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QQ Colton
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Post #1: 7th Nov 2015 3:01 PM 
Hi y’all!

Congrats to all of you making it this far blah blah we all didn’t y’all are superior, etc etc.

Basically, I /think/ I know who I’m voting for based on the events in the game, but I really have no special bond or link to any of you. That is partially my fault for only really enjoying the company of one person in this entire game, but all y’all’s social game sucked with me so I can’t base it off who I like the most that’s for sure. I’m sure Rodney and Mookie could say they were friendly with me and we talked a lot, which we did, but I don’t feel like any of it was sincere. I feel like y’all are about as sincere as Brice is which isn’t saying much. And Monica has had me on blast since she left the game, lmao. If you want to prove me wrong, go ahead, but you don’t have to. I don’t think pandering to me now that I’m a juror will really change the way I feel, hahaha.

However, I do have one question for all three of you. I want you to give us, the jurors, advice on how to play this game. You three made it as far as you can and none of us did so what I would like to hear from you is: How do you make Final Tribal Council? You played in this game with all of us for over a month now so I want you to give each juror an individual analysis on how they can improve themselves in future games. Tell us what we did wrong, tell us what we did right and tell us how to make our games better!

Other than that? I got nothing! I wish you three the best of luck and all you deserve being there without a single doubt! 

Post Edited by Colton @ 7th Nov 2015 3:02 PM
Monica Padilla
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Post #2: 7th Nov 2015 7:14 PM 
I want you to give each juror an individual analysis on how they can improve themselves in future games. Tell us what we did wrong, tell us what we did right and tell us how to make our games better!

Posted Image - Sherri, throughout the game, you had very easy social connections with people and that's something you don't have to change. You had the ability, in the first portion of the game, to not be around, come back for just one hour, and give a really good impression of yourself. And despite being targeted a few times during pre-merge, you survived those targets because of your social pull, without a doubt! But there's one thing you HAVE to work on : Keep your calm! I'll just give you two moments as example when you did not keep your calm. One, during the Fairplay vote. We speculated about the possibility of him having an idol, and you turned it into a paranoia moment. I really wanted our plan to throw a vote on Vytas to remain quiet, but you were already dragging me into that plan to Rodney before we could even officialize anything! Another example is when I told you that the tribe was voting for you. It didn't take more than a minute you were already blowing up in the groupchat! (It was entertaining, I admit) But on the strategic side of things, it will portray you as someone that can't keep anything quiet, and it makes it difficult for people to come up to you with a plan. I think in future games keeping your calm could earn you the chance of being apart of a few more maniac plans. if they think you can keep it quiet. ;)

Posted Image - JT, I'm not in the best position to make an accurate analysis about your game since we haven't crossed each other enough in the game, but maybe you should be more careful with idols, I guess! :P I think that speculating with other players about idols, making the targets less obvious, figuring out who is working with who, keep a target more quiet to the right people, could make it a little easier for you to avoid having an idol blow in your face. Before you left, we did have a conversation where we talked about the idol though, I remember that now. I just went in my logs :

You could have maybe tried to target Lue. ;) Based on what you were saying! Anyways, what's done is done, but you did make some assumptions to idols, and you probably should have listened to yourself!

Oops. Gotta go. Will continue with other people when I'm back. :D

Post Edited by Monica Padilla @ 7th Nov 2015 7:14 PM
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Post #3: 7th Nov 2015 8:31 PM 
I want you to give each juror an individual analysis on how they can improve themselves in future games. Tell us what we did wrong, tell us what we did right and tell us how to make our games better!


I think you have the social game down and you were incredibly perceptive. Which quite frankly was super annoying and made me see you as a big threat. I think the thing you could most improve on is your emotional game. In particular the Brice situation, you were lied to and I felt like you never really could fake it or get over it in the game. You made certain people feel very guilty with the way you talked to them and it just made them want to get you out as opposed to make amends.

I think Amber lost her cool with the whole Mookie round and wasn't able to hide her frustration. From talking with Mookie they had a great relationship for most of the game and maybe she could have used him as a way back in the game. She even admitted to me she thought that was the big thing she mishandled in this game.


I think Monica hit it on the head. YOU BETTAH REALX BRO! In your real life you have a lot going on, which hurts you in the game. Being around sporadically and not allowing you to build long terms bonds hurt you. I think if you have time to devote and check in with people more your social game is there. A lot of times I feel like you would sign on and there would be a tidal wave of strategy all in about an hour and you had a lot of plans just not a ton of time to make everyone feel comfortable about it. However, it was your first game and its really nice to see people actually playing in there first game as opposed to sitting back. You definitive. didn't wait for the game to come to you.


