Before we go... Wikey do you remember anything about how things ended the first day in this place? I knocked myself out both phases so yeah, I have no clue what happened then.
Hmm... I have an idea.
*Gives Bible to Wikey*
This way we can avoid you doing all the mimicking around. Select the words you want to say with your finger, I'll read them.
<OOT: of course, only if this is allowed by Mr. Willis himself>
Also: ##Exit: West | Well I guess Mr. Willis is up against the idea of using the bible. You're such an annoying man Mr. Willis.
I'm guessing you're puzzled about my garments? I'm a priest ... Well an ex-priest. I do exorscism's for a living. If they only paid for that shit. Anyways, there's a demon (or multiples?) supposed to be in here... I have to kick there asses. But if I fail, I knock myself out for a phase. |