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Vytas Baskauskas
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Post #91: 2nd Nov 2015 2:02 AM 
At this point, Brice cares more about Monica being passive aggressive with my coming out story than I do lolol
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Vytas Baskauskas
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Post #92: 2nd Nov 2015 2:05 AM 
Wait wait wait. He said that I would've taken out him over Mookie? After I literally VOTED for Mookie in my last tribal council? What. The Actual. Fuck. Is he talking about lol
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Vytas Baskauskas
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Post #93: 2nd Nov 2015 2:22 AM 
I am a bit disappointed that I can't roast Brice at Final Tribal but I can't wait to have a better relationship with him after this game is over.
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Vytas Baskauskas
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Post #94: 2nd Nov 2015 5:27 AM 
Also I just want to say I find it absolutely hilarious that they voted me out because they were CONVINCED that the next challenge would be a 24 hour posting challenge and in reality it was a challenge that I would have excelled at. Bitches lol
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Post #95: 2nd Nov 2015 10:18 AM 
Monica winning and roasting this horrid final four :') I'm so happy rn
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Post #96: 2nd Nov 2015 2:37 PM 
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ngl, I died @ this lool
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Post #97: 2nd Nov 2015 10:48 PM 
Vytas Baskauskas @ 31/10/2015 21:28
You guys are ten times better than Serengeti <3

this is not okay
Monica Culpepper
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Post #98: 2nd Nov 2015 11:14 PM 
sierra @ 2/11/2015 22:48
Vytas Baskauskas @ 31/10/2015 21:28
You guys are ten times better than Serengeti <3

this is not okay

yeah ew wtf

Post Edited by Monica Culpepper @ 2nd Nov 2015 11:15 PM
Host Lex
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Post #99: 2nd Nov 2015 11:55 PM 
Jurors! Now's the time to start preparing your questions for the finalists. Read the FTC rules thread for specifics

Once you see all three finalists have made their opening statements, make your own threads and ask away when you can!
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" I wanted to play as a smart older female - that is who I am in real life (or like to think I am anyway)" - Cathy
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Post #100: 3rd Nov 2015 12:29 AM 
hey everyone! I'm sad to see there's some hard feelings here, I hold no will towards anyone and I'm sorry if ya'll thought I was being "fake" to people over an online game. I genuinely liked talking to everyone I played with, except for some choice exchanges with Monica but I made sure to end things on good terms with her. I have no reason to lie in here, I'm not campaigning for your votes, I actually really liked talking with everyone. If I sent you a message about how I was voting you out, it was legitimately because I felt. I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't thinking about jury management at all, but there was truth in everything I said if I talked about liking you and wishing that things didn't boil down the way they did. If you don't believe me.... then you don't have to talk to me haha. seriously, why argue over an online game forum? Just ignore me, I promise I'll be okay with it if you are.

Sherri- You're a fucking LEGEND. You need to be brought back to All Stars immediately. I'm so happy to be part of SherriVille.

JT- I know your pissed at me, it was my idol that got you out. It wasn't anything personal, you went after Mookie/Lue and those were two of my three closest allies. Plus, I know we talked about working together as Captains but I just didn't really believe you. If you were being authentic I'm sorry, but I had a Final Four with Mookie/Rod/Lue and I felt really solid about my chances with that. I really liked you and felt bad voting you out, but it's just a game. I hope you don't dislike me as a person, and if you do, feel free not to talk to me. I won't feel bad if somebody online who I've never met before hates my guts.

Lembo- I thought you weight loss story was really awesome. I hope your new job is going good. Same message as before, everything I did in the game was for game reasons. If you dislike me as a person, we don't ever have to talk again. I like leaving things on good notes though.

Colton- You seem to be really pissed off at me... I had my Final Four alliance that I wanted to stick to the end with. I really tried hard to keep you in the game as long as possible, even if you don't believe me my confessionals will show that. But You and Amber isolated yourselves, it was publicly known that you had an idol, and at that point you had no other allies other than Amber willing to stick their necks out for you. If I had chosen you in the Sausage Link it would have been a death sentence for me as well. I really did enjoy our conversations though, I wasn't trying to be fake at all, and I'm sorry if my actions made you feel negatively.

Amber- Also not my biggest fan. You knew not to trust me, and yet you went along with it. The fact that a certain alliance dominated this game is as much your fault as much as anybody else. And you're saying that it's only because everybody else let our alliance do it... you were one of those people. I knew you were lined up to take the shot at us when Monica left the first time, and you should have made it happen. That being said I did really like our chats with Colton, and felt you were a very real, raw, genuine person. I wish I could be more like you in how I play these games.

Ami- You were the most likeable person in this game hands down. I didn't vote you out and wasn't involved with that decision at all, other Rod messaging me and going, "It's Ami tonight" and me deciding not to get involved. I'm super bummed we never were on another pre-merge tribe together because I loved our Newbie tribe conversations.