I think the first time you make it to the end of the game you are going to win. You are able to build bonds with people and have people want to work with you. I think at times you get a little paranoid and need to just trust in your own ability. Its hard for you to make tough decisions because of the emotional repercussions. I think the thing you need to learn in order to win is if people are your friends they will forgive you for voting them out. If they don't want to they probably aren't worth having. That was a hard lesson for me to learn in games as well.


Not really sure where you went wrong, but the perception I always had was you were a good player. I know I always perceived you and Lembo as a pair, so maybe figure out a way to have him be the one that is targeted first? Not really sure what more you could have done.


I think Lue needed to make more deals inside our 4. I know that made me feel a little uneasy because he was playing such a solid social game. I worried he had other deals with other people.You can never get to comfortable and always have to do things to set yourself apart. I think Lue got a little comfortable in our alliance.


Needs more time. In order to get to the end of a game like this you have to put in a ton of time. I think you had a lot going on and weren't always around socially. Then when it came to make a move you didn't have the bond with the people you needed to have the bond with in order to take out a big threat.


I think you are honest to a fault. If he doesn't like someone they know it. If you can blur the lines a little bit more you have the social game to go to the end. Challenge wise you are rock solid. You definitely have all the tools you just need to be able to hide your true feelings a little better.

Mama C

I think strategically you played a much better game than people think. I would also say its probably a time thing with you. Once your game started up you were around less and it was the most crucial time in the game. If she were around more holding peoples hands in big rounds bonding with them she could have made it.


I think Ami was the victim of a bad swap for her. She has all the tools to do super well. Some times people get unlucky. I think Ami was pretty unlucky in the game. She should have voted Monica out of Muertos as soon as she won. That would have helped her a ton. In my interactions she told me she felt like I was her closest ally on the tribe, which might have been true but i didn't feel like it was genuine. She held back some information with me and I felt like if she truly trusted me she needed to give me more information.
Monica Padilla
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Post #4: 7th Nov 2015 10:57 PM 
Welcome back toooo MONICA ANALYSE PEOPLE! *theme song*

Posted Image - I think you were a player who had the potential to really play an interesting game. I think you could easily make people trust you, and that is something you should have taken advantage of (making more alliances)! Had you came to me after our first two or three conversations with an alliance, I would probably have fallen for it. I'm not saying it's a strategy that's fit for every type of players, but I think in your case, you can easily portray yourself as a trustworthy person. Use that to your advantage, and more importantly, maintain these ties for as long as you can!

Posted Image - I think that first and foremost, you need to listen to your instincts. Your instincts told you not to trust Brice, and you should have listened to that! You must also be willing to work with new people when doors open themselves. Just because you had a reason to trust someone before, doesn't mean you can still trust them at a certain point. So I think that being able to know when you cut your ties, along with your intuition, and I think you're in for a really good game for you!

Posted Image - I agree with Rodney on this one, I think you were victim of circumstances for the most part, and you could have played a really good game and you can keep your cards covered really well. The only thing I can think of is that you targetting Sherri was probably not a right thing to do when your butt was on the line, and I tried to put you on the right track by targetting Mama, but the damages were kind of already done by then, and Sherri knew you had came after her. As for the advice to vote Monica on Isla Muertos, NOOOOO hahaahha. It was a right move, we just didn't expect the twist to end that quickly! Had the twist lasted longer and I was gone you could find yourself stuck with duos tribal after tribal! We just had no idea we would re-enter the game this quickly, so I would say you're once again victim of circumstances if you had any future intention of voting me at the 6 or something like that!

Posted Image - I think that one of your biggest mistake was to not initiate conversations or bring up game subject on your own. (Speaking for myself, I don't know if I was the only one to think that you would not start conversations enough) By doing that, you are going to make people feel more comfortable talking about the game with you, and this could potentially open a lot of doors for you in the game! Also, you would probably have been a swing vote a LOT more times than you think!

