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Sherri Biethman
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Post #106: 3rd Nov 2015 1:11 PM 
Monica's Jew/Nazi comparison is a bit... disconcerting. Like I love you girl but please don't compare yourself to a Jewish heroine overthrowing Hitler.

That being said, THAT'S what an opening statement looks like. She explained her game in a few paragraphs and detailed why she deserves to win. Can't wait for questions to be posted
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Post #107: 3rd Nov 2015 1:46 PM 
I usually love rooting for underdogs, but I think my problem here is that instead of being an underdog like Chris from Vanuatu, (who was able to convince the majority alliance to turn on one another), she instead relied on immunity wins.

And her main selling point is that the big bad Nazi alliance that dominated the game shouldn't win it. But... it took gameplay to dominate the game. It took outwitting and outplaying strategically and socially to dominate the game. Do Rodney/Mookie really deserve to lose on the basis that they made sure they were in the majority every time? Why is that a bad thing? I'd rather see her criticize their social games or something like that, but instead she's making a plea that she deserves to win because she WASN'T in the majority the entire time and wasn't calling the shots like the Nazi's that were. Being a nazi is a good thing in survivor, it's impressive to be able to dominate the game strategically as well as Rod/Mookie did. It took skill to bulldoze the way they did. And they didn't need immunity wins to do it.

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Post #108: 3rd Nov 2015 2:05 PM 
can we ask them to rank us based on attractiveness

Post Edited by Brice @ 3rd Nov 2015 2:06 PM
Sherri Biethman
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Post #109: 3rd Nov 2015 3:44 PM 
Brice, while I have been reflecting on what you and Lue have been saying to the rest of us here in Ponderosa, the way I see it (and I feel like a lot of us here do) is that Monica represents "one of us."

I avoided bringing this up because I don't want to seem like a whiny bitch, but when we did the schoolyard pick em for the second swap, I was originally going to pick Lue. He AIM'd me saying "hey, please don't pick me! I really wanna be on a tribe with Brice and Mookie." This hurt because I felt like I had a bond with you guys, but I was instead actively excluded, and I feel like that's how a lot of us here feel. The four of you stuck together and rode out your alliance for 42 days and were not willing to let anyone in. I mean, I don't blame you. If you've got a sure fire way to the end, why mess it up?

Why I was eliminated first at the merge still baffles me, but I knew what was going on, but I couldn't do anything about it because Monica was my only real ally. She was the only one to let me know I was getting voted out that night. When you are all alone, and feel like everyone is out to get you, that last bit of decency really spoke to me.

Sure she got votes out and had to rely on challenge wins, but that was the only way she was making it. She entertained us all highly by causing ripples in the plans of the top dogs, and that's why I am pulling for her ao hard (and the others are too).

I'm on mobile so it's hard to accuratrly explain everything I feel, but sure, while you four did have good gameplay to dominate like you guys did, your only real social game was with each other. Monica was the only one who I felt was genuine with me, so that's why I'll most likely be voting for her. The beauty of Survivor is that there is no "correct" way to win. I feel like Monica played my definition of a "correct" game. It's not that I'm rooting against you guys, it's that I'm rooting for her.

Sorry if this comes off as overdramatic and silly, I just wanted to explain how I feel, and how I expect some of my fellow jurors to be feeling.
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Vytas Baskauskas
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Post #110: 3rd Nov 2015 3:54 PM 
I honestly don't think that Monica has played a horribly great game, but she has excelled at one thing. Jury management. Everyone who was voted out has loved her to some capacity. And that's how she'll win.

She may not have a huge voting resume, but at this point, that's the last thing she needs.
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Post #111: 3rd Nov 2015 4:32 PM 
I totally see where you're coming from Sherri, everybody has different voting criteria! For me, I don't think I saw that side of Monica that you may have seen. Because I was in the majority, I felt like she treated me and my entire alliance with disdain. Like we were somehow wrong to have dared take control of the game. So everybody else here is talking about how nice Monica was, but she always came across as super abrasive to me. Whereas Rodney and Mookie were two of the most genuine guys in the game with me and I had AMAZING conversations with them. I was always shocked if other people complained about their social games to me because I fell in love with those fuckers.

