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The NDim Crisis: Day 6
Russell Stansfield
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 0
Group:The Fourth Wall
Joined:Jun 24, 2014
Post #1: 5th Jul 2014 12:07:44 AM 
Suddenly! A portal warps onto the stage and the Narrator himself leaps out of it! How majestic! This man continues to outdo himself!

My loyal audience, your noble Narrator has returned! Let us discover the fate of another one of our poor members.

Lights, please! Music!


What in the world is this nonsense?! Open the curtain at once!

Ah, our hero for today is an eccentric young man wielding a.... bagel?! Put that down, boy! You never know when you'll need both hands! A noise is heard in the background and the young man looks behind his shoulder.

Posted Image: So these guys on the internet might ban me today.
Posted Image: Oh that's weird. *raises eyebrow*
Posted Image: Can I be banned too?
Posted Image: No you're not on FE.
Posted Image: Yo what the hell is FE?
Posted Image: It's a---

Suddenly, a crackle and fizz is heard from the computer! What is this?! As the man turns around, he finds his bagel is dripping all over the place! He quickly wolfs it down and begins slamming on the keyboard. This will surely work! In doing so, FE is refreshed....

Due to abuse of this account, it has been permanently banned from Further Entertainment

Administrator's Note on this ban:

i need to fill 3 spots for borneo :|||||||||||||||||||


Hot Cocoa has been banned.

Posted Image
Alignment: Town
Role: Inventor
Character: Hot Cocoa

You are Hot Cocoa, an eccentric college kid who became one of the fastest rising members of 2014 with his quirky posts and strange behavior. After being thought to be a girl for half his stay in FE, he unveiled himself (and his lovely singing voice!) in the Bohemian RhapFEdy raffle ticket contest.

Hot Cocoa has become known for coming up with unorthodox ideas on the spot and he will continue to do this in a time of crisis. Before him are three shapely, colorful buttons. Resist the temptation... or press them?! We press them of course! Each button has an unknown effect that may or may not become apparent once you use them. Each night phase, pick a button and watch what happens. Or don't.

You can use your inventions multiple times, but only after pressing all buttons at least once.

Your invention options are as follows:

A big rectangular yellow button. Push it and say the name of another player. (That player will be silenced the next day phase.)

A round red button, covered with a plastic shell that can flip open. Push it and say a single word. (Anyone who says that word will get a mystery lynch vote. If they say it again, the vote will be unlynched. This will continue for anytime they say it.)

A small blue square button. No specific instructions for this button. (You will steal the ability of a dead player for one night.)

(Yellow text hidden from player)

Curses! Button Boy has been vanquished. Perhaps today can be a bit more peaceful.

But... the day is not yet ready to begin. Curtain, please!

The curtain abruptly closes and opens back up momentarily with a new hero. With his tongue sticking out and fingers up in the air, the Scandinavian has his mission in mind.

"I have a mission? Lol."

Pondering to himself, he suddenly remembers.


Oh no.... not you too!

"When Patrick Clinger thought to make this FREE TO USE service, he made sure to think of the userbase first. Now that Version 5 is out, Proboards is BETTER THAN EVER!"

No it isn't! Don't listen to them! Don't go to the dark side! I beg you!


Somebody do something! At once!


Due to abuse of this account, it has been permanently banned from Further Entertainment

Administrator's Note on this ban:

shut up

Herm has been banned.

Posted Image
Alignment: Cult
Role: Recruiter
Character: Herm

You are The Hermynator! You're a Swedish party boy from the KMB and the only tolerable regular from there who has graced himself onto FE. Generally friendly, Herm has yet to make any enemies unlike his compadres Mercuzo and Tim. You are fast becoming well known for your wacky and illogical theories in mafia games.

The recent problems on the board have turned you off from wanting to stick around here much longer. KMB has gone downhill as well with Mercuzo's recent flip out. So where else is there to go?

Posted Image

Ah yes. It calls you from a distant place. The man himself, Patrick Clinger, has reeled you back into the horrific Proboards craze. Now as an official recruiter for Proboards FREE AND EASY TO MAKE MESSAGE BOARDS you will go on a hunt each night to recruit someone new for the cause. If successful, they will join you on your mission. Your goal is outnumber the rest of the players in the game. But be very careful as attempting to recruit scum of any kind will result in your own demise.