The rest.... AFTER THE BREAK!! ;)

Post Edited by Monica Padilla @ 7th Nov 2015 11:04 PM
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Post #5: 7th Nov 2015 11:31 PM 
Posted Image - Hmm. Honestly, I think you were a player who had a good reading on the game, and you can easily bring up some good and logical arguments to make your points valid. It's difficult to really pin a specific mistake for you, because everytime I talked to you, I felt like our ideas about the game always clicked. I think if you made any mistake it was maybe when JT got idoled out, because it was obviously against your plan, and you had horrible odds for a purple rock in the next round. I think making sure your target doesn't know they're going home, and no idols should come flush your plans! Especially when there are two sides fighting for a vote. If your target knows, make sure you know how they know, make sure to change your target, and make sure it remains a blindside again.

Posted Image - I think this one is easy : Be opened to work with anyone. You need to be willing to form relationships and alliances outside your alliances! You sticked to your alliance so much, that you were viewed as glued to them. First, if your alliance lose the votes and you're getting picked off, you could easily be apart of it for not having a game outside your alliance. Finally, in the event your alliance dominates but then turn on you, you need a numbers to back you up at all time. ;)

Posted Image - I think you shouldn't put your entire trust in only one person. That's fine, you could trust Rodney for a period of time, but what about the others? You didn't have to be on the same page as Rodney all the time when that was bad for your own individual game. Especially when you know about the other alliances HE has (PP), how the hell did you not lower the numbers of that? Play to be the only survivor, man! You could easily have taken control of the game by yourself, but you didn't dig for that.

Posted Image - You manipulated the game from the start, but it all crashed down at the last moment. The hardest decisions usually come at the very end of the game, and you should not take these lightly! Don't play the game with your emotions. I know it's very very tough to turn on an alliance when you've been with them for so long, but if you truly want to win, that's something you should be ready to do if it has to be done. Especially if hesitation comes, remember that with hesitation comes a little bit of gut feeling. I'm not saying that voting Rodney out would guarantee you to sit here, but I think that with a divided final four, you had better odds to survive.


With that being said, have fun in your future games, and remember that Survivor is, like somebody previously said, a high-variance game. Just because you're 1st doesn't mean you can't be 20th on your next game, and vice versa. Just adapt, have fun, and with each game being completely different, don't learn from your concrete mistakes, learn from your abstract mistakes. Do I even make sense right now? I mean it's almost midnight right now, bare with me.

Post Edited by Monica Padilla @ 7th Nov 2015 11:32 PM
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Post #6: 8th Nov 2015 10:36 PM 
So with this being my first full ORG and all that, take my advice with a grain of salt. What I've done is obviously enough to get to the end, but it might not be enough to win.

Sherri - You had the activity level solid, but you condensed a full days worth of activity into about half an hour. I imagine it's just the kind of work/life situation you were in, but it made you come off a little strong.

JT - Socially, you're a king. Challenge wise, you're solid. Strategically, you're top tier. Some unfortunate circumstances blocked you, so really all I can say is "have better luck" next time.

Lembo - Very similar analysis to JT, but I was able to see your scrambly side as well. I honestly can't find a fault in your game besides "be on the right side of the numbers". While your scrambling was solid, your argument honestly put me off when you were trying to swing me over. Just seemed a little presumptuous, is all.

Colton - Socially awesome and I enjoyed talking to you (just for the record, it was sincere on my end. Take that as you will). The only complaint I would have would be to remove a lot of emotion and paranoia from the game.

Ami - I don't think we played together long enough for me to really give you any advice. Maybe try not to come off so strong socially and strategically to avoid being targeted.

Mama C - Make more of an effort to have real conversations with people. I didn't really feel like I got to you really well during the game, which is a shame since we were allied for a lot of it.

Amber - I still wish you had talked to me during my "fuck up" vote. We could have worked things through and probably formed a more solid alliance to ride out the game together. Socially though you're fantastic, and you were no slouch in challenges. So my only advice would to be more open with people if they've pissed you off.

Lue - Don't get complacent. It was truly your downfall this game. It really felt like you were coasting near the end, and that was like 99% of the reason you went home that round. I also don't know about Brice or Rodney and if you had deals with them, but I had a final 3 set up by the 7th vote, and a final 2 by the 5th. Unless you just didn't have one with me and I was in the dark (also possible)

Vytas - As Rodney said, more time is the only thing. You're a busy guy, but still managed to make it to almost the end despite that. If you had the time that I had, there's no doubt in my mind you'd be sitting here.

Brice - You need to be less awesome. Seriously. As much fun as it is, and as easy as I no doubt it is for you, it's not necessary to form deep philosophical level bonds with every person in the game. You'll perpetually end up finishing 4th-7th as nobody wants to sit beside you. And as Rod iterated, your friends WILL forgive you for voting them out.
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