was in the dodgeball challenge when we dominated for our team and slayed Brice. I was running around my friend’s living room celebrating. He snap chatted me to all our friends and I got made fun of for a few weeks)

Mama C

My strategy for C was to make her laugh. I figured she wouldn’t be bitter and would vote for whoever she felt played the best game. (C and I had a lot of fun strategizing in the early rounds. She was really one of my rocks to start the game. I think my favorite part of talking with her was her take on each episode of Cambodia. We always clicked about who we liked and didn’t like. Minus the fact that Dave Ball is her all time favorite survivor. That’s C for ya)


I either had Ambers vote or i didn't. She has really strong opinions and votes forwhat she believes in. She's team Monica.. My strategy for her was honesty (My favorite moment with Amber was the mornings we talked while i was at work. It really helped made my work day more fun)


Talk about my gameplay. I think Brice will vote for the person with the best gameplay and someone he had a personal connection with. I really adore him so I hope its me. I think i will get his vote. (My favorite moment with Brice is not really a moment just more of a feeling he gave me. No matter how stressed i got, I always knew Brice had my back. That more than anything helped me get to this point)


My strategy for Vytas was to be myself. Hes my guy. I will get his vote. (My favorite moment with Vytas was laughing with him when Mama C added him to an alliance chat last and Lue and Brice freaked. We were both laughing so hard)


My strategy with Lue was to be myself. He knows me we are boys and i screwed him over. I wanted to be honest and tell him why i did it. I think that I have a good chance to get his vote. (My favorite Lue moment is not just the PP story. its really any time he told a story. He was a fantastic story teller and made me laugh out loud literally every night I talked to him)

I will say in summary. Nobody had more fun in this game than me. I lied, I laughed, and I was lucky enough to make it to the end, whether you vote for me or not I got all I needed out of Sausage Island X.....please vote for me though <3

Post Edited by Rodney @ 5th Nov 2015 11:17 PM
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