And for my personal voting criteria as well, I just struggle voting for somebody who had so much less influence in the game than the other two.
Host Lex
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Post #112: 3rd Nov 2015 4:48 PM 
Jurors, you may now ask your questions!

Create your thread in the FTC forum and ask away. Please get them up sooner rather than later if you can help it!
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" I wanted to play as a smart older female - that is who I am in real life (or like to think I am anyway)" - Cathy
Ami Cusack
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Post #113: 3rd Nov 2015 4:51 PM 
Shut up, Lex :P
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Post #114: 3rd Nov 2015 4:57 PM 
Ami Cusack @ 3/11/2015 16:51
Shut up, Lex :P

I was 100% positive you'd say this
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" I wanted to play as a smart older female - that is who I am in real life (or like to think I am anyway)" - Cathy
Ami Cusack
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Post #115: 4th Nov 2015 5:06 AM 
Rodney @ 4/11/2015 1:17
Lying to Ami directly was probably a mistake, but she probably has been bedazzling her Monica parchment for a few hours now.

Chill bro, a simple sorry would have been just fine lol no need for the sass. I guess he just doesn't care whatevs. Unlike others I haven't been 100% gushing over Monica just because she was my friend. I was serious when I said I'm going to observe and see how they answer questions so I could learn about their games and vote for the one I thinks most deserves to win. But now... idk lol. Anywho not even a big deal but thought I'd say something anyway haha. That said, Rodney has been doing a good job answering questions. It's between him and Monica for me right now.
Sherri Biethman
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Post #116: 4th Nov 2015 10:12 AM 
I was seriously impressed with Rodney's answer to Brice, but then Monica pulled a Miley Cyrus and came in like a wrecking ball. ouch!
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Post #117: 4th Nov 2015 10:17 AM 
Monica's callouts mean nothing. They're just proof that Rodney lied to Monica lol. Rodney's answers to Brice were very very impressive and I see him in a whole new light now. He was playing the game the whole time and I had no idea. Mookies gotta step it up tbh
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Post #118: 4th Nov 2015 1:41 PM 
I am honestly SHOCKED at Rodney's answer. To be honest I was cocky and assumed that I knew everything that was happening in the game because every vote went as expected, but the fact that Rodney was so close to pulling the trigger is the biggest blindside in the game to me.

Also what the fuck VYTAS knew about the Me/Lue/Mookie/Rod alliance? I can't even. Rodney was playing such a shiftier game than I expected, I thought out of all of us he was the one who was 100% ride or die. He had me convinced it would be Lue who would flip if it would be anyone. He was the only one who had the option to turn the tides against us I think, he had Vytas and Mama C, and Mookie/Lue/Myself really were kind of locked into that alliance because we could have only really beaten the people in the alliance in a jury vote.

I will say that Monica's answers to my questions were really good as well. I tried to give each finalist the perfect set of questions to really blow us away. Monica and Rodney both did that for me. Monica's game really boils down to, "people were too far up your alliance's ass to make moves when they needed to, so I had to win out. I may not have had control over any TC but I have control over this one and this is the one that counts". Which is an impressive argument and better than I expected, but to me pales in comparison to the level of control and opportunities that Rodney had.

I don't know if I 100% like her calling out of Rodney, because all those copying and pasting messages to me just shows me that Rodney lied to her as well as he lied to everyone because he didn't trust her not to blow things up... and when Monica returned to the game she was really good at blowing things up.

I'm super excited to see the rest of this tribal council though, if this is what we got in the first twenty four hours I'm super excited to see when more people post their questions.
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Post #119: 4th Nov 2015 3:26 PM 
I find it super tacky when finalists fight with each other over each other's answers to juror questions. SHRUG.
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Post #120: 4th Nov 2015 4:12 PM 
Monica attemtping to call out Rodney was a cringe and he did a good job at shutting her tf down
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