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The NDim Crisis: Day 4
Russell Stansfield
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Offline Marker
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Group:The Fourth Wall
Joined:Jun 24, 2014
Post #1: 1st Jul 2014 12:14:34 AM 
The ghostly image of the fourth-wall-breaking Narrator appears, once again, materializing before the crowd onto the strange stage that never seems to stand any other time. With a snap of the fingers, he clears his throats.


The spotlight once again shines brightly onto our red headed story teller. He looks to the skies. "MUSIC!", he shouts as he points to the PA system.


The Principality of Sealand? Now what could that be alluding to?

The curtain opens up to find a ginger strumming his guitar, starring mindlessly at his computer screen as all those before him. "Cunts..." he mumbles to himself, once again seeing Vic's name shine a lovely black color. What an utterly wasteful day.

The ginger kicks back in his seat and waits. That is all he has been doing. Waiting. Waiting for that special visitor to come see him so that he can find just exactly who they are and what they do. He wants information and he wants it now. Anything can help FE in it's efforts to rid this threat. At long last, a notification pops up. Ah, he has received a visitor! Now let's see who paid a visit!

With the press of a refresh button, our English friend is appalled by what he sees.

Due to abuse of this account, it has been permanently banned from Further Entertainment

Administrator's Note on this ban:

Caleb watches Amber sleep from the closet. NT

"NO YOU CUNT!" our hero shouts at the top of his lungs, before smashing his guitar at the computer. Who is responsible for this?!

Wikey has been banned!

Posted Image
Character: Wikey
Alignment: Town
Role: Priest

Wikey is a guitar playing ginger from Merry Ol' England who usually goes around calling people cunts. He is FE's resident pretentious asshole and he knows it. Although these days he's usually busy getting drunk and either posting nonsense on the board, breaking his keyboard or delaying the trial of a certain Mad King.

A long time member of this community, Wikey isn't as active as he once was but is still perceptive as they come. He won't bother investigating much at night nor will he even figure out the identities of those who decided to stop by. But should someone pay him a visit, he will learn what role it was that did visit him.

You win when all threats to the town have been banned.

Ah, but wait!

The curtain closes for a few brief moments before re-opening. WILL THIS MADNESS EVER CEASE? More bodies to be banned? How crass! As we lay upon our next subject, something becomes very obvious...

...it's a girl! Using a computer! How strange! As she makes a Nord dressed in battle armor dance in a sea of cabbage, she receives an alert. It is time to do the deed. She opens up our beloved website here, ready to strike the plan she has in mind. But for what greater purpose is it? For good? FOR EVIL? A costly misstep? Oh my. The possibilities are endless!

Still, devilish as she may always appear, her intentions will remain unknown. Why? Because it appears another person also had her in their plans tonight. And with just another press of the F5 key, our heroine... or villainess potentially.... is staring at the screen she never thought she'd see.

Due to abuse of this account, it has been permanently banned from Further Entertainment

Administrator's Note on this ban:

ty for the doll tho~

DR has been banned!

Posted Image
Alignment: Mafia
Role: Roleblocker
Character: Rose

DR, Drr, Drrr, Drrrr, Drrrr or Rose is an aspiring arteest from hicksville Pennsylvania. She is *GASP* a real, live actual girl on the internet which gives her much unwarranted attention. She has a racist family with several annoying, bratty nieces and nephews which causes her to hide in her room far more than is probably healthy. On a typical day she stays up till at least 6 AM playing Skyrim or something else equally productive.

Despite being a pivotal part of the community, Drr has been held down for years. Even when given a promotion as the big red button overseer, Drr was not allowed in the very active and hippity hopping staff room that KC, Boc and Curtis spent their days in. Enough was enough and it's time for a change. Resisting the temptation to push the button, Drr will instead destroy the site from the inside. Each night, she can choose one target, who will get an error message for their efforts if successful.

A roaring applause.
Russell Stansfield
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Offline Marker
Reputation: 0
Group:The Fourth Wall
Joined:Jun 24, 2014
Post #2: 2nd Jul 2014 12:48:39 AM 

Before us stands the Narrator, lively as ever before! Wasting no time, he claps his hands.

"Lights, please!"

The spotlight, as it always does, shines down.

"I have a story."

The curtain opens up to reveal a man laying with his cat, his black beanie shooting up towards the skies. Why, what a familiar looking face... but a not so familiar looking expression. This man is happy, a state he rarely ever has a reason to be in. And why now? Damn near the entire board just tried to have his head! Is his misery over, perhaps?


The man doesn't have a care in the world as he refreshes his browser. But then...

Due to abuse of this account, it has been temporarily banned from Further Entertainment

Administrator's Note on this ban:

wait what, y cant i perma ban u

This ban will expire in 60 seconds.

How about that! Meanwhile.....

Boc sat on the floor on a laptop, stroking Ellie on the back who sat next to him. "I avoided KWITE the bullet there! (: " he says, noting Patrick's edge over him in the ban votes. He turns to his new best friend, who is panting by his side. "Thots Ellie?!" "WOOF!", Ellie barks, excited her master can continue his reign as ex-admin.

Boc logs back in to celebrate, but is utterly confused as to what he sees.

Due to abuse of this account, it has been permanently banned from Further Entertainment

Administrator's Note on this ban:

o there we go. sry patrick i think?

Boc scratches his head in confusion. Shadow has made a horrible mistake! Ellie howls in dismay as her master's name turns from the yellow it's always been to black. How tragic.

Boc has been banned.

Posted Image
Character: Boc
Alignment: Town
Role: Secret Agent

Boc, aka Carter, is one of the core members of FE and one of the three admins. He is arguably the most respectable staff member on the site for staying relatively neutral and likable to all, in contrast to when Curtis goes crazy with power in all his gingerness. Carter is also well known for once being a fat ass, but becoming incredibly skinny in record time.

Unfortunately Boc's admin powers were revoked out of security, however he still maintains a personal mission to get to the bottom of this. For now, Secret Agent Boc Boda is at your service. As an agent, Boc can send an anonymous message to any scum association in the game. That message will then be relayed to the base of the team or individual he chose to send it to. The message can say absolutely anything, so long it doesn't violate any of the general rules. Outside of roles that may block you in the general sense, there will be no verification if the message was successfully received in case you use it to try to see if a group still or ever did exist.

You win when all threats to the town have been banned.
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