Mama C- Do you even read this chat? You weren't really involved in the game... You still made me chuckle a lot though, sometimes without meaning to.

Lue- LUE I AM SO SO SO SO SO SORRY. I didn't want to cut you at ALL, and Mookie/Rod can confirm after the game. they were so worried about beating Monica in challenges though. It wasn't even talked about until after Monica won F6 immunity. At that point Rod and Mookie both messaged me seperately saying they thought it might be necassary, and we made a group chat to discuss it and it took about a day and a half for me to cave. Your last minute plea seriously broke my heart. I did know that Mookie/Rod would choose me over Vytas 100% though, which they ended up doing. I thought there was no way monica would win four fucking immunities in a row though, so I took the risk knowing that I was set as long as Monica didn't win two immunities. She ended up winning both rounds though. I see the logic behind you telling me to idol you, and would the game have been different? I honestly have no idea. If I had idoled you and Monica still won F5 immunity, then it's likely that I would have been in the hot seat that tribal as that would tick Rod/Mookie off IMMENSELY. I knew that I was set as long as Monica didn't win two immunities in a row. It was a fair risk, it didn't pay off, such is life. You're honestly one of my favorite people I've ever gotten to play with though. I am in literal love with you, (no homo tho that's gross). Honestly you should have won this fucking season.

Vytas- Vytas ily <3 I do have one question... if I had cut Rodney at 5 like you asked me to, and Monica won F4 immunity, would you have voted Mookie or myself out? I thought there was no WAY you would vote Mookie out because everybody who talked to me called him a goat. I honestly adore you though, everybody critisized your social game but you were one of my favorite people to talk to.

I seriously loved this game and had so much fun! I'm excited to get to vote for a winner. I spent hours upon hours upon hours talking to all of you and the collective jokes and laughing and stories and experiences shared were awesome. If you don't like me, think our conversations were a waste, and got nothing out of it... I'm sorry you feel that way. I can assure you I don't feel that way about any of you, because meeting every single one of you was good for me as a person. And no, I'm not pandering for jury votes right now. That's what I legitimately believe

Night bitches. <3 Be nice at FTC
Sherri Biethman
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Post #101: 3rd Nov 2015 1:25 AM 
hi Brice! <3

ngl Mookie's opening statement is WEAK! He didn't touch upon anything... I feel like I've heard that exact same opening statement a thousand times before in the real show.
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Vytas Baskauskas
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Post #102: 3rd Nov 2015 2:57 AM 
Brice @ 2/11/2015 22:29
Vytas- Vytas ily <3 I do have one question... if I had cut Rodney at 5 like you asked me to, and Monica won F4 immunity, would you have voted Mookie or myself out? I thought there was no WAY you would vote Mookie out because everybody who talked to me called him a goat.

I honestly would have kept you over Mooks because I thought that he played a great game and he had the capability to sell it with his FTC speech. That's looking rather hilarious right now lolololol
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Dan Lembo
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Post #103: 3rd Nov 2015 2:57 AM 
oh brice, I dont dislike you as a person. I thought how you treated me coming and going from the game was fake and should've been different but I know that your a nice/good person.
Sherri Biethman
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Post #104: 3rd Nov 2015 10:50 AM 
Rodney's opening speech is also lame, but not as lame as Mookie's. "I played a FANTASTIC social game and was the key decision maker in every merge vote." That's really easy to say in hindsight. When four people are making the same decision every round, how can you claim to be the swingvote when you had no intention of breaking the F4 anyway? And what is a good social game if you broke the VCR alliance without telling them they were in danger, and then openly admitting in your opening statement that you were just using them in lieu of your real F4?
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Post #105: 3rd Nov 2015 11:25 AM 
I liked both mookie and Rodneys jury speeches. Rodney was a critical vote in a LOT of different scenarios in this game and had perhaps the most options out of anyone to make it to the end.

I think my issue with voting for Monica is that she had no influence this entire game. For me, personally, Survivor is about how well you can exercise influence over other people. My jury question to her is going to be, "was there any time in this game where you determined who went home?" The only vote that she was a part of where her number 1 choice went home was the Fairplay round, every other vote she seemed force to go along with, (even the Angie boot, she told me she wanted to keep Angie). I feel like a vote for her would be a bitter one for me, because I just don't think that being REALLY good at moving images around on boards and being able to post at certain seconds exactly means that you're a good survivor player. She had no power in this game and no influence.

And people can criticize Mookie and Rod for having a comfy four person alliance to help them with their decisions, but that alliance took WORK. We all had to build up good social connections outside of it, we had to spend sometimes hours every day maintaing and building our positions. They didn't just get handed majority, they had to work for it. I didn't just give Mookie my idol arbitrarily to save the alliance, he really needed to convince me that it'd be worth it. It's a lot harder to maintain a four-person alliance with the most strategic people in the game then it is to show up every other day to win a challenge.
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