We were dodging rocks, then started talking about if we should teleport to avoid the rocks but never decided to teleport because not everyone was here to put follows on Brie, the General mentioned he was tied up and asked why, then the General got crushed by a rock. Rita and I are waiting for the explanation of why the General was tied up.
I was going to ask for a recap as well but after reading this it seems like i didn't miss much! Hope there's explanation on the tying soon!
Im fine switching over teams. One thing to consider is that andrael has a follow on brie right now if he doesn't come back before phase change hes with her.
Regardless of how the teams end up, we should make a plan to meet back up if possible in the event of our numbers dwindling. I feel that teams of six and seven are about as small as traveling groups should get for purpose of overall safety.
Is there anyone that can switch over to keep myself and brie together?