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The NDim Crisis: Day 1
Russell Stansfield
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Group:The Fourth Wall
Joined:Jun 24, 2014
Post #1: 25th Jun 2014 12:19:29 PM 
The Narrator clears his throat.

Hello my loyal audience! It is I, Russell Stansfield the third, your honorable narrator for the evening. I will be conducting tonight's banning. Will it be a victory or a tragedy? A comedy or a drama? A musical even perhaps? Hmmm... hit me with some comforting music to fit the mood!

The lights dim. A spotlight aims it's shine upon the lonely Narrator, stood upon the closed stage. A soft song begins playing from nowhere in particular!


Ah yes. That reminds me of Our Lady of El Rocío, the beautiful sculpture that millions of grubby Spanish hands touch one day a year in the name of GOD and JESUS and other such things that I am totally unaware of.

The Narrator looks up the skies from which he just descended from.

....or am I?

A devilish smirk appears across the Narrator's face before he clear his throat, ready to get back to the main point of today's arrival on Earth.

It resides in the home of our protagonist for the evening... Korr. You see, Korr is a gifted young man from the land of Spain. He is a creative mind that has been part of this online community for many years. But when a crisis would come to strike this community, how can it come to be that the board's artist be the first one to face the wrath of the ban button? Your attention, please....

The curtain opens to a hairy actor on stage with a blue bowl on his head, strange white liquids dripping down onto his body. The smell is horrid. The man taps away at the computer in front of him.

"Bots have taken over again," he proclaims as he witnesses the board he has contributed so much to, unappreciated I might add, begins to fall apart before his very eyes. A new post pops up. With the flick of the F5 button, the man's eyebrows shoot downward as he sees what he sees.

"Now I remember why I didn't wanna play...", a grumpy man quips. Our hero taps away at his keyboard, submitting a new message for all to see in response to this message. "##lynch Bryce, silly comment right there!" With a smirk, we can see our hero is only just kidding. Within moments, he retorts his last message. "Just adding to the Day 1 shenanigans!" he replies, unlynching the ball kicker.

But perhaps that moment of jest was his biggest downfall thus far.

"Silly lynch right there," a horse yells as he calls for the immediate banning of the Spaniard.
"BAN KORR!" yells another man, for no particular reason whatsoever.
"Korr for sexism, etc", says another man.

At first, this did not seem like such a big deal. There are many members here on this community, many of which would certainly come to such a respected member's aid. Or... was there?

"I'm seriously getting banned with only 3 votes?"

With the rest scattered and our hero being the only one with multiples... well, yes. That is certainly what is about to happen. Korr frantically refreshes the board in an attempt to escape certain defeat, but he is greated to a new message.

Due to abuse of this account, it has been permanently banned from Further Entertainment

Administrator's Note on this ban:

what am i supposed to put here?

The man slams his fists onto the desk. Was his master plan foiled?! Or was an innocent taken out before our very eyes? Shadow returned to the board after doing the deed.

He bowed his head and revealed to all the true details of Korr's mission.

KORR has been banned!

Posted Image
Character: Korr
Alignment: Town
Role: Hider

Korr, aka Kru, is a Spaniard who serves as FE's prime arteest. He normally portray's strange non-human beings and was thought to, himself, be non-human until he unveiled himself in a heap of disgusting smelling Spanish milk for the BBPE tournament. Korr also hosts a series of Lab-inspired games and runs a friendly affiliated community, which hosts many FE regulars.

Korr is quite privy to coding and since the crisis has broken out, has learned to manipulate FE in a few ways to his advantage. One of these methods is tethering his account to another's. Each night, Korr can choose a target to tether himself to. Upon doing this, anyone who targets Korr for any reason at night will fail no matter what the intention was. However, anything that happens to Korr's target will happen to Korr. This includes banning so be careful!

You win when all threats to the town have been banned.

Oh no! A terrible injustice! You will be avenged to the very end, my friend. But for now, we part. I will see you in the skies.

The curtain closes and the narrator ascends back to the skies.
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