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Where did JT come from?!
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Post #1: 5th Nov 2015 11:00 PM 

It seriously feels like I got voted out of this game eons ago. So I feel pretty fucking disconnected from the game. I have reasons why I should vote for each of you, and I also have reasons why I shouldn't vote for any of you! I guess you could say that this thread is 110% your chance to get my vote. Its up in the air, and you need to give me the reasons why I should vote for you. Best of luck :)


OMG the frustrating Monica!!!!! Ever since the very first round of this game, I have associated your name with the word frustrating. I say that because at the start, I was hearing great things about you from people I was close to in this game. I tried very hard to see it in that first round, and I was basically left feeling stumped. I tried hard to connect with you, and it just wasn't happening. And then we went on to never playing the game on the same tribe. So you didn't get a chance to change my mind. Change it now. If you strip away competition wins, why are you the right person to win this game? Sell me. Like I said, you have just as much chance as the other two.


Ohhhhhh Mookie! I'll admit, when we first met at the swap, I was really hoping that our games could connect. Because we connected so easily, and you were so easy to talk to. But I also felt a disconnect, and I knew that I wouldn't be anywhere near the top of your list. Then the round I got voted out came. And this is where your game, in my mind, blows up all over your face. You should have gotten voted out that round. Your gameplay was so ridiculously sloppy, and you basically asked for the tribe to vote for you. I did not want to vote you out. I really wanted to vote for Lue. But I didn't have much of a choice. Now at one point I thought maybe this was a tactic to ensure you knew where to play an idol, but of course we all know that this wasn't the case. I guess what I need from you, is an explanation of your thought process/non though process during that round. I see this as a huge flaw in your game, on par with Monicas flaw of being voted out. So explain yo' self, and tell me why I should still vote for you. Oh, I will point out that I typically always ask the "compare to a real survivor" question when I'm on a jury, but Lue stole it from me. I will say this, you just gave my fav answer about myself that Ive ever gotten. So thanks!!


Hi Rodney! Nice to see you again. We had but 1 conversation this game, and it seems like ages ago. You did however give off a great impression, and by what people have said, many others had the same opinion. You're probably the only member of the final 3 that I could have called at the start of this game. Just a vibe I had right away. However, I also know nothing about your game to REALLY warrant me thinking this. We didn't play together at all, and I have absolutely no connection with you. I find it very hard to cast a vote for someone that I have literally no relationship with. But, as Ive said, you do have a strong chance of still getting it! I guess I can't say much more than sell me. Get creative, and convince me to vote for you.

Thats it! Good luck to all of you! Sitting in the finale of Sausage fucking Island is a huge deal. Something I wish I could've done. So be proud of your game regardless of how this vote goes down.

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Post #2: 5th Nov 2015 11:34 PM 
I'm glad that all the unnecessary work I put into those jury comparatives made someone smile.

explanation of your thought process/non though process during that round

I think my logic was sound in the sense that I was trying to make sure you/Lembo thought you were safe and wouldn't play an idol. I realized after about hour 5 of not getting a message back from Colton/Amber that "huh. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing in the world to start dropping their names when we literally solidified this morning."

It basically boils down to lack of experience with ORG's.

With that being said, it was the PERFECT wake up call, and I tightened RIGHT UP from that point forward. I gave info when it was needed, and withheld info when I should. From that point on, everything was on lockdown.

So obviously that move was dumb as shit, but I probably wouldn't have been as focused from that point on had I not made the mistake and got the wake up call.
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Post #3: 5th Nov 2015 11:36 PM 
Ps. I'm currently trying to get playoff tickets for the 15th. It's only a 5 hour drive for me.

I'll be the guy in the stands yelling belligerently.
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Post #4: 6th Nov 2015 12:31 PM 

When I started playing ORGs a friend of mine gave me some very funny and powerful advice. I was worried about if I was going to suck and he said to me relax “Mother fuckers will believe anything they read”. He said that was a famous quote that helped him relax and do well in games. In this game, Mother fuckers believed a lot of things that came from Rodney! Best advice I could ever receive.

