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"Through me you go to the grief wracked city; Through me you go to everlasting pain; Through me you go a pass among lost souls. Justice inspired my exalted Creator: I am a creature of the Holiest Power, of Wisdom in the Highest and of Primal Love. Nothing till I was made was made, only eternal beings. And I endure eternally. Abandon all hope - Ye Who Enter Here"

Dante, Inferno

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Phase 22; - Raking Czair [Teleported]
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Group:Lost Soul
Post #1: 19th Apr 2012 4:13 AM 
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Post #2: 19th Apr 2012 4:14 AM 
Is it just me or are there 2 blocks to the south that are filled with lava?
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Post #3: 19th Apr 2012 4:17 AM 
yeah thought so

Just remembered Czair said it was 3x3 so i thought my map was off
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Post #4: 19th Apr 2012 4:18 AM 
pretty good map you got there baggy
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Post #5: 19th Apr 2012 4:23 AM 
Well Helios knows best about the shuttles
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Post #6: 19th Apr 2012 4:27 AM 
Any tracks Korr?
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Group:Lost Soul
Post #7: 19th Apr 2012 4:30 AM 
The other group has far more firepower then we do though. We have like 1 gun, some tofu and a handful of explosives while they have a whole arsenal

It would be stupid too attack us. We can tell them we ousted Wikey, Rayne and Rob as bad guys, surely there arnt more left.

Also I can try and track them down with my ability but I fear wikey will follow us till the ends of the earth and just block me :/
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Post #8: 19th Apr 2012 4:32 AM 
there arnt more left in our group :D

We can tell them we went to the truth guards and are 100% sure they were lied too and we had the right one

Im not sure if they will listen though
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Post #9: 19th Apr 2012 4:34 AM 
Dr wrote that Kiwi was "the devil"

She might have written that because Kiwi was the one who lied about the guards. Cant know for sure though, but like you said last round they probably have two liars. Which would make 5 bad guys, think we have 6?
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Post #10: 19th Apr 2012 4:34 AM 
Also Leos said he sensed "someone get choked" which would indicate that maybe 2 stragglers found each other and one murdered the other? Which would kinda mean the butcher is one of the stragglers (Aspen?)
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Post #11: 19th Apr 2012 4:39 AM 
I really think Rayne is the "survivor" of this game. Boc had that role last game

Basically he doesnt really want to kill anyone but if he wants to win he has to escape first and thus we all loose. He like locks the door behind him or something, dooming us all. Probably because he is ashamed or scared or whatevs

I just think Rayne didnt really realize it lol
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Post #12: 19th Apr 2012 4:40 AM 
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Post #13: 19th Apr 2012 4:41 AM 
Bagshot @ 19/4/2012 3:40
Oh right he was the one who didn't have the "any sane prisoner escapes" part in his role, right?

yeah exactly.

He said he had "pretty similar to ours but not the same". Which kinda makes me think he is the survivor
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Group:Lost Soul
Post #14: 19th Apr 2012 3:01 PM 
If we even had Zelda, who would we revive? No one comes to mind...

Since Korr says there are no tracks here we can assume the other group teleported from the previous room into the room wikey was in? (As in the room north of here). Anyone agree?

I also saw either Aspen or Vega go south when we went north. IF they havnt been here or into the previous room that suggests that either the next room to the north has an east exit, or that they died in that room.

Will be interesting too see

Traps Klaus?
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Group:Lost Soul
Post #15: 19th Apr 2012 4:27 PM 
Maybe the Mikey "transformation" takes a few phases?

Im still waiting on my results so we will see.
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