Thank goodness!
Russell Stansfield
User Avatar

Offline Marker
Reputation: 0
Group:The Fourth Wall
Joined:Jun 24, 2014
Post #2: 6th Jul 2014 1:14:44 AM 

WOOOOOOOOSH! The angry waters deliver our very wet narrator onto the stage for another ban session. Upon landing, the narrator wipes his suit twice to make him completely dry. How remarkable! Speaking of remarkable.... how about that day? Finger pointing! Accusations! Claims! Yelling! Death! Inevitably...

Ah.... lights please? Good! Music?


Oh yes. Our hero. We had many potential heroes for today but at the very last minute, there was a single man who was decided upon.

Bobbing his head along with the music, the poor man had no idea what was about to come to him. Would it be Jeffrey? No? Mal? Certainly! No? Henry! Who else?! No!? Dylan! Ah, yes! No to him either?! Well.... Zersch?


The man sees the accusations come his way as the votes pile on. But of course, he has a defense! A very good one! As Zersch begins to defend himself... he finds himself unable to ever do it.

Due to abuse of this account, it has been permanently banned from Further Entertainment

Administrator's Note on this ban:

sry i think this is right

Well if Shadow believes it's right... it must be right. Zersch shakes his head in disappointment and goes back to tell his buddy that it's all over.

Wait a minute.... buddy? AH HA! SCUM BUDDY!

Zersch has been banned.

Posted Image
Alignment: Town
Role: Vengeful Lover
Character: Zersch

You are Zersch, who probably has triple the reputation you could ever have. This is likely due to the fact that Natalie ups it every minute of every day, but nonetheless, it's an impressive feat. He also has one hell of a PM box, similarly spammed to bits with Natalie messages. It's a great mystery what exactly Zersch and Natalie discuss that has struck all our curiosities. Still, Zersch is probably the most likable member on the site. This may be why he was voted Best Member for the 2013 FE Awards, but we're not completely sure. He's been around forever and despite this, has stayed completely drama-free and nobody has ever has a bad thing to say about him. We are awaiting the day that Zersch cracks and becomes the biggest bastard the board has ever seen.

Zersch has a secret. He has a lover. And while many would suspect it would be Natalie, it is actually CENSORED! Zersch and CENSORED are best pals and with the site under attack, he cannot imagine what the site would be without CENSORED. As long as CENSORED is alive, Zersch is with the town until the end. But should CENSORED ever be banned, Zersch will vow vengeance against the party that did it. If the case of a lynch, the hammer vote will be the deciding factor. If it comes to this, Zersch will make it his own personal mission to see to it that every single person from that alignment dies. If they do, Zersch will walk away from the site a happy man.

You win when all threats to the town have been banned (for now).

Oh no.... Zersch was an innocent man. And he has a friend! Well... at least that friend is still with us, right?

Suddenly the curtain closes before reopening with a new hero... oh no. The strong young boy looks at his computer with misty eyes. His best friend... banned forever. And... and for what?! FOR WHAT PURPOSE?! With a grit of the teeth and slamming of the fists, the strong young boy vows to leave the site forever. He goes to Shadow directly and requests something... no! Don't do it! You have so much to live for!

Due to abuse of this account, it has been permanently banned from Further Entertainment

Administrator's Note on this ban:

user requested ban

USER REQUESTED BAN?! Who would do such a thing?

Dylan has been banned!

Posted Image
Alignment: Town
Role: Suicidal Lover
Character: Dylan

Dylan J. Rogers is a scrawny Canadian who has been 16 years old for many years. His mom considers him a strong young boy. He mainly lurks any thread that has to do with sports due to the fact that he never got picked to play anything growing up. He also only knows how to make one facial expression.

Dylan has a secret -- he's in love. With somebody on the board as a matter of fact. And that person is Zersch! Dylan and Zersch are pals and Dylan simply cannot imagine what this place would be without him. Should anything result in Zersch being banned, Dylan will take his own account out of grief. Both of you must survive this together!

Oh my.
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