Top 10 Reasons you should vote for me:

1. I need you to vote for me. It’s going to be very hard for me to win if I don’t have you. You got a vibe from me at the beginning of the game, for good reason I was playing the best strategic game! Everything I wanted to happen every round happened, save for certain people winning immunity.

2. I have blood on my hands. I’ve lied! I’ve pissed people off. I’ve gotten a full on survivor experience It’s easy to have a great relationship with every juror when you didn’t have to vote any one out!

3. Part of the reason that I did so well in the game is I tried to embody a lot of Rodney’s gameplay. I joked about the 3 C’s and making sure to relax bro! But it was the truth, up until FTC I didn’t get involved into any big confrontations and that was by design.

4. I’m the other player in this game to know what the CFL is.

5. I was drunk for a large percentage of the game and didn’t tell most people. I was still able to navigate my way through the game while drunk typing. Which if you have any experience is a pretty high risk sport. Especially when you are maintaining as many alliances as I am

6. I told everyone about Lue’s Pocket Pussy story in one of my FTC answers.

7. I never use the N word.

8. I am not a member of the Nazi Party

9. I used to get out of going to college classes by dressing up in my work uniform at the retail store I worked at and say I had an emergency shift. So I would show up to the class, use my excuse, then leave and take off my work clothes. Could I have done the same thing via email? Probably, but it wouldn’t have made for as good of a story. I think not.

10. If you don’t vote for me, let me know before hand so I can go edit all the things I said about you on Mama C’s thread and make them way worse. Plus, if there’s anything I learned so far during FTC is telling someone you aren’t voting for them is just good jury management :)!!!

Post Edited by Rodney @ 6th Nov 2015 3:15 PM
Monica Padilla
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Post #5: 6th Nov 2015 5:54 PM 
OMG the frustrating Monica!!!!! Ever since the very first round of this game, I have associated your name with the word frustrating. I say that because at the start, I was hearing great things about you from people I was close to in this game. I tried very hard to see it in that first round, and I was basically left feeling stumped. I tried hard to connect with you, and it just wasn't happening. And then we went on to never playing the game on the same tribe. So you didn't get a chance to change my mind. Change it now.

OH MY GOD. I am SO sorry, JT. We always crossed each other at very horrible timings and that was out of our control. :( The sad difference about real game and orgs is the fact we have to priorize that damn real life :P So sometimes our times just don't match, or we get busy. :/ I was just as frustrated as you were! I would love to sell to you why you should be interested in voting for me :

1. I promise I'll get a real chat with you after this game, whether you vote with me or not!

2. You and I are both returnees, so we do have one thing in common! Make my dream come true to be a successful second chance!

3. I don't think it's worth crashing one month of game work over a freaking N-Word that I did not even realize the impact of when I wrote that.

4. Remember when we had a headshot challenge, and we were dueling each other? And the host put the results under a pile of headshots to mess with us? I venged us. I put my confessional in a form of puzzle to the hosts. I can be amusing.

5. I compared you to a MANGO ice cream. Man, not everybody gets that. I think I was most original when it came to picking one for you.

6. I set the bar high for future OTTN5 bitches!

7. I didn't have the luxury of a majority alliance.

8. I am unique and I hope you get to find out soon!

9. We were both buddies with Lembo, we have another thing in common!

10. I have drawn a sad smile on the vote that sent you home! Did others get that? NO! :)

11. I totally need your vote seriously. I feel like my chances are low, and your vote could totally make a difference. :)

If you strip away competition wins, why are you the right person to win this game? Sell me. Like I said, you have just as much chance as the other two.

OK. I don't know if you've read Dan Lembo's questions yet, but he asked me to give me reasons why I should win strategically. I think you should go and take a read at it. ;) I think Questions #3 and #4 should sum it up for you!
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